The Mystery of the Word
The Mystery Of The Word - Christ...
We are still discussing Christ from another perspective. I'll take a little part to help you understand... In dealing with the kind of challenges we are facing... They won't assist us, they are creating lies about Christians. How will completely annihilate completely... We are already in charge. They're getting mad in certain places and making illegal things mandatory, the abuse of power. Making evil things mandatory like the antichrist and his unlawful laws. Where have their brains gone?
Formal education is thrown to the winds... Online learning but they don't care about the billions that do not have access. They don't care what happens... The deep church. The title of deep church didn't come from me but from a sound archbishop from Rome. You've got the deep state a
nd the deep church. They hate the church, but pretend to be part of us.... They're not part of us, don't be deceived, they don't change.
What's the next thing to do... Let's begin to do the same things, they're not angry about closing churches, they love it. They know what to do but don't listen to God. They listen to themselves. They didn't pray to God for answers before accepting the closure of churches...
The Prince of Assyria is responsible... The prince of Babylon will come after the rapture of the church. Now, the work of the evil spirit of darkness.... There is something we are going to do after this mystery of the word. If you can get it into your spirit... Oh glory...
Isaiah 14:24 -27 ESV
I will break the Assyrian...
Isaiah 30:30- ESV
The Assyrian will be terror stricken... Be beaten down through the voice of the Lord. Not by riots...
What's the voice of the Lord? Thank you Lord Jesus. Glory to God.
The Mystery OF The Word
John gave us the story of the word and the reason for the story.
John 1:1-30
In the beginning was the word.... Notice the tenses... Look at at the tenses... In the beginning was the word... The word was God (not that the word is God). He has a reason for saying that. Something happened. Notice the tenses...
Verse two... The same word was in the beginning with God... I get stirred when I start reading these words... Dear God... All things were made by Him... Gave personality to the Word... In Him was life.... Was, was, was... What happened to Him?
Verse 5, the light shines... It never cease to shine. Darkness couldn't overcome it. Couldn't and wouldn't.
From verse six, it paused and talked about John the Baptist...
From verse eight, it returned to that Light that is the Word. The most God-hating person knows that there is God. The Light tells you that He exists. He's just given you a secret you shouldn't forget. He lights every man that comes into the world. Let's look at what we have.
The word is a person and preexisted all things. Was himself God. He made all things. The word is life. These are remarkable things in the first few verses...
Verse 9 mark it
Verse ten.... In this place, he wasn't talking about the incarnation. No, He, the Word, there's no Jesus yet... It still about the Word. The word was in the world... The topic is the mystery of the Word. John is helping us reveal the truth about the word.
Verse 10-11 - the world of men didn't recognize him. His own received him not. Who is his own? Privately owned. He came to that which is his own, separated to himself, not talking about the whole world. What's he talking about.
You'll get a lot today....
Here's where we need to understand Johns message. He opens up about the word. He's telling you a story.... He tells the beautiful story of the word with God in the beginning. He's talking about the beginning he wants to talk about. God preexisted creation. From everlasting to everlasting Thou are God. Dateless beginning and end.
The world knew him not, his own received him not... Then something happened...
Verse 12... He goes into a paranthetical narration... Side talks... Waves in and out to get the truth... Don't be carried away but the important side talks...
Verse 14, he goes back to the word... Reading from verses ten, eleven into fourteen... So the word was made flesh... The word here.... Egeneto.... Became... Resultant.... And the word became flesh and tabernacled amongst us. At a certain time in history, he separated a certain to be his own. He gave Adam dominion over the world. He purchased a people by covenant.
Exodus 15:16
The people he purchased. Psalm 74:1-2... Purchased of old. Deuteronomy 32:6 - your father that bought thee.... Their Father that bought them through covenant... They were God's own by covenant. They rejected his prophesies and the prophets... The voice of God is the Holy Spirit but the word of God is Jesus.... How the voice of God came walking in the garden. Voice without word is sound. The words you're hearing are from my spirit. The voice only amplifies the word. The logos is
the opinions and ideas of God.
The Holy Spirit is the sound... The voice was speaking God's thoughts and opinions... This Holy Spirit is the doer and carries out and executives the Logos of God. Words and thoughts inside. I'm saying things but without voice, you couldn't hear me.... Why is this important?
Verses 10,11,14... God talked to them by the prophets.... Anointed by the Holy Ghost as though God was talking... He came unto his own but they rejected him. They didn't embrace him. The word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. He chose a people but they rejected and he chose to come by Himself in flesh... Glory to God. Amazing...
Imagine if the words I've been speaking to you suddenly forms a person... Full of grace and truth... Someone who is so gracious and graceful... You may answer roughly, he will remain so kind. He knew they were thieves and robbers... He was full of grace and truth.... Graceful and gracious and reality.... Something about Jesus.... It's amazing...
Let's suppose for a second that you're getting it.... Thank you Lord, glory hallelujah....
Let's go back to verse ten... The world knew him not... Can you handle this...
John 6:48
I am that bread of life... Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead... Whatisness.... It gained a name from their curiosity... This is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man will eat and not die. This bread comes like the Holy Spirit... I am the living bread which came down from heaven.... The word proceeds from the father... Anytime you hear the word of God, it comes from the father in heaven...
You're hearing me now from your home, it is not originating from there. The burning bush experience... How God spoke from heaven and the mountains quaked... His voice came from the fire... He speaks from heaven and you hear Him from your heart.
Jesus said, here I am, the totality of the Logos. Jesus said His body is the temple... Temple of his body... His very body is the transformation of the word into flesh. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. The word became flesh. It resulted in flesh. John 6:51. Listen, Jesus is saying his flesh, blood and bones are the word of God. Verse 53... Without Him, there is no life... That was upsetting to them. Verse 54-57... Serious.... What is Jesus saying?
John 6:58
Do you want to live forever? Then eat me... He said so in the synagogue... Even his disciples were offended... He is so gracious... The resurrection of Jesus is the most meaningful thing to the church. The most extraordinary thing is what Jesus just said...
Too few people talked about the ascension of Jesus... It's so important and significant. Most just read it... Jesus lavated... He ascended... Read what the bible said about it... I'll go back to the Father, that's the proof... That's when his sibling believed. Only his mother was there.... His siblings came where he ascended... They were listening and actually realized that he was truly risen... 120 of them... They too were listening... Then he started rising up... One foot of the ground... He started talking to them from the air... Now, He's really ascending and on and on and on until he went into the cloud... It dawned on them that their brother was truly who He said He was...
Nobody talked about it...we sat quietly in the upper room. God was with them and they didn't know. He was truly God but they didn't know. I like the whole world to know that Jesus truly ascended and from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. Most never talk about it. The day you understand the ascension, your life will change.... The living bread from heaven.
What if you see it, what will you say... John 6:63... It's the spirit that quickens, the flesh profits nothing. The words I speak to you are spirit and life. This is where life is. If you receive my words, you're eating my flesh... They are spirit and life... Oh boy...
I'm introducing the word to you... This is where the life is... There's something about the word. The greatest thing in your life is the word. That's where you came
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