The Gatekeeper
His wife called the brother in Jeans and
T-shirt in the middle of the night
She was sobbing so much, she could barely
get the words out of her mouth
He told her to calm down
He was no mind reader
She needed to be calm enough to tell him
what the issue was so that they can pray
about it
She eventually calmed down
She explained her dilema
She said she was nine months pregnant and
was expected to deliver her baby at any
But she didn't want the baby
She wanted the baby to either die in her womb
or she wanted the baby to be a still birth
It was a strange desire from a mother
She said she would have done something to hurt
the baby but she simply didn't know what
to do that could harm the baby and leave her
unharmed to care for her two daughters
She said her first daughter was ten years old
and her second daughter was seven
She said she had been pregnant twice after
the two girls and aborted the pregnancies
She simply didn't want to have another
child for her husband, especially if the child
will be a male
She said her husband was the custodian of the
village and family idol of his community
Though he was a medical doctor with a thriving
hospital and they are located somewhere in a
big city
Her husband was heavily into the demonic and
practices all sorts of sorcery
Their house has a strong room which her husband uses
as an idol room
She said her husband would go into the room
and conjure all sorts
She said he was so powerful that sometimes they
feel and/or see strange spirits moving through
the house
On the outside, nobody knows what sort of devilish
things her husband does within the house
He doesn't bring anybody home and neither does she
They are a very modern family
She and the children travel abroad often and
have relatives scattered all over the world
But their home was a place of terror and fear
No househelp, maid or domestic staff stays
in their house for up to a month
It was the demonic manifestations in their house
that led her to Christ
Even though she practised Christianity in secret
and made sure her children were blessed and
prayed for at least every week by a pastor
Her greatest prayer is for her husband to come to
the knowledge of Christ
She had prayed and fasted to this end
But her husband simply kept amassing traditional
titles and going deeper in the occultic
The only thing her husband wanted from her was
a male child
A child he could groom in his ways
It was the one thing she was determined not
to give him
Her husband told her he would have married
another wife to give him a son but his divinations
had revealed to him that there was a special
child, a boy, that would come into the world
from her
He had done many sacrifices and made many vows
to ensure this child was born
Twice, she had terminated her pregnancies as
soon as she noticed she was pregnant out of fear
She didn't want to give birth to this "son" that
would be used by the devil
She had thought about removing her womb
or leaving him but she was scared he would strip
her of everything
Even though he was not a physically abusive
husband and he treated her fairly in the natural
She was very scared of him
She was scared of living in the house where they
seem to have wraiths and demons as housemates
A house where she wouldn't dare venture into
some rooms for fear of the darkness that dwells
in them
She was in bondage
Her children were in bondage
She didn't know her way out of it
She kept on praying and hoping God will
make a way
Then she got pregnant
She didn't know how her husband found out
before her
Her husband came home one evening and said
"You have been aborting my children without
my consent, I know this for a fact, I know you
don't want to give birth to any other child
But yesterday, this boy came to me in a dream
I mean, the son that was promised to me by the
He came to me and told me he had tried to come
twice and you got his pregnancy aborted!
He said if you try it this time, he will make sure
you do not survive it
And for good measure, I am making you a promise
If you abort this pregnancy, I will use your
daughters to make sacrifices to the deities
I will marry another wife and start all over
with her.
That is a promise!
She said her legs started shaking from that moment
Two weeks later she confirmed that she was
She started praying that God will terminate the pregnancy
She didn't take her folic acid or any medicine
She wanted the baby to die
She said she even sat on a hot stove on three occasions
Hoping to trigger a miscarriage
The pregnancy only grew stronger and stronger
And then as soon as the pregnancy was due
Her husband woke her up in the middle of the night
and said "I saw my son, the boy that was promised,
he was dressed in a traditional war gear covered with
He was holding a rifle in one hand and a sword
in another
He told me he would come before sunrise
She had hoped the pregnancy would turn out
to be a girl
At least since God didn't terminate it,
He must have another plan
It felt as if God had abandoned her
She rushed to the hospital the next morning
She had avoided antenatal throughout the
She was told to go for a scan
She just wanted to know the sex of the baby
She was sure it would be a girl and her husband's
evil child would not be born
She had the scan
She was told she was carrying a big boy
That was the moment she started crying
It was as if a thick fog of darkness descended
upon her
She didn't know what to do
She couldn't even imagine what sort of child
she would be bringing into the world
She knew her husband would take him over
and deposit in him as much evil as possible
He might end up a notorious armed robber or
a kidnapper or assasin
Her imagination went wild
She cried all day
That night while she sat in her room crying
She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back
It was the first sign of labour
Her husband's prediction was coming to pass
She reached out to the Brother
In Jeans and T-shirt
It was a last gasp attempt at hope
She had been clutching at straws for months
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told her
not to cry anymore
Everything was going to be fine
They prayed together
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt said he disallowed
the labour
He declared that the baby should remain in the
He declared that the demonic clock set for the
delivery of the baby be stopped
He demanded that angels and ministering
spirits take over the delivery of the baby
and stop the labour until he commands the
baby to be born
She said "AMEN"
It was a strange way to pray
Making demands and declarations like someone
who had authority over such things as labour,
childbirth and so on
But it was her last hope
And it worked
The labour pangs stopped almost instantly and
she slept off
The next morning, her husband was restless
he kept pacing the floor and mouthing words
While looking at her suspiciously
At about 11am, her husband told her to get
into the car and drove her to the hospital
She was examined and told everything was fine
The doctors told her she would be induced if
labour doesn't start in a few days
She returned home
Her husband didn't come home that night
She called the Brother in jeans and T-shirt to
give him updates
He told her not to worry
"Just eat, listen to audio Bible and sleep"
One week flew by
It was the best week she has ever had as
a pregnant woman
She was light all over and giddy with joy
Her husband returned home after a week
He told her he wanted to know the truth
What did you do?
She told him about the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
She said all they did was pray
He demanded the phone number of the Brother
In Jeans and T-shirt
He reached out
He said "Brother, we are both into spiritual things
and at the root you know we are all serving the
same purpose!
We shouldn't hinder each other
I will like you to please undo whatever you did"
The Brother in Jean and T-shirt said
"If that babies cries today, you die! Nothing can
change that!
The baby's birth was delayed in order to preserve
your life!
If you insist the baby should be born without
giving your life to Jesus, you will not live to
see or carry him!
I have decreed it so"
Her husband cut the call
There was silence for ten days
Neither the husband nor the wife called
On day eleven, in the middle of the night
She started experiencing labour pangs
He drove her to the hospital by 2AM
He called the brother in jeans and T-shirt by
4 AM
He said "Sir, I am sweating all over, my body
is behaving somehow, I think I am sick!
I am a doctor, I know all this symptoms,
my chest is paining me, I think I might have
a heart attack! Please pray for me"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked him
if his wife was in labour
He said yes
The brother in Jeans and T-Shirt asked him
if he would like to give his life to Jesus and
He said Yes!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt led him to
Christ over the phone
He accepted the Lord Jesus as his Lord and
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt started
praying in the Holy Ghost
After a few minutes, her husband got the baptism
of the Holy Spirit
Fifteen minutes later, the news came to the
husband while they were still fellowshipping
His wife has delivered a bouncing baby boy!
The Brother In Jeans and T-shirt screamed
for joy
The baby was named "Gideon"
Ps: This story happened in Nigeria, in the year
Believers have a right to allow and disallow
"I promise you God in heaven will allow whatever
you allow on earth but God will not allow anything
you don't allow" - Jesus in Mathew 18:18 (Goodnews Bible)
Either physical, natural or supernatural or spiritual
Realities answer to Citizens of Zion
We were given Authority and power
We were given Dominion and Majesty in Christ
We were called Prophets, priests and Kings
The reality of the Christkind is domination
for the purpose of Kingdom expansion
and spreading the gospel
Stop laying curses on fellow Christians
and falling for the tricks of the devil
Authority was meant to bring the children
of disobedience to a place of submission
to the name of Jesus!
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