They were both admitted into the university
the same year
His elder brother was admitted to study
He was admitted to study Economics
Their parents were entrepreneurs
Things had always been tight for their
family economically
But they were determined to break
the yoke
They were both born again Christians
They had to be!
They needed faith to be admitted into
the university
Not for lack of brains but for lack of money
University education was not cheap and
their parents were not rich
They were just determined that God
would make a way somehow...
His elder brother's faith was somehow
He wouldn't use drugs when he was ill
He would not eat for many days just
because he was too proud to ask for help
Though by nature he was an introvert
He spoke in a lot of strange ways with
his attitude and mannerism towards
life and himself
He acted as if it was his fault that they
were suffering
Carried the burden of guilt and shame
for every difficult patch, they went through
He believed in God but in a carnal way
Like believing God but not believing in God!
The weight of poverty and self-abuse
was tough and harsh
When his elder brother fell sick,
he wouldn't go to the Hospital
If it is God's will, I will be healed or
I will die
"The pain in my body is a trial of my
faith from God
God is using sickness to draw me closer
to him& teach me some serious lessons
on faith and spiritual maturity"
It was the most ridiculous thing he ever
Whenever his elder brother fell ill, which
was often, he would cover his head with
his bedsheet and pray in tongues until he
sleeps off or felt relieved!
He wouldn't take any pill and often he
would be fine after a few hours or days
One afternoon, without any warning when
they were in final year, his elder brother died!
He had been battling with typhoid and
malaria for years and had refused all
medical treatments
It was a rude shock!
God had failed woefully
What would be the essence of believing
He was bitter against God, the church
and life
He graduated and got a job
Things started moving in the right direction
He discovered that living free of God had perks
It felt as if the idea of God was a scam he
wisened up to just in time
He got married and had a son
Life was good
Suddenly he took ill and was diagnosed
of bone cancer
The affliction came out of nowhere
They gave him three months to live
He couldn't blame God for his travails
because he had discarded God for
five years
And yet he blamed God!
There was no one else available to
He cursed and raved at God
"God is a tyrant! Because i didn't
serve him, he brought this affliction
on me"
It didn't make any sense but he had
to vent!
His wife reached out to the Brother
in Jeans and T-shirt
"Sir, we have a three months old baby!
How can you help our family?"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt met
with them!
The husband was still very angry!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
him the anger, bitterness and grief and
malice were the reason he was sick
His body was shutting down because he
had overburdened himself with vile and
"Would you come to Jesus? He will bear
your burden and heal you of your infirmity!"
"Jesus didn't heal my brother!"
He lamented and told the whole story
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt embraced
him, there was no need for words
He cried and cried
Then he gave his life to Jesus!
The first thing he felt was a burden being lifted
There was a pain that had been in his
heart for many years.
It left!
He was suddenly relaxed
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt rebuked
the cancer
He said the bitterness that allowed it to
thrive was gone and it had to go too!
He was filled with the Holy Ghost and started
praying with love and confessing the word
Within three months, the cancer was
completely gone!
Ps: What are you doing with offence and
It is like preparing a room for demons
to abide in your body
Be free
Be Christ
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