Opinions and Perspectives
(Luke 10:26)
The case got to the Supreme Court.
The whole country was waiting for the verdict.
Both Candidates believed they had won the Election: they had reasons to believe so.
Candidate A had the highest number of votes: it was a clear majority!
But Candidate B believed Candidate A should not have been cleared to contest in the first place: he did not meet the minimum qualification standard.
The Tribunal agreed with Candidate B and declared him the winner.
The case went to the Appeal Court and Candidate A was declared the winner.
Now the case is before the Supreme Court, the final arbiter…
There are seven Judges in the Supreme Court: five men, two women; all very experienced legal luminaries. They took two weeks to come up with a verdict after brainstorming on the merits and demerits of the case.
The verdict was a split decision: 4:3.
There was a lot of talks and arguments by citizens. Half believed justice was served. Half believed the Supreme Court erred.
This scenario plays out very often all over the planet: people will always have different opinions and perspectives on issues. Why?
Why can’t we all see things the same? Why can’t we all view issues through the same prism, through the same lens?
It is because we all have our biases and prejudices, so we process things differently.
Barnabas and Saul (Paul) were a Team set up by the Holy Spirit.
As they ministered unto the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said: “separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the work I have called them unto” Acts 13:2
So these two men had a divine assignment to execute TOGETHER. But guess what? They had a disagreement! Their assistant, John Mark offended them. One felt they should forgive him and continue the work, the other felt he should be dropped: can’t be trusted! This issue became a deal breaker: the Team set up by the Holy Spirit was broken up because of differences in opinions and perspectives.
Barnabas went off with John Mark, Saul (Paul) got another partner, Silas. Acts 15:36-41
Companies and organizations have broken up because of differences in opinions and perspectives.
Churches and Ministries have split because of differences in opinions and perspectives.
Marriages and relationships have ended because of differences in opinions and perspectives.
Now, why are our opinions and perspectives so powerful?
Why are they so strong: strong enough to bring down the things we have built over time?
I will give my take on this based on Scripture.
Jesus had a conversation with a lawyer.
He asked The Lord: “What can I do to inherit Eternal Life?”
Jesus gave him a strange answer: “What is written in the Law? HOW DO YOU READ IT?” Luke 10:25-26
Therein is the problem: HOW WE PROCESS THINGS!
Two people can read the same thing but process it differently!
That is why seven Supreme Court Judges would look at the same case, examine the same documents, go through the same evidences but come out with different verdicts. They simply process things differently.
Like I submitted earlier, we all have our biases and that ultimately affect how we process things and judge things.
That is why if we are to vote for a Mayor for example, the Moralist will vote for a squeaky clean candidate even if he has no pedigree, while the Realist will vote for a morally bankrupt candidate that has a track record of performance.
The Moralist will justify his choice while the Realist will justify his also. They both made their choices based on their biases.
I have often wondered why we have so many different Churches with so many different modes and styles of worship, prayer, ministration, doctrine and beliefs.
But when I understood this submission by Jesus (HOW do you read it?), I don’t bother arguing over anything with anybody anymore.
Dale Carnegie said, “a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still”.
You can win the argument, but you can’t change your opponent’s mind. As long as you “read it” from different perspectives, you will always see it differently.
Now, why do we see things differently? Because we have different orientation, lifestyles, upbringing, belief system, experiences, etc.
A friend once asked me to get him a plumber. Then he added a caveat: “I don’t want any plumber from XXX tribe!” I asked why.
He had gone through a nasty experience from someone of same tribe, so he did not want to have anything to do with anyone from that tribe again!
So, his bias is based on EXPERIENCE.
If Jesus asks him, “How do you read?” He will respond, “Through lenses tainted with bad experiences!”
The question to YOU, reader now is, how do YOU read?
What has shaped your opinions and perspectives over the years?
What influenced your biases?
What experiences affected your outlook in life?
If you can identify them (if they are negative ones), you can deliver yourself and be healed from them. Don’t go through life with a bad experience crippling you from fulfilling your potentials.
I know a man who got married and had a very nasty experience in the marriage. he eventually got divorced and he spent some months going through healing. When he decided to start dating again, he fell in love with a lady from the same State and Tribe with his ex-wife! He told her, “If I were not healed, I would have run away when you told me you were from that State and Tribe!” He did not allow his experience in marriage colour his judgment when going into another relationship.
But a lot of people don’t do that: they would have written off that tribe and vowed NEVER to have anything to do with anyone from there again.
But for us to enjoy the best of God, we MUST be free from all biases and prejudices. We can’t really fulfil our potentials in Him if we don’t get rid of all negative opinions and perspectives.
Know this and know PEACE.
Haruna Daniels
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