In a corrupt society that does not 
even try to pretend to hide its corruption... 
The mindset of the police says 
"We must chop our own as politicians 
dey chop" 
This is why they became lawless in 
their behaviour 
They are making a picture of what they 
see and feel within
The Nigerian Youth should be given the 
chance to think right 
Too many jumped into crime in the name 
of making it 
A mechanic I know once saved 120K and 
used it to buy a laptop for his 16 years 
old son to start internet fraud! 
He told me this himself 
I cried that day
We should #EndSARS 
Let us know armed robbers when we 
see them 
It is unfair to pretend to be a friend 
only to get close and stab us in the 
back #SARS has become a legal 
criminal enterprise 
The Nigerian police force has always 
fathered dangerous children
The more things change, the more 
things remain the same... 
I have seen protests so many times in 
my short life 
I was there in 1993/1994 
I witnessed the sorrow, tears and blood 
I saw democracy's victory in 1999 
I saw and I saw and I saw as nothing 
A friend of mine did a job for a client in 
Ikorodu, he got paid 560,000 Naira
He took a bus to Ketu to buy some 
materials for his work 
His phone was stolen 
Within an hour, his bank account has 
been emptied by internet fraudsters 
I was told there is a way they access 
your bank account from the sim card 
This friend has a wife and two children 
He called me with deep pain in his heart 
I told him to come to my office, then, 
in Magodo 
We prayed and the thief was afflicted 
I tweeted the incident live on twitter 
that day and folks begged me to be
The young man refunded the money 
and the affliction stopped 
This young man and his friends are in 
their twenties 
They are not so educated but they 
know their way around the internet 
and use it to rob honest people of 
their gains. 
There are too many of them in this 
We cannot protest against them! 
We cannot carry placards against them. 
We cannot trend tweets against them! 
Why? They are not authority figures 
They are not the government 
They will just laugh at us and keep 
doing whatever they had always desired 
to do 
There was a time the advance fee fraud 
criminals claimed they were taking  
reparations from abroad because of 
the slave trade 
Many of us turned a blind eye 
Then they will say the money they stole 
was covered by insurance, yet we turn 
a blind eye until they began to defraud 
our relatives and friends! 
This is a scourge! 
#ENDSARS operatives decided to be 
cashing in on these guys by collecting 
money from them to enrich their own 
This is illegal and criminal in itself
The problem with this was, soon enough 
they started harassing both the innocent 
and the guilty for money 
I was on my way to my in-laws house 
on Christmas day of 2015 when they 
stopped me 
I was 35 years old, a father of two and 
my marriage was five years old 
They checked all my papers 
Everything was in order and then they 
said I cannot leave until i give them 
something dor Christmas 
I didn't have much cash on me and 
I told them so 
They told me to park and go to the ATM 
That was what i did I left my wife and 
my two sons in the car and raced to 
the ATM 
This happened on the road where you 
branch off Apapa Oshodi expressway 
into Satellite town road 
I withdrew some money and settled them 
I hated being robbed so blatantly but 
what shall the son of man do? 
Corruption in Nigeria had poisoned every 
fiber of our society 
This is why #EndSarsNow is a must 
To give a corrupt heart a gun and uniform 
is madness! 
SARS has killed and maimed carelessly 
to buttress this fact 
My prayer is that we all will look at the 
lives that this protest had taken and 
decide to live right 
Internet fraud is not a job 
No excuse justifies it 
Crime has its consequence and its 
consequences are often dire 
Lets #EndSARS and #EndRape 
and #EndCorruption 
We can and I pray that we will!