The Dawn of the Orion

The Dawn of the Orion

Their mother gave birth to five girls
Their father wasn't particular about 
having a son but their mother insisted 
she must have a son
She said she had seen a vision when 
she was a teenager that she gave 
birth to a male child and was even 
given the baby's name
She married quite 
early, so she had some time to relax 
after the fifth girl was born
They were living at a "face me I face you" 
apartment in Eleyele at the time
Her husband was a cook with IITA
She was a typist
They both attend a uniform wearing 
church where all forms of manifestations 
were the norm
After she had the fifth girl, she went 
to church to pray one evening, asking 
God about the vision she had and why 
it had not come to pass
She really wanted to have only four 
children but she didn't want to ignore 
the vision because she was convinced 
that male child could be 
God's purpose for her life
She told herself if having that male child 
was not important God wouldn't show 
his birth and naming to her in a vision
A prophetess came to her while she 
was praying
The prophetess said "Wait for five 
harvest ceremonies, after the fifth 
harvest you will have this boy
That was exactly what happened
She got pregnant five years later and 
delivered the boy a few months before 
the sixth harvest
Her last girl was five years and ten 
months older than the boy
She named him Imole (Light)
Coping with six children was very difficult
They could barely afford to pay their 
rent and feed three times a day
Her husband, who was an advocate of 
birth control and a man who didn't want 
to live a stressful life started resenting 
her and her children for the stress they 
were dragging him through
He had told her before they 
got married that he wanted only two 
She had always been the "God will not 
make mouths he cannot feed kind of 
Her husband had a piece of land he 
inherited from his father
When their landlord's impatience got 
to them, they both took loans from 
their offices and started erecting 
something on the land
Help came from unexpected sources 
and they were able to put up the 
structure within six months
No windows or doors, no toilet...
They moved in like that
It was the best decision for their 
well being
The rent takes the bulk of their earnings 
after moving into the house and 
paying off the loan, things were still 
very difficult
She encouraged her husband to go 
to their church for prophetic consultations
The prophet told her husband he must 
resign and become a Shepherd in 
their church in order to live a reasonable 
Her husband resisted
Things became quite difficult
He got the sack and finally threw in 
the towel
He became a shepherd
After becoming a shepherd, he was 
given a parish in Paraga (Somewhere 
in Ondo State)
He had to leave the family behind in 
Ibadan for his place of assignment 
A few months after getting to his 
place of assignment, he got the 
prophetess in the same church 
where he was posted pregnant
When she heard it, she ran to church 
for prayers
"Why did this happen? 
I have obeyed God and the instruction 
of the prophets all my life
I was not told my husband would 
abandon his family and leave me to 
fend for six children"
While she was still speaking with the 
prophetess, the prophetess told her 
to be still!
Someone who understood spiritual 
work had done something spiritual 
against her and it was meant to make 
her go mad... 
The prophetess dragged her to Ile-Anu 
(plot of mercy) beside the church and 
started praying and burning candles 
for her
She was also made to bathe and do 
some other things
She was kept in the church for a week
Her children (The oldest was eighteen 
at the time) had to move to the 
church to be with her
After the seven days in church, she 
was declared affliction free
She returned home with her children
She was warned not to visit or talk to 
her husband until she heard a strange 
noise from afar
She waited patiently
Five months later, the prophetess 
who got pregnant for her husband 
delivered the baby and went crazy 
Her husband had nowhere to keep 
the baby
He brought the baby home to her
He apologised and admitted that the 
prophetess did something diabolical 
against his wife which boomeranged
He was seriously affected by 
the whole scenario
As a wife she had always known her 
husband to be a cheat
It was a culture among her husband's 
The men & the women blatantly cheat 
on their spouses
The rule was simple
The concubine should avoid the main 
spouse as much as possible and 
vice versa
If a wife or husband goes out of his or 
her way to attack a concubine while 
unprovoked, he or she would most likely 
lose the marriage
She had assumed her husband would 
stop all the nonsense after becoming a 
shepherd although it is common in 
their church for shepherds to marry 
many women 
The baby her husband brought home 
was child number seven
Her husband spent a month with them, 
dropped some money and returned to 
his place of assignment
She knew he would still cheat on her 
and leave her to carry the baggage
The weekend after he left was a crazy 
She cried so much from the hurt and 
the stress of caring for the new baby
Her first child had finished secondary 
school and they had no means of 
sponsoring her tertiary education
Her only son whom she thought would 
be doing signs and wonders like Jesus 
to make the family great was just an 
ordinary child
She had done everything to test if he 
had any supernatural power
He didn't!
The new baby her husband brought 
home was fussy all night
The baby kept everybody awake
That night she told her self she was 
taking the baby to her husband's 
mother and dumping him there 
Mothers are supposed to bear the 
consequences of the action of their 
children, not wives!
She had too much on her plate
As early as 5 AM on Sunday morning, 
she started dressing up to take the 
baby to her husband's mother when 
she heard a knock on the gate
She went to check who it 
was with her oldest daughter
It was their next-door neighbours.
Dr. M and his wife
They were both quiet mind your 
business types
They were very rich too
The wife said they heard the cry of 
the baby while praying and the 
Holy Spirit told them to come over 
and help
These were people who consider her 
church and its members fetish and 
These are people who tried everything
 to shut neighbours out and live their 
lives in secret
The doctor checked the baby and 
treated him
After the baby calmed down, she felt 
obliged to tell them where the baby 
came from
They listened patiently
When she was done with her story
The doctor spoke with her children one 
by one before leaving with his wife
Later that evening when the doctor 
and his wife returned to check on the 
baby, they gave her a cheque
Something to buy some provisions for 
the family
That was the beginning of a seismic 
change in their lives
Two days after that day, one of her 
uncles in the UK who had left the 
nation for over 12 years called and 
offered to sponsor all her children 
through school
Within a year, she had completed 
the house and had some good money 
in bank
The baby attracted divine favour
When the baby was five, he started 
falling ill whenever he was taken to 
their church
The doctor and his wife came to 
check on them and she told them 
what she noticed
They told her to try changing church 
and see if the baby 
will fall sick again
The following Sunday, she took all her 
children to a pentecostal church and 
the boy's face lit up
That was how they left their uniformed 
Her husband never came back home, 
he married another wife in Paraga and 
stayed there
The favour of God stayed with 
her and her children
Three of them had graduated from the 
University and are already married
The fourth girl would be getting married 
on the 26th of December 2020 in Ibadan
The boy she gave birth to is in SS3
The boy she adopted is in Primary four 

PS: Do not take this as an endorsement
of prophets and prophecy seeking
As a spirit-filled believer, you have the
Holy Spirit in you and you must develop
and grow in your walk with him
The lady getting married is a sister
In-Christ to the brother in 
Jeans and T-shirt
She is a spirit-filled believer whose
walk with the Holy Spirit is very
Their mother became a spirit-filled
believer in 2014 and is a deaconess
in a pentecostal church
The church they were attending
before entertains many mixed
realities and odd spiritual doctrines
You must know the Holy Spirit for
yourself and walk with him
That is the reality of this dispensation
Those who depend on "prophets"
to see for them while they remain
in the dark are in danger of being
manipulated and taken advantage of
Let us please be wise