The Labour of our Heroes Past

The Labour of our Heroes Past

I was on a trip. I came back on line, saw some people posting Ojukwu's pictures and insulting him; saw others talking about a documentary and insulting Abiola. These are Igbos and Yorubas. We have lived with each other and married and loved and befriended each other for ages.

Even if it is political season, there should be some boundaries you shouldn't cross for the sake of decency.

That somebody did a documentary does not mean he or she knows everything
Or is to be believed. The tobacco industry in America had scientists and media people doing documentaries and writing research papers for them claiming tobacco is not dangerous to people's health for years.
Many judges and well-meaning people who put their faith in science believed them.
They had assumed that since the people defending the work had the title "Dr" or "Prof" they would stay true to their calling and integrity by telling the truth.

If you have ever seen experts giving their opposing opinions in the court of law you will understand that nobody has the monopoly of truth when it comes to subjective situations.

I keep shouting that deceit does something to you, especially self-deceit. If you know something to be true don't try and convince yourself to believe the same is a lie. It causes your moral compass to become faulty.

What do we have to gain by insulting each other's living and dead heroes?
They are symbols of our rich history! 

Did you ever hear any of the Kings that came after King David calling him an adulterer and a murderer? Did he not commit adultery and murder? Was he not punished
Did God not call him a man after his heart after that to the point of establishing his throne in Christ till today?

If you are too young to understand your world and the implications of your actions, keep away from politics. If your vocabulary is still limited to "Ode", "Mumu" etcetera, it means you lack the sense to string words together and present a critical cohesive thought, so you're still a baby.


Politics is for the matured. That's why there is an age limit to voting.

If you're drooling over a documentary that will make the Yorubas and the Igbos be in conflict, you're not wise!


In order to win an election, you need to accommodate and unite. If a material is not uniting you; why are you laying emphasis on it?

None of our heroes past were saints while they were here.

Heroes have their flaws too but they are symbols of our evolution and therefore should not be dragged in the mud.

The North understands this. The South seems not to. In the History of politics in Nigeria, you see aspiring leaders visiting the likes of Babangida over and over again.

Apart from the one time when Buhari needed Tinubu's hand before they formed APC
I never saw a northern candidate come to the south west or south east to see the elders with political clout for endorsement.

Is Babangida a Saint? Why then do they go to him? Because the North respects their heroes. We shouldn't throw ours in the dirt

The same way the North gave their heroes a place of reverence, the south should do the same. I should respect your heroes and you should respect mine.

Abacha loot has been recovered over and over and it is still being recovered. The North still regards him as a hero. If he were to be alive, our politicians would likely be going to him to get endorsements.

Did any northerner come to Ojukwu for endorsement when he was alive? Did any northerner come to Bola Ige for endorsement?

Typing English on Twitter does not translate to having wisdom. You're not here just to insult and abuse people. You're here to meet people, make friends, build connections, meet your life partner or business partner, etcetera.

You are in this space to take advantage of it. Please do so.

Insulting people is of no advantage to you.
It debases you, shows you're classless.

Do better with your time on this space.

Talk politics and learn politics but not so you can insult people.

There is always a better way!