A lot of people assume they are in control of their thoughts and actions.
Eve thought as much when she was eating the forbidden fruit.
Cain thought as much when he was consumed by envy and jealousy against his brother.
Peter thought as much when he told Jesus to stop saying he would be crucified for the sins of the whole world.
Judas thought as much when he was offered the 20 talents of silver.
Joseph's brothers felt selling their brother was the best Idea in the whole world.
Apostle Paul felt that way when he was going to Jerusalem out of Zeal to preach to the Jews.
The Ethiopian Eunuch felt Philip appeared by coincidence.
The Roman Soldiers said the grave of Jesus was opened by men and the body of Jesus was stolen.
Saul felt he was defending Jehovah when he went to get letters from the chief priest in order to persecute the church.
When the King promised that anybody who brought him an elephant for sacrifice would be highly honoured, the tortoise did not go to the elephant with the news of the truth.
He disguised his intentions and deceived the elephant that going to the palace was a good idea and to the benefit of the elephant.
Delilah did not tell Samson she was paid to know his secret.
When Caesar said "Et tu Brute", it was because he was shocked that someone he trusted and believed had good intentions towards him could turn on him so easily and stab him in the back.
When the Jews were crucifying Jesus, they didn't know that by so doing they were crucifying the Lord of Glory and crowning the man they Killed forever as Lord and saviour of the whole world.
I could continue with the instances and examples,
they are loudly written all over the script of history.
When the devil prevails upon people to take an action, they often feel they are the ones taking the action all on their own and for good reason.
A murderer will always have a motive.
A thief will always have an excuse.
A liar will always have his fears.
A cheat will always have a reason for doing what he or she wanted to do all along.
There are prevailing Spirits at work all over the world.
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world. - St John
The prevailing Spirit of anarchy and unrest started ringing its bell at the end of the first quarter of this year.
In some cases, the unrest started earlier.
It didn't ring it in one continent.
It rang in America, In Kenya, In Nigeria, In Germany, the United Kingdom and several other countries.
The watchers saw it and called the attention of the Sons to it.
Do not sleep, chaos is afoot.
The sons are different from the children of the night.
They are children of the day, governed by the Holy Spirit.
They know that there are strange spirits but they do not allow such spirits to lead them.
They know the Spirits instigate people to bring sorrow, tears and blood.
To kill, to steal and to destroy.
They know the spirit will arm men with excuses.
"Immigrants are taking away our way of life".
"There is hunger in the land".
"The government officials are the enemy".
"They rigged the last election".
Some will slide into hate and some will throw caution into the wind and say things that will ruin their lives.
There is nothing to gain by disturbing the peace.
The end has never justified the means.
Guys looted shops and businesses in the United Kingdom, they looted in Kano.
The former is deemed a first-world country and the latter a third-world country.
Human nature is the same all over the world regardless of race and colour.
People got killed in the name of protest, people got killed in the name of riot, businesses got destroyed, many people got traumatised.
How can anyone say God had a hand in what we did?
How can God be on the side of the mob?
They have all been led by the devil, you have done his bidding.
They have brought him death, ruined lives and destroyed destinies.
He sang the song of discontentment, the same song Eve danced to at the beginning and the same song Judas danced to as regards Jesus.
Eve danced and so did Judas.
Many in the last few weeks have been dancing too.
My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. Proverbs 1:10, my mother's favourite memory verse which she drummed into my ears when I was still unwise.
All the Christians who participated in the protest and are still participating cannot boldly say "The Holy Spirit told me to", or "God led me to", I heard clearly from the Lord to join the protest or the protesters.
If you see any Pastor among the protesters, he or she did so as led by his or her feelings or flesh.
God has never instigated a mob to do his bidding and he will never do so.
He left the builders of the Tower of Babel in rubble and turned his attention to Abraham.
God has always dealt with mankind one-on-one.
No protester in Africa or the United Kingdom did so as a means of establishing the will of God.
No rioter in Kenya or Liverpool is doing so as a means of fulfilling divine instruction.
They all have their reasons but their identity as believers was dismissed.
They followed the way of Cain.
I am urging them to repent.
I write to the sons of God, the citizens of Zion who have invested their money, energy and time into this vanity to turn back from this path of the children of Esau.
This is not us.
This is not your Identity.
This is not your nature.
This government or whatever government can never be your source.
You have come unto Mount Zion, the city of the living God.
You are in this world but not of this world.
Remember the seal of Christ, remember his name that is named upon you.
Remember your calling in Christ is unto peace.
Remember that the world is what it is and what it will always be.
You were given a way out long before now which you took when you accepted the citizenship of Heaven through Christ.
Do not cast aside your divine identity so easily.
Turn away from the bidding of darkness, turn into the light!
PS: Those of us who belong to one tribe in the flesh and are insulting another tribe or calling other tribes names and saying derogatory things about them cannot in good faith claim to be believers in the Lord Jesus.
"For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit."
There are only two groups globally
1) Children of resurrection
2) Children of the flesh
We as the first category were told to live at peace with those who belong to the second.
When the members of the second category start their usual displays as led by their taskmaster, we are not to join them or follow them.
We know the manner of Spirit within us!
Written exclusively to the Citizens of the Kingdom of His Own Dear Son
Your Brother,
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