The founder of the church walked in a
strange supernatural dimension
He was an illiterate
But he was brought up as an adherent of
the Christian faith
he orthodox church he attended drummed
religion into him
But it was the religion without the power of
the Holy Spirit
The "conform, be like us and be saved" type
People are quick to turn religion into a garb
The unthinking wear it without question
Like the story of the monkeys trapped in a
room with a hanging banana
Many who practise religion do so because
they had been indoctrinated into it
The real power behind the movement would
But the religious spirit always stays behind
Making a slave of men and a fool of freedom
What was supposed to set men free would
bound them
And they would dance and rejoice
They will call it "Faith of their fathers"
Conveniently leaving out the "supernatural"
Like the Sanhedrins!
Birthed in power in the days of Moses
70 elders who were given out of the spirit of
They prophesied and sparked jealousy in Joshua
But by the time Jesus arrived on the scene
They had lost the Holy Spirit totally
All they had was the title, the position, the
religious regalia, the authority of men and the
validation of the law! (Matthew 26)
They were the ones who tried Jesus in a Kangaroo
court and found him guilty of being spiritual
by their carnal standards!
Nothing was tested by spiritual standard,
because they could not operate the "Spiritometer!"
God has been reduced to a formula, mantras,
chants, superstition, morality, the law
and conformity
This was how he came to meet the church
Arriving in church on Sundays, being led
in worship
by a uniformed clergy and trying to obey their
He was a lumberjack by profession
He scoured the forest for matured trees,
fell such and transports such to sawmills
for processing
He was a tall and hefty man, a man who
feared God!
One morning in 1957, he was in the heart of
the forest
when something strange happened!
The sun fled the skies and darkness took over
right in the middle of the day
He had no idea what was happening
Was it the much-dreaded end of the world?
He got disoriented and stumbled through the
forest in terror
All the animals in the forest were equally
disturbed by the event
His feet got caught in a shrub and he fell
He hit his head and laid there unconscious
When he woke up, he couldn't tell the time
or day!
He had a splitting headache and could barely
pull himself into a sitting position
He started seeing things, strange things!
Was it in the flesh or the spirit or his
His family was no stranger to the spiritual
His father and his relatives were members of
a white garment church where spirituality
in terms of visions, prophecies and angelic
visitations were normal!
His mother was a traditionalist who believed
in fetish stuff and demonic powers
Seeing things was not strange in his world!
In all he spent three months in the forest
Many had given him up for dead!
But he emerged with a strange power of healing
and prophecy
He also raised the dead on many occasion!
The miraculous drew a frenzied crowd to him
It became a phenomenon and evolved into a
It was the natural evolution of chaos for the
benefit of the humankind!
They introduce the supernatural to the mundane
and transform the chaotic into the orderly!
He became wealthy as many seeking an advantage
and a sense of belonging ran to him
He presented a bridge between the demonic
and the angelic and validated it by the use of
the name of Jesus
He died in his 70s but left a phenomenal legacy!
Many who had received of his spirit continued
the work teaching it to others as best as they
The things of the spirit could hardly be taught
They do not lie in the method but in the spirit
And the spirit seemed very choosy, working with
strange and unexpected others!
Years after his death, there was a power tussle
in the rank of the leaders of the church
It was a winner takes it all grab for money,
power and fame
The forces within the church picked sides they
felt could benefit them the most
Some sided with hierarchy, some with prophecy
others with their pockets, many prosperous
church leaders converted their parishes to
individual ministries!
A parish, founded by one of the prophets
was celebrating its harvest
The current parish pastor had taken sides
with a faction
He was determined to keep out the power-grabbing
elders from his parish
He got a lot of policemen and briefed them
"Do not allow any of the church elders in
we do not support their position
We support the prophecy that "so and so" will be
the next General Overseer of the church
That is the faction we belong to!
The policemen were there to prevent a breakdown
of law and order
By 11 AM on the day of the adult harvest
The celebrities started flocking in
The sun was smiling and the church compound
was a beehive of activities
Music was blaring and worshippers in their
glistening white apparels were trooping in
The founder of the parish arrived
As soon as he stepped out of his car
The policemen rushed towards him
"Sorry sir, you have to leave!" They said
"What? I came here to be a part of the
Adult harvest, I founded this parish!"
The elderly man explained
"We are very sorry sir, the parish pastor
instructed us not to allow you in!
We are very sorry sir!"
The policemen were very polite
The man was elderly and had a reputation for the
They were carrying out their duties with decorum
The elderly man pointed to the skies and said
"This Harvest is now a harvest of rain"
He got into his car and his driver turned
the car around
That moment! That very moment his car turned
around! The weather turned!
It was like in the days of Noah!
The heavens opened and firmament emptied
themselves upon the church!
Within 30 minutes the church was flooded
The pastor and prophets of the
church started praying
The more they prayed the more the rain fell
It was like the contest between Gandalf the grey
and Saruman the white in Lord of the Rings trilogy
Saruman won, hands down!
Many would later wonder
How did he change the atmosphere by one
What did he have that the other prophets
of the church did not have?
Were there mysteries and secrets to manifestations
of the supernatural?
Can one man still shut and open the heavens
at will in this time and age?
Can angels and demons still manipulate
the atmosphere as it was in the days of old?
While the majority talked about the miracles
of the past to cover up their inability to
walk in the supernatural today
Are there some, even if a few who can do the
wonders of old by the power of the Holy Spirit?
Can that one be you?
PS: There are things you see that will challenge
you to dare to be more than a chunk of flesh and bones
The event described above was one of those
If the knowledgeable continue to cede power to the
ignorant there will never be a point of equilibrium
While many of the knowledgeable Christians have
reduced Christianity to philosophy, debates,
arguments and compelling words
The not so knowledgeable Christians discovered the
power that lies in the simplicity of the gospel
as powered by the Holy Spirit!
While many educated theologians still struggle with
speaking in tongues as not part of the
"Faith of their fathers", their children
had grown bored of rigid religiosity and
embraced the Holy Spirit and all His ways!
It is time to consciously walk in the power of the
outpoured spirit of Christ on this generation!
Some are manipulating realities through the
invocation of the demonic
Titles and qualifications are no match for demons
Praying against demons in the flesh is futile
But when you walk in the light, buoyed by the
Holy Spirit, you will ascend the plane of human
limitation and find yourself in the Hills of the Lord!
And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt,
and by a prophet was he preserved. Hosea 12:13
The rain decree was issued in Eleyele
On the second Sunday of June 2003
If you have all the degrees in the world
And you are ignorant in the things of the spirit
You have missed the mark by a gulf!
Life is spiritual!
The Pneuma School of the Supernatural and Bible
college is releasing Eagles into the wind in
September and will be taking in new students
from September 1!
Walking in the supernatural is the children's bread
It is not reserved for an elite few
The things of the spirit are learned, imparted and
It is time for Eagles to soar
Shall we begin?
For enquiries, contact,
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