The Mystery of the Word II

The Mystery of the Word II

The Mystery of the Word...

I'm discussing this for a purpose. God speaking from heaven... Many of you are bible scholars... I give scriptural referencing...

Deuteronomy 4:12
The Lord spoke to you from the midst of the fire... Verse 36... Out of heaven... Thou heard his word out of fire...

The voice of God that came from heaven but he's in the fire...

Genesis 3:8
The heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and they hid themselves... They heard his voice. They saw no form, the heard the voice walking and they weren't scared about the voice but about themselves being naked. And God called and Adam responded that he was naked... Or what a day... Oh... One that was in fellowship with God is now telling God not to come. He was ashamed.

What must that have been to Adam? Told God not to come... He was ashamed... Reminds me of a film years ago... Ben Hur... The scene where the leper... The family became leperpus and they told junior not to come because they were leperpus. Adam and Eve were in bad shape and told God not to come...

Are you hiding from God? You can't. He knows everything...

Then I took you to...

John 1:10-11 - It wasn't about Jesus but the word before it became flesh. It came to his own that he concentrated by covenant...

Jeremiah 7:25
I have sent to you my prophets... They did worse than their fathers... They didn't harkened... They obeyed not the word... Jeremiah 11:7... They obeyed not but walked everyone according to their own minds...

He spoke out of fire, sent prophets, yet they did t hear... Then, the word became flesh. The word was manifested in flesh, will they listen?

Isaiah 1:2-4
He nourished them but the rebelled... He came unto his own, but they received him not. Isaiah 52:10... The Lord had made bare his holy arms... Unveiled his holy arm... Isaiah 53:1-6...The holy arm is a man of sorrow...

I took that part, he was talking about Jesus...

Isaiah 52:10
In the eyes of all the nations.... Verse 13-15.. Showing you how he was in the world made by him, the world didn't know him. His own didn't receive him. He became flesh... Think what that meant. The word became flesh. The flesh, man word of God. John 1:14. That's Jesus. The word was born a baby, a human and started growing up. He hadn't become

the voice of God yet. He's the word. Everything God. All of God's thoughts and thinking but not preaching...

Even as a little boy, they found wisdom in him. The totality of God congealed into personality. That's Jesus. Then the Holy Ghost came and entered into Him and He was filled and became the voice of God. His words became the Fathers words. Oh...

In Christianity, we are just scratching the surface of what he called us to be.

Hebrews 1:1-3
In this later part of the times. Paul wrote Hebrews... He's writing to the Hebrews... They were hearing and understanding what he was talking about. They knew that calendar of Daniel... They knew about the seventy weeks... Seven weeks of years... 49 years for the building of the temple... Sixty nine weeks... 70 weeks until the messiah comes... 444 bc.... Everybody looked back to that date... They were counting and knew that they should have messiah any time now... Last days of the calendar...

Look at it... God spoke by the prophet and by his son, it's about the word of God. God spoke. That's the common thing. He's telling us exactly what John had said. Let's use the word to represent his son...

Because he had in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he had ordained as heir, possessor of all things. By whom also he made the worlds... Don't miss me here.... He's talking about Jesus, the living word. Possessor of all things... To fulfill, to work, to bind together, this is remarkable, it means to do... This is huge... By whom also he made, fulfilled, do, did, fashioned, put together, created, made it happen, the aion...

Aions (worlds), dispensation, era, different ages and so, this refers to the systems in time. Like the coved, debacle, fiasco era... He fulfilled the dispensation, worked out the dispensations... Jesus is the logos of God and God fulfilled the aions by his word through the prophets and through his son...

God was fulfilling the eras through his word. God had a picture of the aions... 2 Corinthians 4:4, there is an aion and there's a God's aion.... We will not allow the world aion to superimpose over God's aion.

Hebrews 1:1-3
Who being the brightness... Upholding all things when he spoke. The earth are standing on imaginary axis... They are by the rhema of his power... This Jesus, ever before he came, was the word of God. When God spoke, everything came into being... When he said it, it became.

Colossians 1:16
The world was made by Him, the word that created everything became flesh and dwelt amongst us. He was born of a virgin. Mary believed and was conceived of the word. By him were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible... If you dare believe this... If I believe this thing, how am I going to be... I knew it was going to alter the course of my life... I was born in church... Should I believe this thing, is it believable and trust worthy.

Finally, I told God I dare believe and my life was changed forever, you can't believe this stuff and move this way and that way, believe it completely with all your life.

All things were created for himself. He owned the. All. He is before all things and by him all things consist, held together by the rhema of his power. He's keeping all things in place. If anyone threatening you, tell them they are too small. Do you know who is with me? Too small...

Hebrews 11:1-3
Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen. For by faith, the elders obtained a good report. The instrumentality of faith, by the application of the tool of faith, we understand that the aions, systems, times, age, eras, were framed, catathizo, by the rhema of God. When the prophets took the opinions of God and spoke them as rhema... The words I spoke to you are spirit and life, they have power...

There are things that are not in line with the aions of God. I look in my bible and see them not and I say Lord, what's going on and He says look in the word... You have to have this life in the next two years, you say no, that's not the aion of God.

He did t bring you this far to have your li

fe determined by them cnn, no. What do you want in your life. Decide and determine by yourself. This is not the aion of God. Some have prepare their lives to conform... No!

These things were made of things of faith Abel... By faith Enoch... Without faith it's impossible... By faith Noah....are you persuaded... For they that say such things...there's a way they talk, it's a talk of faith. What life do you want to life?

These are inspiring words, we don't stay safe, we don't hide from the virus... By faith Abraham... Verse 19, accounting word, reckon thee, count it so, can you so reckon? God was able to raise him from the dead.... By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau and spoke into their future... Is about time...

People were dying because they were not being treated... Didn't hear the woman... Not because covid was so strong... Stretch your hands and bless your children and send them out and nothing will happen to them...

By faith joseph spoke concerning his bones... By faith Moses....

Hebrews 1:32-39
Through faith subdued kingdoms.... I'm inspired by this kinds of stuff.... Not by fear... Be safe... Oh God, I thought we are safety! If anyone wants to be safe, they should come to us...

He's talking about people of faith. What life do you want to live. It's a shame...

1 Timothy 1:18-
According to prophecies....War a good warfare... This is huge... What about the prophecies in the scriptures concerning you. You should make war with them... Some Greek words just for clarity...

2 Timothy 4:7
I've fought a good fight... There's no chance for chickening out. Frame your aion in consistency with God's aion.

1 Timothy 1:18
You win a good warfare. With the prophecies, you can stratiomine.... Two other verses... Acts 5:26... The captain (stratigo...) and the officers (those that work with their hands and carrying out the captains instructions)... 2 Timothy 2:3... Endure hardness like a good soldier (different from the captain). Commanding Officer in the military, he's the strategist... You should be the commanding officer leading this expendition... In the war, don't carry out like the officers, you are the commanding officer, use prophesy... The strategy is in the prophesy in the spiritual realms and frame your aions on how things ought to be. Many are living in another man's world and dying their deaths.... Know Gods plans and speak it back and live by them. When God speaks, somebody have to carry them out here on earth...

2 Corinthians 10:4
The weapons of our warfare... The rest of us are involved.

Wow, wow, wow, glory to God... In the next few days, you will understand and God's people will know what live to live... It is written concerning you, live that life. Decide what life you're going to live. Don't live Satan's aions... They said many will dies in Africa and in Nigeria.... No, no, no, our future is in our mouths... Oh oh oh, glory to God...