Chain Breaker
Chain Breaker
She didn't really know why such a weird look fascinated her
The nose ring especially was a back breaker
Whenever she met any lady wearing a nose ring
She would stare at such a person with lust
For her the attraction the nose ring held was out of this world
But she wouldn't dare wear a nose ring
How would she explain such to her grandmother?
Her grandmother was a good Christian lady
A devoted adherent of the Baptist faith
When she lost her parents at the age of five
Her grandmother dropped everything and adopted her
Though her grandmother was a retired matron at the time
Her grandmother "unretired" herself by applying for the work
of a Matron in a private hospital
Her grandmother gave up her years of rest to cater for her
Her grandmother was fifty five when her parents died
Now at seventy-two, she wouldn't want to give the good woman any heart ache
She shrugged off her nose ring fetish and walked straight to class
She had just been admitted by direct entry into the University
It was her first day of official lectures
She needed to keep her focus!
When she got to class, she found herself seated directly beside the lady with the nose ring
As soon as her body touched the lady's body
Something happened!
She couldn't explain it but it was a sort of joy
Like someone meeting with an old friend!
They became fast friends
Later that day she went to the lady's room
The lady was living with her boyfriend
Campus couple!
Her boyfriend was weird
He had rings everywhere!
About fifty piercings all over his face alone
He was also sporting a face and neck tattoo
She realised immediately why her new friend was so happy
They chatted and talked
Poster adverts of punk stars and tattoo designs were all over the walls of their room
Everything in the room was weird and strangely dark
She didn't know why she wasn't put off
She felt right at home
Her friend's boyfriend taunted her for being a virgin
She found his language a bit too familiar
Until her friend explained to her that not having a tattoo on her
body was what the virginity talk was all about
She decided she wanted a second ear piercing and a tattoo somewhere hidden
The piercing machine was designed like a pistol
Her friend did the ear piercings for her while her friend's boyfriend watched
When it came to the tattoo, she didn't know where to put it
On her belly, on her back? On her thighs?
Her friend suggested her breasts
She rolled her eyes!
How would she bare herself to a total stranger that way?
Eventually she chose to put it on her waist
She was laid down on the couch face down
Her friend and her friend's boyfriend got to work
It was supposed to be a simple flower with her initials
Suddenly his hand was all over her waist
Rubbing her with a strange oil
It felt so tingly good, she didn't want him to stop
He knew she liked it
She squirmed and moaned and acted like she was floating on a cloud
He took off her clothes
Her friend was gone
She got it!
She didn't really know how she kowtowed without any resistance
But she realised she was supposed to sleep with her friend's boyfriend
It was simply supposed to be
He was good
It was deliberate and intentional
While the ride was getting to a plateau, he bit her on the neck
He bit her so deep that he drew blood
She screamed in pain but the the floodgates of pleasure also opened
It was like being in heaven and hell at the same time
She never left him after that
She never saw that friend of hers again
The guy became her Lord and Master
All she wanted to do was please him with her service
She was not out of her senses
Her purpose in life was merely made clearer to her
Serve him and you will be happy
At first she still tried to attend classes
But her heart was now on more serious things
She was always restless whenever she was not with him
She couldn't concentrate on anything
The mark on her neck was like the leash on a dog
She was his bitch and she wore it like a badge of honour
Anything he wanted was law
She gave him all her money
She gave him her body
Whenever he says he wanted to taste another lover
She would sit and watch or join the fun
As long as he was happy, she was glad!
She didn't go home for the first semester break
Her grandmother eventually came to her school to look for her
When she was found in her man's room
Her body covered with all sorts of tattoo and rings everywhere
Eyebrows, nose, lips, tongue, every space on her ear,
her navel, even down there like a walking graffiti
She had no story to tell than the obvious
She was his canvass and he loved to draw
Her grandmother fainted!
She didn't know why her grandmother didn't stay away
Everybody started talking about her on campus
It wasn't her fault people cant mind their businesses
She couldn't really tell what happened afterwards
Two days after her grandmother fainted and was carried away in an ambulance
Some men in military uniform arrived their peaceful abode
They bundled her into a car and beat her man blue black
She was driven straight to a white garment church
She was tied down like a lunatic and beaten with brooms in the name of deliverance
They treated her as if she was the devil
After three days of resistance, she gave in
She realised that the earlier she acted like she was back in her senses
The better for her
In all she spent twenty one days in the white garment church
She had no access to cigarettes, marijuana or alcohol
She talked normally and acted healed
They removed all the rings in her body and shaved her head
She was driven to her grandmother by the military men
Her grandmother told her it was one of her uncles who masterminded the operation
Early the next morning she left her grandmother's house
She went back to her man's house to see him and beg him to take her back
But he was gone!
She was told that he just packed his things and left after the raid!
Nobody knew where he went!
Later that evening she returned home
For weeks she was there, lost in an abyss of sorrow
Eventually the "Uncle" behind her predicament showed up
He told her he would put her in school and make sure she made something of her life
He was the first son of her grandmother's sister
That evening she returned to Port-Harcourt with her uncle
He put her in the University and made sure she well cared for
But nothing could take away that leash on her neck
Sometimes the point where he bit her would be throbbing
She would cry and cry
Why did they take away her master
She felt so lost, so rudderless
She couldn't date anybody
She was the weird one on campus
Short cropped hair tinted gold, rings everywhere
She dresses in such a way that whenever she met her owner,
he would know she was faithful to the cause
She loved him so much!
She graduated and was waiting for NYSC call up letter
It had been three years since they were torn apart
Her heart and soul and body were still on fire for him
She got an email
It was a flight ticket! Port-Harcourt to Lagos!!
The message read "Its time to come home"
She knew he was the one
She told her Uncle she would be going to Lagos to see her grand mother
Her plan was to elope with the love of her life
Her flight was for 2:45pm
She got to the airport early
When the flight was called she practically ran to board
She had barely settled down into her seat when a man in
Jeans and T-shirt greeted her
He said, "Can I sit beside you?"
She shrugged!
He sat down and something strange happened
Heat started building from her feet upwards
She started shivering violently
The flight attendants ran to her seat
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt said "Can I pray for you?"
She nodded
She was so embarrassed and troubled by the strange fit
She would do anything to make it stop
He looked at the flight attendants
They didn't say a word
He laid his right hand on her head and said "In Jesus name I set you free"
Suddenly the throbbing in her neck stopped
it was as if the leash was removed
The black scar left of the bite also disappeared
She was herself again!
The flight took off some minutes later
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt told her she needed to receive the Holy Spirit
She said NO!
She was going to see her boyfriend and the Holy Spirit
shouldn't be there when they do their unholy thing
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt gave her his phone number
He told her to come to the church where he would be ministering
the next day if she could
They parted ways at the local airport in Lagos
Her man picked her up
But nothing was the same
He was irritated with her and she was irritated with him
The reunion was very unpleasant
He had a hotel room full of rose petals and a bath tub full of anticipation
She had the heart and the will but not the spirit
He ignored her all night, told her he was going into the casino
The next morning she went to see the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
What did you do to me? She asked him
"I set you free" he responded
"I had waited for a long time to see him again and it felt somehow seeing him,
I think it is over between us!"
"Do you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit now"
asked The brother in Jeans and T-Shirt
She nodded
He laid hands on her head and started speaking in tongues
The fire took!
She fell on her face and started speaking in tongues
That Sunday evening she went back to Port-Harcourt
with living waters flowing out of her belly!
PS: Jesus is the way, the truth and the life
Jesus is freedom, liberty and hope
If you are bound and you need freedom
If you are sick and you need healing
If you are lost and you need finding
If you have strayed away from the light
Call upon Jesus now
Don't be a slave who has found satisfaction in his or her chains
Don't say "sex" is my weakness
or "Masturbation" is my weakness
or "Womanising" is my weakness
or "Promiscuity" is my weakness
You dont have to make excuses for bondage
Call upon Jesus and be set free now!
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