The Cultist
Becoming a cultist was his dream
He didn't think about the downside
He just wanted power
He wanted the influence
He wanted the babes
He wanted the glamour
He wanted the deference
He wanted it all!
His bunkmate in secondary school
planted the seed
He talked about cultists in certain
Universities he knew
He talked about the fear and terror they
unleashed on
university campuses
His bunkmate was a compelling storyteller
The type that seemed to tell a story over and over
And you just want to listen to it again and again
He mentioned the cult clashes
The way some cult factions killed leaders of other
cult factions
He talked about the ones that couldn't be killed
with bullets and other weapons
Those ones whose heads had to be smashed
before they could die
Heroes and Villains was the colour
He talked about a male hostel where cultists
throw their adversaries into the well
He talked about canals and forests
He talked about sudden disappearances
and the rest
He was obsessed with cultism and he made his
obsession infectious
Then they brought a guy to their school
"Irunmale" a former cultist who has
given his life to Christ!
Irunmale spoke of his daring exploits
It was like watching a James Bond movie
He said he walked through walls to talk
to the vice-chancellor of the University
he was attending!
He talked about killing, maiming, and determining
the destiny of other people
Just by being a cultist!
It was the church that brought him
Their aim was to convince them not to join
any cult because cults are dangerous
But it had the opposite effect on Him
He wanted to take the place of Irunmale
He wanted to be the "Kunrunmi" of cultism
The criminal generalissimo, don and capon
of the criminal underworld!
He set his heart on it!
But he didn't know how to go about it
When he finished secondary school
He gained admission into the university
He started frolicking the dark places
mixing with the dark characters
Expecting a summon, an invitation, a sign
He wanted to be initiated so badly
He was willing to pay for it!
He picked up all the habits he thought
would be required to prove he was a tough guy
He started smoking cannabis and drinking
He was always involved in one brawl or the
He would sit at the back of the classroom and
harass ladies and other students
Rumours started floating about him that he was
a cultist
He loved it!
He told his roommates tales of his
He built the myth and it was very easy
for the stories to stick because of his
A female student approached him one day
and gave him a business card
He was to call the phone number on the
card by 1 AM the next night
He did!
The voice told him to there will be
an initiation
into a certain cult at 1 AM on the
following week!
The voice told him it will be a strongman
event and many who walked into the
initiation ceremony might end up being buried
"We only take the strong and the able,
we eliminate the weak and the feeble"
The Voice told him the initiation ceremony will
happen somewhere in Osun State!
He was given a venue and time
He packed his bags the next morning!
He went straight to a village in Osun State
He had been told of a herbalist who had a
reputation for turning mortals into demons!
As soon as he told the herbalist what he wanted
the process began!
He was given the full dose
He ate concoctions, was given incisions,
sat on mortars and had a series of demonic
After five days without food and water except
for alligator pepper and incantations,
he was shot at and the bullet bounced back!
He was hacked by cutlasses to no effect
He had become an initiate
A custodian of demons and demonic substance!
He left the grove in the wee hours of the
sixth day!
He boarded a bus from the Oshogbo
It was one of those buses that would drive through
the city looking for early morning passengers
who didn't want to waste time at the motor park
He was the first person on the bus and chose
a choice seat in front of the vehicle!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt was "chasing
a babe" at Obafemi Awolowo University at
the time!
The lady was celebrating her birthday and
he had to be there!
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt took the last
seat on the bus!
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt sat in the middle
seat in between the driver and the "cult" boy
The journey commenced!
They took the Gbongan Oshogbo road
Twenty-minutes into the journey they came across
a highway patrol
The police officers on duty stopped the bus and
engaged the driver
The conversation dragged on and on
Suddenly the bus conductor panicked
He opened the door of the bus, jumped down
and ran into the forest
His movement distracted the police officers
Some ran after him into the forest
The driver also took advantage of the distraction
He jumped down and ran into the forest too
The other passengers jumped down and
ran off too
The time was around 8 AM
Apparently, they had boarded a bus full of a
criminal gang of escaped convicts!
It all happened in the twinkle of an eye
They were in the middle of nowhere!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt were the
last two remaining, they alighted from the bus
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked him where
he was going
He said "Ile-ife! I have a meeting later tonight"
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt told him
he was going to celebrate a babe he was
chasing at OAU! The babe was a law student
at the time and very Born Again! She would
be clocking 23!
They walked away from the police checkpoint
hoping to get another bus that would convey
them to their destination
As they talked, he asked the Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt why he was not scared when the
criminals started jumping off the bus
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked him
the same question
He told the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt about
his newfound power
It gave him confidence, power, dread over his
enemies, invincibility, immortality and
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt started laughing
"You have been deceived! You don't have any
power!" shouted the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
He didn't like that!
The fact that a novice would rubbish his hard
earned power so easily!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt said "I sneaked
out of my school yesterday came to Oshogbo
to see a friend and I am now on my way to
Ile-ife to see a lady I admire!
You were just coming from the power grove!
And yet, the two of us are here, side by side,
isn't that evidence enough that you didn't have
any power?
He said: My powers will manifest if people want
to hurt me but I can also do an incantation
and make things happen!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt said "Do the
He opened his mouth, but the
words got stuck in his throat!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt expected him
to say something but he didn't! The Brother
in Jeans and T-shirt also kept quiet!
They had been walking for almost twenty minutes
A bus arrived!
They boarded it and got to Ile Ife about an
hour later
No further words were exchanged between them!
When the Brother In Jeans and T-shirt got to
Moremi hall, he saw the lady! He took her to
Golden Mother restaurant!
They celebrated her birthday cheerfully
He left her school at 4pm
He had to be back in Bowen University before
He forgot all about the incidence!
Two days later, the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt
was in school when he was notified that he
had visitors at the school gate!
When he got there, he saw the "cult" boy!
and an elderly man who introduced himself
as the cult boy's Father (From the way
the man was dressed, he was of another
He had not been able to speak for
three days!
Not one word!
He had gone back to the grove and tried other
means but nothing worked
He was advised to seek out the "person"
he offended!
He came to apologise for his misdeeds!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt was taken
by surprise!
Nothing that happened was planned or
Even he didn't know what had happened!
"Would you like to accept Jesus Christ as
your Lord and saviour?"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked him
The "cult boy" nodded!
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt laid hands
on him and commanded his tongue to be loosed!
It was loosed immediately!
The "cult boy" was shocked!
He said "He wanted to say some incantations
to show off his newfound power, but while
the words were in his mind, he couldn't open
his mouth at all to speak!
That was why he kept quiet!
He said he tried to speak when he got to
Ile-Ife but the words refused to come out
He couldn't participate in the initiation
He returned to the grove the next morning
He was told he had offended someone and
only the person can set him free
That was why he went home to get his Father!
He was hoping that the presence of His Father
would sway the brother in Jeans and T-shirt
to forgive him
He acknowledged that he really didn't have
any power
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt hugged him
"I love you, and I was not offended at all"
The cult boy started crying!
With tears in his eyes, he renounced his past
deeds and gave his life to Jesus!
Confessing that Jesus is indeed Lord of all!
PS: The cult boy is now a missionary spreading the
fragrance of Christ in the countries of West Africa!
His father and siblings (His mother died when
he was much younger have all given their lives
to Christ through his ministry)
Conjurers and sorcerers can do a little
trick here and there!
But when Jesus shows up! Or when a believer
shows up!
Everything bows!
Jesus is not a joke or an exclamation!
In the life of a believer, he awakens great
powers and abilities in us that we do not even
know we have!
Let every other name fade away...
(This event happened in 2007)
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt didn't
marry the lady (It wasn't meant to be)
She is happily married
He is happily married too
Cultism is a waste of time and destiny
If you are a cultist and you're reading this
You really need to turn from that dead-end
Call on Jesus now!
He will turn your life around right now!
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