Sex Is Not Spiritual
I heard it first from the mouth of one of these women who taught teens church when I was a personal assistant to a pastor
She said sex is spiritual
She then began to talk of an unwritten, spoken, unproven tie that binds a male and a female together once they have sexual intercourse
She said when a male and a female's chest touch in the act of having sexual intercourse they are automatically bound by a covenant
She said when the two organs of the male and female meet and they exchange fluids, they have become joined for life in a spiritual entrapment
She said a lot of things
A lot of rubbish
What about cases rape or sexual molestation, or sexual abuse
Was Lot bound to his daughters?
Was Amnon bound to Tamar?
Was Dinah bound to Prince Shechem?
Was Samson bound to Delilah?
Was David bound to Bathsheba?
Was Solomon bound to his wives and concubines, all one thousand of them?
Are we to take it that the perpetrator had somehow bound himself spiritually to his victim(s)
What about cases of polygamy?
What of the serial monogamy we have in the world now in which ladies and gentlemen dated and had sex and then moved on to other partners before they found Mr Right?
Or are we going to play the ostrich and lie to one another that this is not happening in the church despite all our hypocritical posture and pretence that such is not the case?
Nothing in the material world or the realm of senses is spiritual
The Bible in the form of a book without being read and followed is not spiritual
It is just a book
Human beings without the Holy Spirit are not spiritual, they are just material beings
Sex is sex; dogs, goats, and cats have it
There is nothing remotely spiritual about sex
Nobody has, through sex, seen god before, or gotten translocated to heaven
There has never been a record in Christendom of anyone having sex and, through it, gaining the anointing to heal the sick and raise the dead
None of the prophets of the Old Testament referred to sex as anything other than intimacy between two people
Adam knew (had an intimate relationship) with Eve
Isaac knew (intimate relationship) Rebekkah
Judah laid (not intimate, just sex) with Tamar
Lot laid (Not intimate, just sex) with his daughters
When did two people having sex become a spiritual matter?
Where was such alluded to or even mentioned in the Bible?
A lot of Christian preachers go about making silly claims that have no standing whatsoever in the scriptures, and many of us just swallow rubbish hook, line and sinker
If sex was spiritual, why was Jesus not born through human sexual relations?
1 Peter 1:22–25 (NKJV)
22 Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart,
23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever,
Those born in the flesh (through sex) were born of corruptible seed
Those born of the Word of God, which became flesh, Jesus Christ, were born of incorruptible seed
John 1: He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognise him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Jesus gave birth to no one through sex.
We all became saved by grace through our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
This is our spiritual birth
How come the seed which the Bible called corruptible is the one we are calling spiritual
Talk about standing logic on its head!
I know what the teen's teachers and female teachers/pastors, especially those who have to deal with the issues of teen pregnancy and sexual awareness among young people, are dealing with daily, but that is not an excuse to tell blatant lies and twist the twist by claiming that sex is spiritual
There is no covenant between a man and a woman who have sex
Covenants are products of words
This is why marriages are called exchange of vows
It is the vows that are spiritual when done in truth and sincerity of heart before God
It is the words you spoke that made you born again when you accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour
It is the word of God that washes you and cleanses you from all unrighteousness
Sex is nothing but a biological function that occurs in the flesh
It is not different from eating or drinking or feeling or touching or hearing
All the pleasures we derive from sex are sensual and a result of our sense (touch) organs at work
How is that in any way spiritual?
There is no need to come up with boogeyman stories, and scarecrow lies to scare people from having sex.
It doesn't work
It is better to teach teenagers proper sex education than to come up with concepts and ideas that make you profane the word of God.
Sex should be between adults; even animals instinctively know this
As we guide young people through the journey to sexual maturity and enlightenment, let us treat them with the respect their level of knowledge deserves and stop telling them ghost stories
I heard my fair share of these stories as an undergraduate, and they were all tested to be misleading and an insult to our intelligence
The story of the choirmaster (Brother) and choir member (Sister) having sex after a church vigil in which thunder struck them down on the bed and killed the two of them told by Reverend Adeniji and other youth fellowship pastors those days is not going to fool this generation.
Teach the word, not fables and cock and bull stories
Apostle Paul said this to Timothy, and I believe it applies to us all
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