The Taboo

The Taboo

She did not know what happened to
 her She was just not that type of girl
 She had always towed the straight
 and narrow path
 She had always been religious and moral
 She met him one evening during the
 Christmas season
 It was late at night
 He was lost
 He was one of those guys...
Those guys her mother warned her
 about several times
 The type of guys who would open their
 mouth and make a girl take off her
 clothes without any regard for her senses!
 She could feel herself eager to do anything
 for him even before he opened his mouth
 to ask her for directions
He was very fine and refined
 You want people to see you with him
 You want to see yourself with him
 She turned around and led him right
 to their family compound
 They talked as they walked
 His command of the English language
 and accent tickled her
 As soon as she turned to leave...
He raced after her He asked for her 
phone number
 That was how they became familiar
 He called her the next day, asked her
 if she could come around
 She practically raced to his compound
 She was too smitten by him to think
 She was just behaving like a brainless sheep
He slept with her that day
 She was twenty-two, a fresh graduate!
 She melted at his touch!
 It was not against her better judgement!
 She had lost her ability to judge anything!
 He didn't ask her out or say much
 She also didn't ask any questions
 She just wanted to be with him
He spent the whole day with him 
She just didn't feel any sense of responsibility
 He saw her off around 8 pm!
 When she got home, everywhere was
 upside down!
 Her parents had been looking for her 
She didn't tell anybody where she was going 
She smelt of sex... Smelt of him all over
Her father was too mad to notice but 
her mother did 
She told a lie to get out of the fix with
 minimal scolding
 Later in the night, her mother came
 into her room
 Her mother said "You met a boy recently
 and you went to sleep with him today right?
 Who is this boy? Who is his father?
She told her mother everything
 Her mother told her to invite him over
 to their house for a brief meeting the
 following day 
She said No! 
She didn't want it to seem as if she 
was making demands simply because 
they had sex 
Her mother told her it was a matter
 of life and death!
She pondered about it all night 
She decided she was going to do it 
But the next day when she saw him, 
all they did was have sex 
She couldn't bring herself to say a word 
Later that evening, she lied to her mother
 that he would come around the next day. 
Of course he didn't show up!
Her mother told her father 
Her father called some elders 
They went to his compound 
Her father told his people what had 
His people summoned him 
He denied sleeping with her! 
Right in her presence, 
She couldn't even argue with him 
What would she say? How would she say it?
The two families cannot have a sexual 
relationship because of the differences 
of their "family chi" (deities) 
Nobody told them this but if he owned up 
they would only have to perform some 
rites to avert the damning consequences 
He insisted he didn't sleep with her 
He swore to it!
They went home 
Her mother beat and bit her 
She suddenly found her senses and wept bitterly 
What happened to her? 
What did he use on her? 
It was all water under the bridge 
The holiday ended slowly 
They returned to the city 
She got a job 
She met someone else 
She got married
She got pregnant 
She miscarried 
She got pregnant again 
She miscarried 
She got pregnant seven times 
She miscarried six times 
The closest she got to having a baby 
was when she had a stillbirth 
She ran everywhere 
She was stuck in a limbo 
The broken taboo had a chokehold on her
Her husband left her after five years 
He said he didn't want anything to do 
with a cursed woman 
He had already impregnated a lady
 before leaving her
 She was bitter and broken 
A friend told her about Jesus 
She laughed! 
She had been a Christian all her life 
What didn't she know?
She met the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
at a ministration in Port-Harcourt 
They talked 
He led her to Christ 
She received the baptism of the Holy Ghost 
He told her every handwriting of requirement 
against her had been blotted out 
She suddenly felt peace and cried joyously
She got a job as a community officer 
with an oil firm the following month 
She sent the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
a message "Can I remarry? 
My husband has moved on and i have a 
serious suitor. 
Will God bless the union?" The Brother in Jeans 
and T-shirt told her to go ahead!
She re-married in June 2017 She waited 
to get pregnant 
One month, six month, one year, 
eighteen months 
In 2018 November she got pregnant! 
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told her
 to confess the Word daily, 
pray in the spirit and be still! 
She delivered a baby girl in July 2019!

PS: Taboos were tailor-made for the
old man
But for the New man in Christ
They have NO say!
If you are born again and a taboo is still
affecting your reality
You have to stop being mentally born again
and jump into the Holy Ghost
Your transformation is in His word
and His Spirit!