Teaching Zion

Teaching Zion


In 2007, September 17, the Holy Spirit told me 

that he has commissioned me to be a “Teacher”. 

I assumed he meant “Sunday School Teacher” 

and I promptly immersed myself in Sunday 

school stuff. I taught in fellowships as an

undergraduate and in churches after I 


I refused

To be ordained or “promoted” as a Pastor 

for many years. 

I wanted to stay true to my calling! 

As a Sunday School teacher, I listened to 

other teachers intently and worked with other 

teachers with all my heart! 

Eventually, I got ordained as a Deacon! 

I told myself that was as far as I wanted to go! 

I was a paper pusher during the week and 

a Sunday School/Bible Study teacher in church. 

I was happily married with children. 

All I was waiting for was the rapture or growing 

old and going home to be with the Lord! 

I was fighting the good fight of faith 


Then the Holy Spirit told me to record and 

write of His exploits as an enduring testimony 

to the world! I started this in 2017! 

Before then all I did on Twitter was post 

verses of the scripture from Genesis to 


I did threads of whole chapters of KJV, NKJV, 

NIV, The Message, and


The stories were hits 

Many of them got over 1000 retweets 

The readers demanded that I send them 

links to older threads and things became 

clumsy after a while 

The new stories kept getting in the way 

while searching for older ones! 

A reader even instructed me angrily not to

Retweet other people’s stuff again as it 

makes fishing for stories more difficult! 

The next practical step was to build a 


In September 2018, gbengawemimo.com was 


It had remained a success ever since! 

A resource center where true-life testimonies 

of the Manifest power of the Holy Spirit and 

life issues were shared 

Soon after, the Holy Spirit instructed that 

I start a “prayer group” 

I did 

Exceptional testimonies followed! 

On Feb 15, 2018 the Holy Spirit told me 

to start the Pneuma School of the Supernatural 

and Bible College 

I did

Today we have @pssbcnigeria with schools 


Our Telegram prayer platform had grown to 

935 members and the ministry had been 


Let me reiterate that none of this was 

planned or foreseen! 

I was just following the instructions of the 

Holy Spirit! 

No more, no less!

I was satisfied with the little He committed 

into my hands 

I didn’t have any grand schemes or plans 

or devices 

I wasn’t even trying to try 

I just wanted a peaceful and quiet life 

In 2018 the invitations started coming in 

His people wanted to experience for 

themselves the claims I was making in 

the Holy Ghost 

The gospel became very real 

By this time I had a team from the 

@pssbcnigeria who were working with me 

to demonstrate that ordinary folks like us 

without any fancy clothes or homiletics 

training can walk in the reality of Christ. 

We went to many cities within and outside 


The stories on gbengawemimo.com continued 

to flow 

Some people told me I would run out of stories 

if I don’t do what other Twitter storytellers 

did by publishing once a week! 

I see so many lives/realities changing every day 

that I was the one trying to keep up with 

the stories! 

Testimonies will continue to abound as long 

as the Holy Spirit is still with His Church! 

We have over 800 stories on the website 

at the moment and we are currently working 

on a bigger and more interactive website! 

So I assumed we had gotten there!

We had to do was consolidate on the gains! 

Our platforms were many and all of them 

were constantly engaged by 

His people We should be okay by “my” 

simple standard! 

When we were in Imode, Kwara state, 

I received a message from a pastor friend! 

He told me what the Holy Spirit told him 

about 2020 and GSWMI 

He confirmed what the Holy Spirit told me 

several days before then! 

I had never struggled for anything in 

this work 

The provisions had always been made 

ahead of whatever project we had on

our hands 

I knew it would be a matter of time... 

On the last Sunday of January, I was 

driven by a brother to a site in Surulere 

By the 28th of February, the site had 

been transformed into a Church and offices 

for GSWMI 

All done by the instruction of the Holy Spirit 

as prophesied!

The Holy Spirit said “Train and Equip 

my church” 

I am calling believers 

Ordinary folks like me who desire to walk 

in the practical reality of a Spirit led life 

to please come and worship with us for 

the next Seven Sundays! 

I will be teaching (not preaching), 

TEACHING (Practical) the little I know in 

obedience to the Holy Spirit’s instruction! 

It is free of charge 

If you have anyone battling with life issues 

or health issues or spiritual issues, 

please invite them 

Healing is not only guaranteed 

A renewal of mind and hands on teaching 

on how to heal the sick is also guaranteed 

The venue is Theikos Doxa Evangelical 

Ministries No 22 Funsho Williams Avenue, 

Surulere (08072744871 WhatsApp) 

Each session starts by 9am 

Because the @pssbcnigeria students will 

be around for the training, please send a 

message ahead to reserve your seat


Thank you