As an undergraduate, I had a very
strong following on campus, especially
as a fellowship leader
The Vice Chancellor's wife attended
my Sunday School class and my
Bible Study classes religiously
I understood the gospel in a simple
way and i have a way of teaching
with simplicity
They usually gave us a Sunday School
manual to teach with and we had our
Sunday School preparatory class on
Saturdays but when i got to the class
i was given to teach on Sunday Morning
I would teach the same Sunday School
lesson in a different way
I had this thing with doctrinal teaching,
it didn't sit well with me so I pick through
the manual and teach only the things i
find relevant to the scriptures
I was teaching undergraduates from
different denominational backgrounds
and it is not my duty to brainwash them
to conform to some "faith of our fathers"
Our fathers might be wrong and indeed
many denominations wouldn't want to
accept this or agree with it but their
founding Fathers or Mothers are very
wrong and the evidence of this is obvious
today because they have set a standard
very far from the purpose of Christ and
the Holy Spirit for the church
I prefer to adhere to the gospel as
The Sunday School leadership usually
sent some of the experienced hands to
our classes then to listen to us teach
and correct us when we err
Some of the topics were about dressing,
and laws and so on
They looked good on the surface but
they had never worked for me all my life
No matter how well you stated a
"Do Not", it is exactly what I usually did
The gospel was different
It didn't have one "do not"
All you find in it was liberty
If your eye be single, your body will
be full of light
As many as are led by the spirit are
called the sons of God
In the gospel lies the power to learn
God and be imitators of God without
the lens of tradition, religion, human
ideas of morality and codes
So I taught spiritual reality
I explained how change can come
into an individual's life effortlessly
through the gospel
I taught about the Holy Spirit and i
stated clearly that "Holiness in the flesh"
has nothing to do with spiritual growth
or enlightenment
It is better to change inside out than
change outwardly by copying others
or obeying rules while on the inside
you are full of scorpions and vipers
Jesus told the Pharisees and religious
leaders the same thing when he compared
them to a tomb (Outwardly Holy but
rotten within) I had a freestyle approach
to teaching and mixed gospel reality with
a lot of comedy
My fellowship center was always overflowing
When students heard i was somewhere,
they trooped there
Many lives and destinies were transformed
by the Holy Spirit in those days
The Vice Chancellor's wife loved my
class so much that she told the female
chaplain about me
One day she and the female chaplain came
to my fellowship to observe
After the fellowship, the female chaplain
called me and said "Don't go and join
those pentecostal people o, the way you
teach is similar to their way of teaching"
Fortunately, i don't listen to any minister
of God via tape at that time
Most of my born again friends talked
about Kenneth Hagin, Kathryn Khulman,
Benny Hinn and all
They bought tapes and bought books
I refused
I simply didn't want to pollute my reality
with that of another preacher
I have the Teacher of teachers on my side,
whatever i needed to know, he teaches me
The only book i read was the Bible
I read it voraciously and sometimes
journeyed into it with my imagination
I visited many places and seasons and
the experience helped me greatly
One day, i was teaching Sunday School
when this lady called "Ayomide" suddenly
started "manifesting" in my class
It was not uncommon
The Holy Spirit would sometimes heal and
set many people free during a teaching
The demon-possessed would scream and
be set free too but usually one of the
ushers, Sunday school class assistant or
Sunday School department team member
would be available to help
I cannot say exactly what happened
that day
Nobody was around to assist
This lady was wearing a red kaftan
She got on her feet and was knocked
down over and over again
I hurriedly finished my class and walked
up to her
The whole class was watching
I bent down and laid hands on her HEAD
I commanded the evil spirit to leave
She shivered, screamed and went still
I stood up and saw the Vice chancellor's
wife looking at me as if I had just
stoned Steven to death
The look in her eyes was
"What was that rubbish"
She picked her phone and called the
school clinic
The ambulance arrived and the lady
was carried off to the school clinic
The Vice-chancellor's wife didn't say a
The following Tuesday, The Sunday
School and Bible Studies team were
invited to the Vice-chancellor's house
on campus
The Vice-chancellor stylishly said the
Chaplaincy would be taking over the
teaching at the Sunday School
preparatory class and teachers would
have to conform to the doctrines of
the mission
He expressly forbade bringing in
any strange or foreign doctrine
He said "There are things that we see
other christians do that we might want
to experiment with or try out but these
things are not our way and we don't
want them on this campus"
The following Saturday, after the
Sunday School Preparatory class,
I was not given a class to teach
I wasn't even given the task of assisting
or monitoring or observing during the
I had been frozen out
I took it on the chin but it was painful
I had gotten used to my students and
we were in the middle of an important
I also loved to teach word (I still do)
The freeze went on for a month
The fifth week, the lady that was
delivered came to see me at the cafeteria
She told me she fell on her head as a
two-year-old and as a result suffered
from a fracture in her skull which didn't
heal properly
It also affected a membrane somewhere
and that was led to her struggle with
She was from a very rich home and the
parents had spent so much on finding
a cure
The day she was knocked down during
the Sunday School, she told her parents
about it and they immediately came to
pick her in school because the school
clinic was not equipped to deal with
her kind of case
When she got home they took her to the
specialist hospital where she had been
a patient for many years
They ran tests and discovered the fracture
in her brain had been healed
It was as if she got a new skull and all
the previous images she had taken from
childhood did not align with the new one
The test was done several times and the
result was the same
It was either she got a new skull or she
had been miraculously healed
She stayed at home for three weeks and
wasn't on campus when i was frozen out
Then she returned to campus and heard
that i had been suspended because of her
(Please note: I WAS NOT SUSPENDED)
But i had told one or two people what
happened and the story had gone
around as usual (God has helped me to
be able to contain things better now, i
was so emotional back then)
She decided to look for me and share
the testimony
I was overjoyed
What do I care about the opinion of the
Vice-chancellor or His wife (I do care about
their opinion, to be candid) but I had to
weigh the pros and cons and conclude
"I was right and they were wrong"
It made me feel worse that i was being
victimized for doing something good
(Funny right? I felt much worse. I hadn't
cried until i got frozen out but after the
testimony I mentally tortured myself
until i cried and cried a lot. "LOL")
The Holy Spirit had done a mighty
miracle through me and I should delight
in that instead of mop about the unjust
way I was treated
I held her hand and prayed with her
I got her filled with the Holy Spirit and
my feeling of inadequacy was replaced
by a feeling of great joy and peace
Ayomide told her mummy what happened
to me
She explained that it was the doctrine of
the church that owned the school that
I did what i did (Which was to lay hand
on the sick in public to recover from
illness o)
The following week, Ayomide's parent came
to see her in school and also paid a visit
to the registrar
(apparently, Ayomide's father and the
registrar had been friends for many years
and he knew all about Ayomide's battle
with epilepsy)
Ayomide told the registrar what happened
to her and what happenedto me as a result
The registrar decided to introduce Ayomide's
parent's to the Vice-Chancellor
The Vice-Chancellor met Ayomide's
parents and they shared the testimony
with him
Ayomide told me everything that happened
the following day which was a Thursday
The following Saturday, i went for Sunday
School preparatory class
The chaplains didn't show up to take over
The students and some lecturers did it
as we had always done it
I was restored to my class
The Vice-Chancellor's wife stopped
I continued to teach that class and
other classes until
I graduated in 2008
PS: It is very difficult to change some
Indoctrination is, in my opinion, a form of
witchcraft, it robs the indoctrinated the
ability to process the truth unfiltered by
the lens of human ideologies, idea and
We should not forget that human knowledge
and our ideas of good and evil apart from
the Holy Spirit is borne of the fruit of
the forbidden tree
All God really requires of us to know was
We must study Him to be like HIM.
God does not study demons or ancestral
God does not study sin
God studies and imitates God
Jesus said "Whatsoever I see the Father
do, I do!"
That is God imitating God.
GSW's notes: Over the years i have
found the same scenario repeating itself
even after I graduated and joined the
Pentecostal churches i was counseled
to keep away from
I discovered many ideologies, belief
systems and assumed positioning
on the Holy Spirit and church
I was an asset and sometimes i was
just a thorn on the side of the pastor
I wouldn't do indoctrination stuff
Even as a Father, I led my children
to the Lord on the ride home from
church one day and began to open
their eyes to the reality of the Holy
I made sure I didn't "LORD" anything
on them
The Holy Spirit is their teacher
He will teach them His ways and lead
them down the right path
I trust the Holy Spirit that much
and so should every believer.
Finally, some of us don't know how to
be born again Christians
We still talk fear, defeat, lack, sickness,
enemies and adversities
This is inconsistent with your mandate
of victory
No matter who or what is perceived
against you, keep the overcomer's
aura and atmosphere in you alive
Be a light through it
Like Joseph who was thrown into the
pit and after becoming a prince made
no case against his former master
or his master's treacherous wife
Like Elisha, who was surrounded by
the Syrian Army but only saw the
Host of heaven
Like Daniel, who was thrown into the
Lion's den and yet made no case against
his adversaries
Like Jesus who was crucified and made
no case against His adversaries
When you walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, FEAR no evil
Those who are for you are more than
those who are against you
Let this mind be in you always
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