The Eclipse
Tell people you saw a young man with
a handkerchief, a ring, a tortoise or
a snake or an amulet
Explain to them that the young man is
using the item you saw him or her with
for diabolic purpose
Relate to the people how he used the
the item to destroy destinies
People will believe!
When the Badoo cult and other cults
were raging in Ikorodu area of Lagos
Newspapers and Broadcast journalists
were quick to get to Ikorodu and write
in detail the pathetic stories of men
women and children afflicted by these
cultists in their homes and churches
Tell the world the story of notorious
Kidnappers who worked hand in gloves
withthe police and other law enforcement
agenciesto pervert the course of justice
and ruin destinies!
People, yea, Christians will believe!
Tell Christians sorry tales about witches,
wizards, household enemies, village enemies,
demonic housegirls, spiritual attacks and
evil dreams, they will applaud!
Tell them about people harvesting menstrual
pads and panties for diabolic purposes
and they will testify in the court of law
Tell believers about the power of incantations,
how certain people can manipulate the weather
hold the rain, release thunder, cause the
earth to tremble and the forest to wither,
buildings to collapse, wombs to be shut,
and all sorts of evil!
They will believe!
Tell the stories of ritualist dens and blood money,
power brokers, human sacrifices, demonic
agents and their manipulative abilities, strange
demonic afflictions and demonic attacks
Christians will resonate with it!
You will read some books written by Pastors
and widely read by believers describing the
exploits of darkness, evil and demons!
Perhaps their aim was to use evil to promote
good, but all they had succeeded in doing was
to advertise the works of the enemy!
They put fear in the heart of believers,
they sow seeds of anxiety, worry, religious
captivity, superstition, bitterness and victimhood
in the heart of God's people!
You see believers clinging to "Anointed
handkerchiefs"the way a voodoo worshipper
clings to his or her demonic handkerchief
You see believers carrying anointing oil everywhere
like prescription drugs, like the bronze serpent that
was raised in the wilderness or the ephod Gideon made
after his conquest, the oil becomes a snare unto them
taking their eyes off the cross!
The same believers are the first to question
"Speaking in tongues"! They have no "power"
against the works of darkness whatsoever,
their lives are dreary, boring and miserable,
they have a pyramid load of problems and they
are ineffective witnesses to the power of the
Holy Spirit!
If they see a witch they will cringe, if they see a
cat at night they will shout "Blood of Jesus", if
they see a cockroach, they will scream, if they
have a bad dream, they will cry!
If anybody threatens them
with diabolic powers, they return to factory setting
quoting "Give unto Caesar"
They despise prophecy. ignore words of
knowledge, scoff at divine healing, discredit
divine blessing, claim the Holy Spirit does
not speak "gibberish",
He is a gentle spirit, almost timid, like a pussy cat
You get to stroke him on the head while
he says "Meow"
They know the devil can never make sense
because He is supernatural and his ways are
But they expect God to make sense!
God must be logical for them to accept
him to be who he is!
And even though they are languishing under
the yoke of affliction, evil dreams, night
terrors, demonic attacks, stagnancy,
barrenness and so on, they still question
and deliberately misinterpret the scriptures
In one breath they are calling him the Lion
of the tribe of the Judah while what they
actually meant to say
was that God was an excuse they created
in order to pretend
that they actually believe in something!
They are actually something believers!
What they believe in is a creature of their
own making a "god-of-the-gaps"
A being of convenience they worship for
the sake of worshipping something!
She was one of those
Born into a Christian family
Grew up in a very religious setting
Her Father was a staunch believer,
he was, in fact, a reverend
While they were growing up, her
father would say
"There are witches and other wicked
forces in the world
If you don't offend them, they will mind
their business
So keep away from witches and those
occultic people"
That was one of the absurd things she
heard when she was growing up
It was compounded by the mysterious
death of one of her aunties who was said
to have had a serious altercation with a
witch and paid the ultimate prize after
suffering for several days
His father and some other Christians
from their church prayed
God didn’t do anything
Eventually they hid behind that ultimate
"dodge a bullet" phrase
God giveth and God taketh away, blessed be
the name of the Lord
Of course, God gave but God didn’t take away!
The witch her “31 year old single mother”
aunt fought with told her aunt before several
witnesses that her aunt would be dead
within two weeks because her womb
would swell up and burst open!
Her aunt fell ill four days later
All the tests they ran at the hospital showed
her aunt to be healthy
Her father did everything he could
He even went to meet the witch and
apologies promising to pay anything the
which demanded as reparation
The witch refused to be merciful
Her father, the church and all their relatives
watched mercilessly as her sister languished
and eventually died
God might have given but it was the witch
who took away!
Prayer in the name of Jesus was helpless
After her aunty died, her father and relatives
still took two live goats, some palm oil and
textile materials to the witch
They went to appease her so that she
wouldn’t attack anyone else
It was absurd and ridiculous
But it was obvious where the power was!
Her father, their entire family and relatives
feared and respected the witch!
Weeks after the incident, she asked her
mother where the witches got their
powers from
Her mother gave her the “shut up your
mouth look”
She wished she had the power the
witches had
She wouldn’t have any problem whatsoever
Any of her teachers who dare beat or
insult her would be instantly dealt with
She would be able to fly
Take the form of any animal she desired
And people would respect and fear her
She nursed the desire for many weeks
Eventually, she mentioned it to one of
our friends in class
She didn’t really say she wanted to
be a witch
She only expressed her admiration
for witches
Her friend only watched her as she prattled
on and on
She was 13 years old at the time
A junior secondary school student in a
boarding school full of wicked seniors
A few weeks later, while they were on
the dining hall
One of the seniors gave her a piece of tasty
fried meat
She ate it!
And she became a witch!
She hated it from the very first day
There was something strange going on
with her body all the time
It was as if she was an odd fit into
her own skin
She could barely sleep peacefully most
of the time
Witches are full of dread!
They fear for no reason at all
And they have other witches they report to
She couldn’t just punish anybody without
taking permission from the leaders
The leaders are always afraid of being exposed
Afraid of attacking formidable forces
They prefer to do their due diligence and be
sure the person they are attacking was truly
helpless and unable to mount a proper
counter attack!
She realized that witches really didn’t have
much power over people
The dominion of their strength was not
the world of men
They were mere agents through which evil
can easily make its expression known!
Their reputation was far stronger than
they actually are
When they were amongst themselves they
play pranks and joke around
But they still fall sick, in fact, much more
often than ordinary people
They still depend on doctors and herbalists
to heal their bodies
And they have problems or challenges just
like other people
For example, one of them got infected with
HIV/AIDS, and they couldn’t do anything about it
She had been a witch for nine years when
she was given her lifetime assignment
An empty barrel of a Christian in her school
(She was in 200 level by this time studying business administration) was claiming to be anointed
All he had was the gift of the garb
Like any good salesman, the young man can talk
Many were giving their lives to Jesus under
his ministration
But his fire was not self-made, the type that
could be doused with a lot of distractions
He was powered by eloquence, zeal, and self
Her assignment was simple
She was to marry him!
He was a sun that was shinning
before it’s time
He was getting the accolades of men
and basking in it
There are miracles, signs and wonders
in his ministry
But they happen only because the gospel
commands miracles, signs and wonders
The mystery of the gospel lie in its
inherent ability to command wonders
without anybody’s input!
But the combination of the gospel and a
spirit-filled preacher is devastating to
the kingdom of darkness!
The young man was not what he claimed to be!
He speaks in tongues and preaches
with an unequalled passion, but it was
all a performance. He was doing it
because he could and because it drove
his quest for popularity on campus.
Ladies love him!
As at the time she met him one on
one he had nineteen girlfriends on campus
It was his Achilles heel
The desire to be a superstar!
Whenever a lady begins to show his
affection, he welcomes it with tacit silence
Affection comes with all sorts of gifts,
provisions and financial incentives
As long as he remained noncommittal
to any of ”his” suitors
It remains a free for all market
The more the bidders, the more expensive
the commodity
The ladies all believe he loved them
He told them so
But he insisted he couldn't date
anybody openly!
That was how she also got in on the act
She gave him a gift
A special perfume for his birthday
The day he used it, she became his world
She waited until they graduated before telling
him she doesn't want anything to do
with ministry
He agreed with her immediately
They got married and he got a job as a
relationship officer in a bank
Of course he became a shadow of his
former self
Those who saw him were amazed by the
sudden eclipseof his glorious sunshine
She isolated him, keeping his ”fanatic”
friends far away from him
She had done her job successfully for
seven years when all hell broke loose
They were sleeping one night when he
began to pray in tongues from sleep
It was strange
She had practically buried that aspect
of his life
Within ten minutes, she was practically
jumping out of her skin
Her ears shut down and her body started
crawling all over itself
The next day he took her to the hospital
The doctors found nothing wrong with her
He took her to church
They prayed and prayed!
Then he made a phone call and put the
phone right in her ear
The voice on the phone was also praying
but it was praying in a tongue that was
practically driving her mad within her
own skin
She started screaming
Then ”whoosh” her ears popped open
She fell in her knees and started vibrating
all over
She was burning inside
The discomfort was too unbearable
It was as if a liquid fire was pouring all
over her body
She opened her mouth
She started confessing!
The confession lasted from 10AM till 3pm
An agent of darkness was insinuated into
life for years just to ensure that this "sun"
does not shine
In what universe was that even normal?
But you will mock spiritual things
Laugh at the divine weapons given to you by
God for warfare and victory
You will ask philosophical questions
You will subject divinity to your mundane tests
You’re the smart one right!
The one with the one talent who buried it
because it made no sense
Keep it up!
The King cometh!
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