Miry Clay
There was an account book
Like a book of records
His grandfather described it to him
"The one with hard cover... The one that was bound,
don't buy those "Higher Education" stationeries for
me! Buy those ones that the thrift collectors use to
record their collections"
His grandfather gave him some money
He ran to the stationery store
He bought one!
When he got home, his grandfather asked him
if he could read and write very well
He said yes!
He was in primary three at the time, and he had a good brain!
That was how the journey began
Every evening, his grandfather would sit him down
and dictate the recipe for making charms of all kinds
to him
"Take a copper ring, unripe pawpaw, sheer butter,
some 'this and that' leaf! Cut the pawpaw a little and
place the ring in it, then you say the following words
(As incantations)and bury the pawpaw for seven days!
On the seventh day, remove the pawpaw from the earth and
remove the ring from it!
Place it in the sheer butter until you are ready to use it!
If anybody provokes you to a fight and you
strike such a person with that ring!
The person shall become crippled instantly and will
not recover until you give him some seeds from the unripe
pawpaw to eat!
That was how he got himself entangled in the world
of the supernatural
The records were in his possession and he gets to
review them every day!
His grandfather spared no details!
None of his children was willing to carry on the
family business as herbalists or traditional rulers
and as he looked steadily towards his grave, he decided he
would have to deposit his knowledge into his witty
His grandson was eight years old when he began to teach him,
he taught him both the theory and the practical aspect of
the fetish!
They tested rings on goats, dogs and chickens
He tested his incantation skills until he could summon
the whirlwind!
His grandfather gave him many concoctions,
he ate some on the farm, some in the town, some in the night,
some under a tree, some in the midnight and some on the
He swallowed some seeds that must not touch his teeth,
some tiny and well-prepared gourds for empowerment
and protection!
He learnt so much!
By the end of the three months holiday, he had started
sojourning through the realms on a small scale! He could sleep
in his Father's house and be in his grandfather's house within
a twinkle of an eye!
His grades in school soared!
His grandfather had given him the secret to certain
principles in the realm of the spirit
One of them was the key to learning
He doesn't have to struggle to learn anything
All he had to do was read it aloud once
Whenever he was writing exams, a voice will
read it back to him
The training went on for ten years
His grandfather taught him everything he knew
and then handed him over to three women
whom he paid a visit every fortnight to learn
deeper mysteries!
By nature, he was a gentleman,
just like his grandfather!
He was not the lousy, trouble fomenting type
One could barely hear his voice when he was speaking
but the charms wouldn't be kept quiet for long
He got to the stage where the blood of animals
was no longer the price for growth in the realm of the spirit
He needed human blood and needed a legal avenue to get it
When he got into the University he joined a notorious
cult group!
Within a semester he was their number one hitman!
The rate at which he killed so-called opposition or rival
cult members were so swift and gory, that he became renowned
and celebrated on campus
His popularity extended beyond their University campus
to other universities!
Whenever cultists were aiming to strike terror on any campus
He was the first name on the list!
He killed with impunity!
He graduated and got married
He prospered in every way!
But his wife ran mad within seven days of their marriage!
His wife's family took her to the hospital
She had never had a history of mental issues before then
Someone told her family members that
she had married a cursed man
She refused to return home with him
He met another woman! While they were courting
everything was fine but the lady went mad within a week of
getting married to him!
He went to the elders, he wanted to know what was happening
He wanted to know the solution!
They told him there was no solution
He will neither be able to marry or have children
One of the charms he did couldn't bear
the presence of a woman or children in his life
If he married a hundred women, all of them would run
mad one after the other
He decided he wouldn't marry!
He lived alone, worked and made something of himself
As he grew older, he lost faith in the charms
Of what purpose is success and achievement in life
If he wouldn't get to share them with anybody
He tried to get women pregnant, promising them
heaven and earth if they will have a baby for him
Some of the ladies consented because of the easy life
he offered
But after several efforts, none of them got pregnant!
He also didn't have any peace!
He saw a lot of strange things daily!
Sometimes he would see a being dressed in white
the being would say to him "Give me some money"
Nobody else around would see the being
He would give the being some money and
the being would disappear right there!
Sometimes he would keep some money at home and the money
would disappear, at other times he would find some money in the
house, beside his bed that he was sure was not his!
He knew he was not alone, but the presence of the unseen
and seen spirits has isolated him and made his life miserable!
He had tried on four occasions to kill himself
Twice, he drank the poison and somehow survived
The other two times he chickened out of shooting himself
He heard voices all the time!
He sometimes saw the people he killed during his cult days
He sometimes heard voices!
He sometimes sees himself in the dream getting flogged mercilessly
Herbalists had given up on him
Everywhere he goes, they call him the accursed!
He just wanted it all to end!
The day he clocked 48, he sent a message to gbengawemimo.com
"Please sir, can I come and see you?"
He met the brother in Jeans and T-shirt
They talked!
He said "I have been to many churches.
Pastors have told me that
I have gone so far off that there is no way back for me!
I have been anointed, hands have been laid on me,
I have confessed Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour
still, I couldn't find "rest"!
I want you to help me ask God, is there anything I can do?
I will do anything to sleep for six hours
without having any nightmare
Do you know I cannot taste food anymore?
One day I woke up and I have lost the ability to taste food
I just eat anything now!
I don't know what bitter or sweet or sour tastes like anymore
I will like to experience being a normal human being again!
I know I cannot ask to go to heaven because the Bible says
the soul that sinneth shall die but I just want to have some
years of sleep and quiet!
I was very young when I got into it!
I didn't know it would destroy my life!
Please, help me!"
PS: Acts 8: 14-17
When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to Samaria. 15 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
What he needed was the Holy Spirit!
Like the Samaritans, he had received Jesus
Christ as his Lord and Saviour but he had not
received the Holy Spirit!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt laid hands on him
He started speaking in the Holy Ghost immediately
Then he fell down and he slept off
Right there in the conference room
He slept for two hours
When he woke up, the brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed for him again!
He told him to read the book of John and
speak in tongues as much as possible every day
He left!
Two years later, in 2016, he got married at the age of 50
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt blessed the union
April 14, 2019! His wife delivered a bouncing baby boy!
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