She didn’t understand why she always felt so insignificant.
It wasn’t as if she wasn’t beautiful in her own right or educated enough.
She was an asset.
Physically, she’s got it.
One of her friends once said to her face “I wish my boobs are as full as yours”
The funny thing was, though she had the looks and the physical asset, men simply don’t see her!
As a teenager, it was a blessing. She was never distracted at all.
While her friends were having boyfriends, getting pregnant, getting abortions, getting their hearts broken, the closest she got to a relationship was by listening to the adventures of her friends and roommates.
When she got to 200level in the university, she met a guy.
He was a student of the university but from another department.
She had never seen him before until that fateful evening. A club on campus brought some artistes and comedians to their annual festival.
She went with a friend. The show was a blast. She had so much fun. She didn’t know what happened afterwards, she suddenly started feeling feverish.
It was manageable at first, just a little cold but within the hour it became something else! Her teeth were chattering and she was shaking like a chicken dumped in cold water.
It was 2am in the morning. She wouldn’t dare leave the venue of the show at that time. All sorts of people came for the show, criminals and cultists inclusive.
That was when he stepped in. He was a medical student. He offered her his jacket and took it upon himself to drive her and her friend back home.
She was too ill to pay him much mind that very moment. After he dropped them at home, he told her friend to dab her head with cold water.
He also gave her friend a prescription of medicine to buy for her in the morning. By this time, she was asleep. By the time she woke up in the morning, he was back.
He brought breakfast for three and some medicine for her. It was the greatest day of her life. They talked and “gisted”, gossiped and laughed together. He was in no hurry to leave
His presence made her feel very good. Her friend and roommate were already in a relationship, she told him so. it was very obvious that he was in this because of her. They drew close, very close. He didn’t ask her out but aside that formality, he was inside her very being and she was in his. Though she was studying sociology, they found the time to study together
Once they got carried away, he kissed her right under a mango tree in front of his department. That was the very day school resumed, since they met both of them were always eager to resume in school ahead of others so that they can have some good time together before the crowd would spoil the fun. She was no stranger to his friends and roommates. though he always introduced her as "My person" or "My second" or once in a while "my half".
She was already dreaming of taking him home to meet her parents and getting married to him! She was a virgin, an asset, a wonderful wife material! She had proven this to him over and over again. She goes out of her way to make delicious meals for him and his roommates once in a while.
Her culinary skills were second to none. She was also willing to sleep with him as soon as he asks. She made this clear!
He loved her! There was no doubt about it. He would call her at odd hours, telling her awkward jokes. Sometimes he would call and tell her bluntly that he had nothing to say but he just must hear her voice. He even took her home! She met his parents, his siblings! he gave her some money to buy gifts for everybody and she made sure she added some of her own money too!
She couldn't really recollect what happened that Friday evening again! She was supposed to travel home for something the day before, they talked about it over the phone but after waiting at the motor park for three hours without sighting a bus going to her destination, she decided to stay the night with a classmate who lives close to the motor park and head out first thing the following morning!
When she woke up that morning, she tried calling him all night to update him on her whereabout to no avail. When she woke up the next morning, she tried his phone number again. It was switched off! She became worried. instead of travelling as planned she went to her house. Her intention was to freshen up and go to his department to check on him. When she got home, she saw the unthinkable!
He was with her roommate, on her bed! Naked! Making love with reckless abandon! They didnt even lock the door!
Oh God!
At first, she didn’t get it. Yes, she saw two people making love in her room and on her bed but...
He tried to apologize, she wasn’t even angry! How could she be angry!
She was just lost somewhere far away. when she speaks, she hears her own voice like an echo.
Her roommate didn’t apologize.
She said "But you guys are just friends, so why all the acting"
She fell sick for many days, she couldn’t even see at a point.
She didn’t know that heart break could make ones heart hurt so badly physically! Everything hurt her! Everything!!!
Her roommate packed all her things the very next day. Regardless of all the lies she told herself, she knew instinctively that she had done the unthinkable. things would never be the same between them again. She wanted him back regardless of what had happened! She wanted him back! She was willing to apologize to him in order to have him back if need be! And she tried to get him back! She went to his room, she cooked for him, she talked to his roommates, his friends, she sat him down and spoke with him one on one! It just didn't work!
His mind was made up. the more she chased him, the more he distanced himself from her. Suddenly she was too much in his space, he needed some breathing space, he didn't want to be monitored, he wasted a break, he was tired! She realized it was over when they graduated! He got his call up letter and left without the courtesy of informing her he had been posted to such and such a place!
When she called him, he didn't pick her call! When he eventually picked, he listened halfheartedly!
One year later, he married her roommate! She cried as if the sun would never rise again! Evil triumphed!
She had graduated for five years, she was gainfully employed and she was still a smashing beauty and yet no guy said "Hi".
Some of her friends who were also in her shoes had accepted their fate, they were already talking about single parenting, IVF, relocating abroad to get away from pressure from friends and relatives etc. But she wanted to get married!
She not only yearns for it, she longed for it!
One day she came across the brother in Jeans and T-shirt at the mall, the brother was going to see a movie with his younger brother! "Specter" James Bond's new release at the time! She was seated right behind the brother, eating her popcorn and sipping her Pepsi in peace when the brother turned to her! right in the middle of the movie!
He said "Pardon me Ma'am, you will soon be offered a job somewhere far away from the city, take the job! the pay is less but your joy will be full doing the job!!! She nodded! How can a pastor or prophet or even Born-Again Christian be watching James Bond Movie! All these diplomatic beggars!
When the movie ended, she deliberately hung back and watched him leave with the other guy besides him. She saw them pay for the parking ticket and get into a good car!
She quickly reassessed her initial feeling. She rushed to his car before he drove off and collected his number. "Just to keep in touch"
Two weeks later she was offered a job with the OYSADEP, she would be with a team working with farmers covering a particular area of the south west.
The salary was nothing to write home about but the opportunity to network, and work with international agencies were very attractive! She took it. Everybody said she was crazy! Her family members especially thought she had lost it but the job was compelling in an odd way plus she was tired of the nine to five routine
Three months after taking up the job, she met her husband! He was from Liberia. He was working with a sister agency to the world Health organization. They met at an animal husbandry project. they took to each other and within a year they were married!
Two years later, George Weah became the President of Liberia and her husband was given a very prominent position in the cabinet
That was how her captivity was turned around
PS: Sometimes you will be asked to leave the comfortable and the familiar, just to get to the place of fulfilment!
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