Killing Sacred Cows
I have done crusades
In many villages, I am still doing crusades
In villages and cities!
I have shaken hands with and hugged
many people who many feared as
None of these things move me
If you’re born again and full of the Holy
Spirit, you need not be afraid in this world
We dont pray to get saved
We accept the gift of God and confess
him as Lord and saviour
Then we begin to walk in the reality
of Christ daily
How can village people touch you in
Christ? Unless you're just a Christian
for the sake of religion
Walk in the light, you have overcome!
I spent 8 years praying anti village
people prayers after I had become
a born again Christian
It was a waste of productive time
Prayer points that were not borne
of revelation or relationship with the
Holy Spirit
Pastors doing demonic researches
to concoct prayer point in church!
I went to do a crusade at Kirikiri in
I met many prayer warriors praying
against principalities and powers in
I almost cried
They were praying against the spirit
of death and darkness
They don’t understand the gospel
I taught them who they are
They are the light
When they get to a place, light
shines through
They were praying that God should
come down and manifest His power
I told them they are the ones to
manifest the power of God
Jesus didn’t tell us to ask God to
manifest Jesus said “These signs
shall follow them that believe!”
They got it
We had a great crusade in Kirikiri
The power of the Holy Spirit was
present to save and deliver
Knowledge made all the difference
You must agree with God that you
are who He has made you in Christ
Jesus You are full of the Holy Ghost
You’re God’s habitation Shine!!!
My grandfather had a piece of land
in our hometown that he couldn't
build because of some opposition.
When he was going to die, he insisted
they must bury him on the land so
that the opposition wouldn't take
it over
After I became a believer, I built a
hospital in his memory on the land
People said "Beware of village people,
they will get you. I said okay, I went
to the chief opposition's house and
sat with him I ate lunch at his house
Two days later he sold me his four
acres of farmland with joy
I am the principality in my village
I am a Christkind!
Those practicing Christianity
In theory without any evidence of
the Holy Spirit at work in their lives
are the ones afraid of village people.
I am an associate of the Godkind, a
member of the associate of the
saints in light.
My faith is not theoretical
I live the higher life!
God told Moses I will make you a god
unto Pharaoh but God didn't tell
Pharaoh the same thing
It was up to Moses to act in concert
with God's word or get intimidated
by Pharaoh
The same is the relationship of a
believer with village people
You're either walking in victory or not
My life is the evidence of a glory to glory
reality of a believers walk with the
Holy Spirit The moment I realized I was
practicing religion and not Christ, I did
a metanoyo Instead of chasing shadows,
I turned to the Holy Spirit “Teach me
your way” was my cry He did!
If village people can call your name in
the spirit and you answer them, it means
you’re not born again!
The Holy Spirit can never move a
believer to answer a demonic call!
As long as you can still be enchanted
by the works of darkness, check your
standing in Christ. Examine your faith!
One day, we will all come to recognize
that we were not called to live a
mundane life in Christ
You cannot be walking in power and
be a victim to village people at the
same time You’re either free or in
You’re either shinning or bleak
You determine your reality in life!
Some believers are defending the
reality of village people more than
their reality in Christ
All I know is Christ
His knowledge brought me this far,
far above the reality of my fellows
His oil is dripping from my head as I
write I am anointed in the son I can
never be afflicted!
The kind of Christianity that you
practice that demons will be pouncing
on you in the middle of the night and
pinning you to the bed and to the wall
has convinced you that your village
people are equals with your God.
What are pity?
Princes walking while slaves are riding
We will be building the Pneuma City in
my village Even my mother was shocked
I dared to purchase so much land there
for a project but I know the power that
is at work in me I will give no room
either physical or spiritual to the devil
I have the Spirit of Dominion through
One day, we will all come to recognize
that we were not called to live a
mundane life in Christ
You cannot be walking in power and be
a victim to village people at the same
You’re either free or in bondage
You’re either shinning or bleak
You determine your reality in life!
I pray without ceasing!
The scripture taught us how to pray
and I do the scripture.
I pray in the spirit and I pray in
understanding as led by the Holy Spirit.
I intercede and minister unto the Lord.
My fellowship is sacred and I don’t
speak “darkness” in His Holy Presence!
When it comes to living the divine life,
there is no WE! It is either you get it
and you're walking in it or you're now
You cannot be a fowl and a guinea
fowl at the same time but you can be
tricked to think you are Until you get it,
you will walk according to what you
Some pastors should not be surprised
if Jesus asked them to kneel down and
face the wall when they get to heaven
because of the unscriptural nonsense
they teach believers in the name of
life experience or personal revelation
that has no bearing on the finished
work of Christ!
Jokes apart, you need to get your village
people saved Don't use them as an
excuse not to walk in victory
They have no say in the direction your
life will go, in Christ, you have a
preordained path of glory
All things are yours If you don't walk
in this light, you will struggle
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