The Poem

The Poem

She knew from the day she saw him

That he wanted her

What she doesn't know was his motive

Was he one of those conquest seeking guys

Was he the serious type one can plan a future with?

She believed herself to be a good judge of character

When the time comes, she will deal

They live in the same estate

They are members of the same social club

She didn't get it

This guy liked her

She liked the guy

She deliberately made herself approachable

He didn't take any of her hints and cues

For two years

The harder she tried

The more frustrated she became

Curiously, he didn't date any other girl

He hanged around her, walked her home

He protected her interests, always aligned with her

That was it

He came to her flat with some folks one day

She was in a shower

They left

The next day they met

She got home and found an unsigned poem, right under her door...

''I wish I was in that shower with you

I would have seen

And not have to imagine

Wonders unlocked with glee

Tantalizing my innate desire

To break the dam of pleasure

I would have seen the curves, the slants

Of nature’s crowning glory

I would have seen you

Occupier of my thoughts

I wish I was in the room with you

Watching you wear your laid out attire

I would have seen the method behind the magic

Which do you wear first?

How do you wear it?

Do you sing while you dress?

Look at the mirror?

Wink at yourself?


Do you even remember or think of me?

I wish I laid right there beside you

As you read this message

With a smile on your face

Getting warm in your heart

Getting all knotted up in the belly

As you hear my voice like a whisper

Caressing your special spots

Questioning your defenses

Asking you to open, open and let me in

Here I am

Waiting on the night to sing

A song in silence to rhapsodic reawakening

Of the sensations of blissful wonder

Within the core of the one I desire

Probing, pleading and asking

Be my wife,

All I have to offer for now

Are words and promises of a great tomorrow

Be my future"

She danced for joy

They had practically been courting for two years

He needn't even bring a ring

She had always loved him

She resisted the urge to call him

She went to his house the next day

She said: 'I will be your wife, I will be your future'

His eyes lit up

He hooted!!!

Wedding plans began in earnest

Few weeks later

A young man walked up to her

Young man: I came to your house once with so and so

You were in the shower and we were in a hurry

I came back that evening

I wrote you a poem

I dropped it under your front door

Did you get it?

She looked at the young man and started laughing

He looked puzzled but she couldn't stop

Her fiance came

What's funny?

She: ''The day I said I will be your wife, I will be your future'' was I the one proposing to you?

He: ''Yes, I was going to but i was saving the money for the right ring''

She: Say a big thank you to this young man, his poem made me propose to you

Today they have the poem

Framed and positioned

On their picture wall

Right in the middle of other great events

They care to tell whoever has ears

The story of the young man

Who wrote a poem to woo a lady

A poem the lady read and promptly proposed to the love of her life


The End