Runaway Lover
She learned her lesson about men and their
wicked ways too late!
She had seen many broken lives which could
be traced to the wickedness of men while
growing up, but the “This can never happen
to me” thing kept her from taking heed!
She kept believing that love will come for her
Love came for her when she was in SS3
Love came wearing NYSC uniform
The guy was tall and handsome
The guy was also very knowledgeable
The guy was someone all her friends also
wanted to be with
The guy liked her
The guy started touching her
He was the first guy to dare do that
She didn’t even have the strength to
tell him no!
Every time she saw him, she became a jelly
She would make food for him and smuggle
the food to his room so that he can have
the energy and motivation to sleep with her!
She was in love and it felt so right!
She had even started praying that he would
ask to know her parents so that what they
were cooking in secret could become official!
She didn’t know that the same wind that
brought him to her would take him away
when his service year was over!
One morning, she cooked something delicious,
she got to his room
The whole place was empty!
She couldn’t believe it!
They were still together the previous evening
She brought him food, they had sex and for
the first time in three months, she asked
him to take a stroll with her in their community
He was her love
She wanted people to see
He didn’t hesitate
They talked as they walked
The village was a quiet place in the evening
and there was only one place to hang out
She would have loved to go there with him
but only ladies of a certain reputation hang
around men at the place so she opted to
take him to her house
He followed her
They met her uncle on the street
Her uncle greeted them and said to him
“Take care of our daughter”
He smiled and said “Yes sir”
She walked him back to his room, hand in hand,
after that
They kissed under one of the trees in the
school compound
She was so happy!
And now he is gone!
What did she do?
He didn’t even wait to say goodbye!
He denied her the benefit of mopping and
being emotional It was as if they were animals
and feelings have no place in their realities!
She was badly hurt!
For several weeks, she locked herself in her
And cried like a baby! Her mother noticed
that she was depressed!
A family meeting was held that Christmas
It was decided that she should go to the
city with her aunty so that she can learn a
skill and pursue her education!
She moved from Benue to Abuja!
Her aunty was a teacher!
Her aunty was single and very strict!
Within a year she was writing GCE and
learning to bake! She gained admission
into the University the following year!
She put her head down, faced her studies!
She was determined to make something of
her life!
She graduated and was posted to
Ibadan for her NYSC!
She went to the PG school in the University
of Ibadan to make some enquiries and was
walking towards the school’s second gate
when she saw him Her runaway lover!
He was walking towards the PG school
She didn’t know what came over her
She screamed his name
He stopped in his tracks and turned towards
It’s been six years
She had really changed
She should be angry and scowling
She didn’t know why she was smiling and
He was her first love
The one she gets to forgive everything
He recognized her
He walked up to her, hugged
Her and screamed her name!
That was when she became angry!
He saw it in her face
He said “I am very sorry, can we talk?”
They talked!
He was very candid
He said “I never had the intention of
having any long term relationship with
I was Twenty-one years old and trying to
Figure out my own life!
I know you were trying to figure out your
own life too!
But that evening when your uncle said
“Take care of our daughter”
I got very scared!
I couldn’t sleep all night
I didn’t know if it was something I said or
did that made you inform your family that
I am your husband to be or something
like that!
I didn’t know how to undo that!
Marriage was the last thing on my mind!
My assignment at the school had been
over for almost a week by that time
I stayed back because I wanted to be
with you
I had to tell myself the truth!
I was selfish and things wouldn’t have
worked out between us the way you were
seeing them!
So I decided to pack my bag and leave!
It was callous and inconsiderate
I must confess that it felt to me like ripping
out the bandaid!
It had to be done!
I am very sorry!
She understood him!
They exchanged numbers
He started calling her again
They started seeing each other again
He was working with an NGO
She got a job with The Polytechnic, Ibadan
One year after she met him again
He proposed!
She said yes!
They got married in September 2018 in Ibadan
They have a son!
Ps: There is no general rule to love and
Don’t teach others to be toxic
Each of us must work out what is best for us in
love and relationships I have a right to forgive
It is my business
You have a right to not forgive
It is your business
Stop spreading bitterness
I am no fool for forgiving
You are not a fool for not forgiving
The consequences of forgiving are
mine to enjoy
The consequences of not forgiving
are yours to bear
To each his or her own!
We will make mistakes
Love keeps no record of wrongs
Love always sees faith and hope!
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