Man On Fire
He was born into a family of six
His mother was a short pretty woman
His Father, a tall gentleman
He was the last child
The first child was a girl, she was in primary 4
by the time he was born
The second child was also a girl, she was in
primary 2 by the time he was born
The third child was a boy He was six and about
to be enrolled in primary by the time he was born
He was the child they had after his parents
thought they were done with childbearing
He didn't know much of what transpired
before they changed churches
He just knew that his mother took him and
his elder ones to a church that was so different
from the ones they were attending before
His mother told them as they grew that a
prophet came to her in the market and
told her she was supposed to be worshipping
in a particular church
Her mother being a very superstitious person
convinced her Father they needed to
change churches
It wasn't as if her Father was a staunch Christian
He was brought a nominal Christian
They were attending one of the Orthodox
"A church where witches would comfortably
sit beside the Reverend and even eat the
communion" according to his mother
The new church was strange in many ways
It was a uniform-wearing church
He was too young to understand what was
going on
He remembered the special soaps and the
Somewhere along the line, his mother became
a prophetess
His Father went to the seminary of the church
and became a parish shepherd
He was nine years old when his parents started
a branch of the church
His Father was the Shepherd in Charge while his
mother was the Parish prophetess
His mother was quite good in the science and
the art of the supernatural
She would go into a trance for days and people
afflicted with all sorts of troubles will come to
consult her for spiritual guidance and direction
Most of those who met with her mother found
her prophecy and guidance to be very accurate
Military men, policemen and other people from
all walks of life also consulted with her mother
His mother consulted for many drug pushers,
they would bring the mule to her for special
spiritual work so that he or she would get to his
or her destination undetected
His mother's prophetic ability became legendary
Apart from the ability to prophesy, his mother
was also skilled in the art of preparing spiritual work
In the church, there were issues that had
preordained secrets with which they were handled
The custodians of these secrets teach it to the
younger ones both directly and indirectly
For example, if you go to any branch of their
church with a particular problem and you were
told to get a certain soap, candle, perfume,
coconut, palm frond, etc for the spiritual work
to be done, you can take the consultation note
from that parish and visit any other parish, you
will discover that it the same spiritual work
you will be given
In fact, you can get a consultation prescription
from one branch and do the spiritual work in
another branch
Many people come to his mother because her prayers
seemed to be answered speedily
He remembered the case of a young man
whose wife was snatched by an older man, the
man ran to his mother and his mother gave him
spiritual work to do
He did it and within three days his wife
returned home
There was another case of a man who travelled
abroad with the help of his mother's prayers and
sent eight cars home after a year
The man sent the eight cars through his mother's
younger brother who was also a member of the church
His mother's younger brother cleared the vehicles
and sold them
His mother's younger brother lived large off the
transactions, he even impregnated a lady
When the owner of the vehicles arrived home
and asked for the vehicles, his mother's younger
brother came running to his mother and spiritual
work was done
The man forgot all about the vehicles
that was how effective spiritual work is
The djinns his mother had access to were
over two hundred
He had never seen any face to face but sometimes
he would feel their presence
His mother would call them by name and act as if
they were visible to everybody
Sometimes she would say "Michael, that was not
the discussion we had"
Or "Kolea, don't forget we are doing warfare work of
seven elders tonight, please make sure
you are around"
HIs Father's eyesight suddenly developed
a problem
He was in his early fifties when the problem started
It forced his father into retirement
He became a full-time shepherd
His mother became the breadwinner of the family
People do not consult blind pastors for counsel,
no matter how respected they are
But people will consult a prophet even if the
prophet is mad
One day when he was in SS 1, he returned home from
school and instead of heading to the church as he
usually does he went straight home
He took the key from under the flower pot and
tried to open the door
To his surprise, the door was not locked
He walked in, changed his uniform and suddenly
heard strange sounds
in his mother's room
He walked towards the room and parted
the curtain
He saw his mother and his older brother,
having sex!
His mother was saying "Jara mo, Jara Mo goke,
po ogo re fun mi"
meaning "Put your back into it and climb upwards,
vomit your glory unto me"
They didn't see him
He sneaked out of the house and went straight
back to church
When he got to church he found his father, seated
on the bench
Since the eye problem started, his father's ears
had become much sharper
His Father heard him and asked him to come
He didn't want to say anything
But the thing blurted out of his mouth
"Father, I saw my Brother and Mummy in
the bed, doing ...."
His Father shushed him!
His Father in a trembling voice said "How did
you think I became blind? You must not
repeat this to anybody! Don't let your
mother know what you saw! Do you
want to become blind?
He got the message
Both his elder sisters and brother had become
prophets in the church by this time
His brother had learnt some little tricks
from his mother
If his brother wanted to sleep with any girl
All he had to do was touch the girl or ask the
girl to run an errand for him
The girl would lose her senses until he was
done with her
He had done it even to many married women
His mother used to laugh and tell him
"O si n k'ose lowo"
Meaning you're still a learner
His elder sisters were not any better
They could sleep with anything that says "come"
He lost count of the number of boyfriends they had
Eventually, his oldest sister got pregnant for
a man operating a tow-truck
He didn't really marry her because he was
already married
She stayed at home with them but the man comes
around often to give her
money for upkeep and feeding of the baby girl
she had for him
His second older sister also got pregnant,
she was in school when it happened,
she returned home from the Polytechnic she
was attending one day and said
she was no longer interested in schooling
She said she was pregnant and getting
The man she married was only five years
younger than their father
The man already had three wives
She also stayed at home with her baby while
the man comes around once or twice a month
to see her and the child
As he grew he got a better picture of things
His mother pimps out his sisters to some of her
spiritual clients
It was like having a temple priestess in pagan
The customers who get this service are those
in need of certain spiritual fortifications
against sexual entrapment from other women
they have sexual intercourse with, any diabolical
power aimed at doing them bodily harm and
also if they are in need of Spiritual power,
financial breakthrough and sex-related
His sisters would go into a trance just before
the intercourse so that the men would sleep
with the spirit, they have invoked into their
body for the occasion
He found a notebook with his mother's handwriting
detailing what each client wanted and which of his
sister was assigned the case and how much the
client paid!
He told his Father about the list and what he saw
His Father cried bitterly
His Father said his mother started doing the sexual
ritual herself years before
His father said his mother started with a very
powerful prophet she usually consults whenever
she had a difficult case
The prophet was the one who taught her the
basics of the spiritual work
The prophet was also the one who took her to
another senior prophet
in a neighbouring country for ordination
His Father said his mother told him herself
and warned him that if he dares challenge
her on her sexual activities the djinns she was
working with will kill him!
He had seen the power his mother wields in
the spirit realm
His sudden blindness had taught him a
huge lesson
His Father said he had to comply but he
didn't know the practice would be passed
down to his daughters
His Father begged him over and over not to
succumb to his mother's ways
He was 19 by this time and had just gained
admission into the University!
A few weeks before he resumed school,
his Father died!
Because of the things he had seen,
he had consciously withdrawn himself from
active church or spiritual works
He started dodging church services on
Sundays and on weekdays by pretending to be
studying for his University admission
He would be the first child in the family to
even attempt
His brother didn't even attempt to write any
examination, he barely managed to graduate
from secondary school
He got a part-time job at a yoghurt factory and
was also making some money with his
prophetic gift
The burial was an opportunity for his mother
to make some money
He didn't say a word to anybody
He knew his mother saw his insistence on
University education as a waste of time
His mother invited all her clients
She also did some spiritual work to ensure that
her clients were very generous
She had a client who deals in textile materials
The client told him how his mother did a
spiritual work for her that turned her from a
petty trader to a big-time textile merchant!
The client said her mother gave her a bottle
of water to sprinkle in her shop and it drew
customers from far near but more importantly,
"could you believe that the manufacturers would
supply me clothes and they would forget to ask
me to pay!"
I am talking about hundreds of thousand worth
of textile materials!
He took the advantage to inform the client about
his admission and the client graciously gave him
some money
This was how he went about during the party to
raise some money for his schooling
Two days after the funeral he left home, this was
the year 2008
He had promised his Father he would find a way
to liberate himself
The school offered it to him
He did everything to raise money in school
He started a business centre and did
other odd jobs
He managed to graduate in 2013
But since then things had been extremely though
Everywhere he went, he was told he had
to go back home
"Your mother is angry, your mother is hurt,
go back home, get naked and beg your
mother to release you!" was the message he
got from a prophet whom he went to for
He was still attending a uniform wearing church
That was all he knew
The prophets dont even see him whenever
they are seeing visions
When he approached them with his issues,
he got the "go back home treatment"
Then he met the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
It was a chance meeting in a taxify
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt was going to
Lagos Island
He was the driver
He heard the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt praying
with somebody over the phone
Praying in tongues
When the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt was done
He turned to Him and said "Sir, are you a pastor?"
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt: No, please
He: Sir, when you were praying, i felt vibrations
all over my body just as i used to feel vibrations in
my body when I am around spiritual people
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt: Have you been
around spiritual people a lot?
He: Sir, you cant believe it! My daddy was a pastor,
my mummy and two sisters are prophetesses
and my elder brother is a prophet! I grew up in
the middle of spirituality
I know spiritual people sir
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt: You grew up
in a uniform wearing church
He: Yes sir, how do you know?
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt: I spent eight years
in that church and I saw some strange and
demonic things!
He: Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Sir, can I park for a
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt: Yes, you can
He parked and he cried for a long time, then
he said "Do you remember that
Denzel Washinton movie in which he was killing
people all over Argentina? "Man on fire"?
That's how I feel! I want to go home and kill all
my family members and then kill myself!
They are all evil! Evil!! EVIL!!! Then he told
his story!
He had bottled it in for years afraid nobody
would believe him
"Sir, I studied electrical engineering, my life
has been locked up, please help me beg God
to set me free! This Taxify that i am driving, a
friend of mine owned the car, he went for an
interview somewhere and as soon as i dropped
him off, i decided to do some runs till about 12
noon when i will pick him up. My friend had been
driving the taxify for a while to keep body and soul
together! I have nothing to show for my 32 years of
existence sir, nothing " He cried
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told him
about Jesus
You have to walk away from everything
you thought you knew
You have to come into the light
You have to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
You have to walk in the light as He is the light
"I am willing sir", he cried
The prayed together, he received Jesus Christ
as His Lord and saviour and he began to pray
in tongues
That same night, his mother died!
He called the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
"Sir, I just got the call that she is dead! My mother!
Yes! My mother is dead and she has not forgiven
me or undo all the things she did to me! Is my life
not totally ruined like this?
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told him to watch
how his life would transform under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit
Just keep your fellowship with the Father intact,
let nothing come between you and the Holy Spirit
and see what will happen
He believed
The Holy Spirit showed up
He got a job at a local engineering firm
on a part-time basis that month
Two months later he got a better job at a
huge project somewhere on Lagos Island
He got married in March 2019
His sisters and elder brother are the ones
running the church at the moment!
We are all praying for a total liberation
of the other members of the family!
PS: This event happened in Iwo, Osun state
and Lagos Nigeria
There is only one name by which we might be
It is the name of Jesus
No matter how far gone into the occult you are
You can turn around today
No matter how far gone the occultic had affected
your life
It can be reversed today
No matter the power of the spell that you
might think you are under
The name of Jesus cures them all
No all who call him Lord or pray in his name
are his
Forsake darkness today and come into the
For those using the name of Jesus as a cover to
do devilish divinations
Divination is not of God
A day of recompense is coming
Finally, please stop sleeping around! Some people
have slept with demonic beings and are spreading
all sorts of pollution around
Don't become a host to a demon!
That sex might cost you more than a contraceptive!
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