The It happened suddenly
She woke up in the morning
But her body refused to wake up
with her
Her eyes couldn't see anything
Her hands were not moving
She was not an alarmist
She tried and tried
Suddenly she realised something terrible
was happening to her
She couldn't see but she could hear clearly
She was awake but she was unable to do
the things she should be able to do normally!
She screamed for help!
Her husband had travelled to the East
He works with one of the government parastatals
and had recently been transferred out of their
location to another city entirely
She was at home with her three children
Her first child was nine years old
The second was seven and the third was five
They were in the sitting watching cartoon
She could hear the television
She had no idea what the time was
She screamed!
Her children came rushing in
When her nine year old saw her struggling frantically
He knew there was something wrong
He ran to the neighbours and called for help
The neighbours came and rushed her
to the hospital!
Her husband was informed immediately
He jumped on the first flight back and was
by hr bedside that evening!
By the time he arrived she had gone through
four different scans
The MRI showed that she had tumours in her brain
The specialist attending to her explained that
Partial or complete loss of vision is caused by a tumour
in the occipital lobe or temporal lobe of the
cerebrum. ...
Altered perception of touch or pressure, arm or
leg weakness on 1 side of the body, or confusion
with left and right sides of the body are linked
to a tumour in the frontal or parietal lobe of the
She had been experienced massive headaches
and sleepless nights for many months
She usually gets something to use from the
pharmacist close to her house
The drugs gave her temporary relief
But she never ever thought she could be affected
by a tumour!
Her husband was told to raise 20 million Naira
and fly her to the United States of America for
adequate care
All he had in his bank account was fifty-seven
thousand naira
He didn't know what to do
He didn't have any rich relative he could turn to
for help
He wrote letters to the public, started a GoFundMe
and was able to raise some money
But it wasn't enough to fly her abroad
Friends and relatives suggested alternatives
take her to church, healing school is holding
here and there, what about a crusade?
What about a revival service?
They all meant well!
The doctors told him she has a 50% chance of
They said within three weeks, those affected by
such a strange disease would pass away
He was determined not to bury his wife
He started fasting and praying
He took her to a healing school where a man of
God of Great manifestations of the Holy Spirit
laid hands on her
There were over a thousand sick people in the line
That day
When the man of God was done, he asked his
"Did you feel anything?"
His wife said, "I felt something leave my body"
He rejoiced but she still couldn't see or make
use of her right hand and right leg
He carried her on his back, to the vehicle
He refused to be discouraged
He was a believer and knew God is able
The dark patch was just a patch
It must surely come to pass!
The next morning, his wife's sight was restored!
Fully and totally!
She suddenly could see again!
He rushed her back to the hospital
They did another series of tests and scans
The Tumours were still there, but somehow the
one impairing his wife's vision had shifted
The doctors told him she was still in danger
As long as the treatments were not done
The tumours would continue to grow
Death was inevitable!
He took her to another Man of God
He laid hands on her and spoke the word of God
to her limbs and bones
He even gave him a token of fifty thousand
naira to support her medical treatment
He appreciated the gesture
He was weary and getting discouraged
The gesture of the man of God fired his zeal
He took her for therapy by faith
He believed she should be able to regain the
use of her hand and leg
Even though the tumours were still there
They had been speaking the word of God
to it, calling the things that be not as though
they were!
eighteen months after the crisis began,
his wife started walking again
Slowly and painfully
She was determined to get better
He loved her fighting spirit and her cheerful
disposition in spite of the odd circumstance!
One of her relatives came to stay with them
He had to pay attention to his job
The family had other needs apart from his
wife's health
His wife had lost her job due to the sickness
He was the only one who could provide for the
Every morning, his wife would walk for thirty
Laboriously and painfully at first
but it got better!
Later, she started walking on the street accompanied
by one of the children or an adult
She was able to walk to church and also
buy groceries at nearby supermarkets!
One day she told him she wanted to support
the family financially
She wanted to put out a Kiosk and sell stuff
She hated being idle, she just needed to do something!
He gave her some money
He understood that she needed to function
do what other normal people do and not
see herself as an invalid!
She bought some onions, noodles, pasta,
biscuits and other stuff
She displayed them in front of her house
Just to keep her hands busy!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt had seen
her on the street several times
His house was directly opposite theirs
But this is the city! Nobody jumps into other
people's businesses without being invited!
He waited for the day an opportunity to meet
her would present itself
The day he saw the kiosk, he was glad
He approached her and asked if he could
invest in her business
She eagerly said yes!
He took her account number and sent her
some money!
A week later, he approached her again and
asked her if there was anything else he could
do to support her
She said she needed a phone!
He bought her one!
The rapport was created and he waited prayerfully!
On the 8th of August 2019,
She darkened his doorstep with her husband
in tow
Her husband had returned home for the weekend
and she told him everything
They came to say "Thank you"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt welcomed them
and listened to their story
She said "The day you sent some money to my
account, as i slept that night, I saw myself in a
theatre and doctors operated on me!
I saw the tumours being cut out of my head!
I told my husband on the phone and he told me
to go for a scan!
When i did the scan, the tumours had totally
The doctors couldn't find them!
We thanked God and assumed that it was as a
result of the previous prayers
But on the day you gave me the phone
I saw you laying hands on me and commanding
my dead nerves and muscles to come alive
And I walked!
Sir, are you a pastor?
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt smiled
They talked on and on for about 30 minutes
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt thanked her
husband for standing by her and being very
He told her to stand up
He laid hands on her and commanded her
nerves, tendons and bones to be restored
The nerves, tendons and bones obeyed!
PS: This event happened at 7pm on the 8th of
August 2019 in Lagos, Nigeria
The lady had been sick since February 2017
But the Holy Spirit came through for her in a
big way!
What a wonderful God we serve?
As believers, we must always be on the lookout
to shine the light of the gospel
The Holy Spirit intervenes in human situations
through contact (Spiritual, material or physical)
We, therefore, must make contact with a world
in pain and agony!
We must not be aloof while clapping our hands
in pity and sympathy
We must reach out to the hurting with the motive
of destroying the works of the evil one around us!
Is there anyone around you that the
Holy Spirit has laid it upon your heart
to reach out to?
Do so today!
Don't rationalise yourself out of a good thing
It doesn't matter if you feel the person deserves
your help or not
As long as it is the Holy Spirit prompting you
Please obey Him today!
God bless you!
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