The Facade
There was a family in Ibadan that my family grew up knowing so well.
The man is a Rev. Dr. His wife is a Rev. They have 7 children.
Some of their children went to the same school with me and my siblings up to the University level.
Life happened and we all parted ways.
I moved to Lagos and most of my folks moved abroad.
Three years ago, I got a call from the USA, it was from my mother.
She said, "Something is happening with the ST family, I got a call from Mama ST today and the story was not palatable at all.
I usually do not pay attention to people from my past, so I ignored the message and tried to change the subject but my mother would have none of it.
She insisted I had to listen.
She said "Olaolu, if it is not important, I won't bring it up. I know you are busy, but please pay attention."
So, I did.
Then she said, "All of Rev. Dr ST's children are married but a lot of strange things have been happening in that family.
The first child got married and her husband died within a year in Amsterdam
The second child got married, had a child and the baby was born blind and crippled
The third child suddenly took ill in America and had to be flown back to the village for traditional care
The twins are both divorced at the moment
The sixth Child is married but the wife suddenly left home one day and refused to return to the marriage
It was later discovered she had moved in with another man but she left her child behind
And the last child got married six months ago and I was just told the husband died in a car crash two days ago
I know this is not normal and I feel I should talk to you about it
What option did I then have?
I had to collect the Rev Dr's number and book an appointment
I went to see him on a Tuesday
He is an older and wiser Christian
I told him what my mother said and asked if we could pray together
He said, "Sam, I walked into a trap and I have been praying God would bring me out of it"
I kept quiet...
He said, "I got a message from the village, from my grandmother
She said she had a dream. In the dream masquerades were flogging her for neglecting their shrine and abandoning the old ways and she made a promise to them to return to the old ways and offer them their sacrifices as it were in the past."
My grandmother asked me to send some money my behalf and all the children, she said she was going to resurrect our family masquerade which had never been celebrated in over forty years
I tried to argue and pleaded with her to forget about the masquerade something but she started to cry
Eventually, I gave her some money, just so that I could have some peace
A few weeks later, she sent me some fried meat which she claimed were leftovers from the masquerade festival she organized
“I didn’t think anything of it, I know that idols are nothing, so I didn't give what happened a second thought until recently when I had to ask myself why the family has been facing such unending attacks from the pit of hell, I have asked the Lord for the forgiveness of my shortcomings, my wife has developed high blood pressure and hypertension because of the constant barrage of affliction.”
“My son, just pray with me" he said
I asked where his wife was
He said she was resting in the room
I said Let us pray sir
He said, "Let us go and see her in the room, I feel we should pray with her too."
I walked right behind him into his wife's room
She was deeply asleep
I motioned to him not to disturb her
We began to pray
He led a hymn and I sang along
Then I began to pray in the spirit, His wife woke up, clutching her tummy
Rev Dr. ST was bent over, in tears as the Spirit of God began to move
His wife began to act funny, after about 30 minutes of writhing and screaming, she began to "confess"
By this I mean, she began to say things like, "I did this to Taye, I did that to Kehinde"
(She said everything she said in their native language)
She said her husband offended the elders and instead of punishing him they wanted to kill her in order to spite him
She fell ill and after divination, the oracle revealed that she was the scapegoat
She said the only option given to her was for her to join a cult and live, so she did
The calamity befalling her children was a result of this
In her quest to live, she had to sacrifice others of her own blood.
Her husband almost jumped out of his skin
I also stood with my mouth hanging open like the hole to my children's piggy bank
When she was done, her husband said the marriage was over
I laughed
How does that change anything?
I asked for bread and a bottle of coke
I presented communion before the Lord and I gave her to eat
After having communion, I declared her free from witchcraft
I joined hands with she and her husband and commanded a reversal of every situation regarding the children
I declared them whole and fully healed in all their ways
I told the Rev DR not to contemplate leaving his wife for any reason
I explained to him that he would only be playing into the hand of the evil one if he did so
The storm calmed after this incident
The children's situation turned around gradually
Within a year all the children had fresh good stories to tell regarding their station in life
The head of the serpent had been cut
I wondered about the incident for several weeks, how could the Rev Mrs. be a witch?
I mean....
It just didn't add up but I had no idea what was wrong
A year later, I went to visit the Rev Dr and his family
We had lunch, then I asked if we could pray together
They agreed
We started to pray and their housemaid (She is from their village, the daughter of a distant relative who came to live with them and had been with the family for about 9 years began to scream
Then she began to stagger and scatter the sitting room
I went to her and held her hand while praying in the Spirit
She began to manifest
She said her left hand was paining her because she kept a key in it
She said she was the one that afflicted the children and the confession of madam was a ruse to deflect attention off her
She said so much
When she was done, I gave her communion too and she was led to Christ
Strangely, I was satisfied by the outcome
I knew there was witchcraft activity in that household but I was sure it is not the Rev. Mrs. that was responsible
It was her prayerlessness that made it possible for the other lady to channel her spirit through the Rev Mrs. as a medium.
Glory be to God the entire family is fine now
PS: The devil is a liar from the beginning, he came to steal, to kill, and destroy
He does not tell the truth because JESUS IS THE TRUTH
As I write this,I got a message from one of the children that she is getting married again (She is a widow) very soon
This will be the fourth remarriage/reconciliation in the family
The Lord took away the years of pain and misery and replaced it with Jubilee
Glory be to God
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