The Oversight

The Oversight

A fool says in his heart "there's no God". 
But I'm a witness and a testifier of 
His existence. 
He neither needs to prove nor force 
himself on man. 
But whether the world likes it or not, 
He is sitting on his throne, watching 
over His flock as a Good Shepherd 
that he is. 
I remember a few years ago when my 
daughter was on her way home from work. 
On our street, these armed robbers came 
on a bike and somehow one of them shot 
at my daughter. 
Lo and behold, the bullet missed her but 
rather unfortunately went into a man 
coming behind her. 
Very very unfortunate.
My point is, if you are one of those who
 doubt God's existence, it is time to believe
Please stop being a Thomas and come 
to Him today when you still have the
He is LOVE. 
No matter what you have on your plate, 
he is willing to welcome you.

- Ronke Arowoshere


1Corin 10:23-24 (TPT)

"You say, “Under grace there are 
no rules and we’re free to do anything 
we please.” 
Not exactly. 
Because not everything promotes 
growth in others. 
Your slogan, “We’re allowed to do anything 
we choose,” may be true—but not 
everything causes the spiritual 
advancement of others.
So don’t always seek what is best for 
you at the expense of another"
You see that scripture above? 
That is the major reason why as saints of 
God and ministers of the gospel we must 
not be found living riotously as though we 
are of this world.
No, we are in this world but not of it.
We came from above to establish the 
counsel of God in the lives of men, 
we didn't come to worsen situations here 
but to give life to a dead world.
We are God's light...
We are called to let this light shine before 
men so that they can behold Life and 
partake of it.
Of a truth, no sin(work of the flesh) can 
cost our heavenly citizenship or revoke 
our salvation, never, but it can affect the 
way our gospel message is received by 
The Lord illuminated our hearts so that 
we can shine the light to others, and 
we can't afford to put this light under 
the bed but on top of the lampstand.
Let's not hide our identity in Christ just 
to feel comfortable engaging the flesh 
and send wrong signals to people whom 
the Lord sends to be enlightened by us.
Let's not by our attitude and constant 
fleshly manifestation give the world 
reasons to ridicule the Grace Gospel 
we preach. 
God sees your faith while men see 
your work, this is why we must to our 
faith add virtue.

To your faith add virtue...
To your faith add virtue...
Yo your faith add virtue...

Wisdom is a powerful virtue!

Be mindful of the growth of others, 
don't let your excessive fleshly 
manifestation quench their passion 
for growth and spiritual understanding.

This is one way to put Christ first!



The Tussle

When I was working with a big church, 
I know for a fact that we had 78 registered 
widows and four widowers. 
It is no longer news that wives outlive 
their husbands in this clime (NIgeria). 
The pastor was transferred and another 
pastor was brought in. 
The new Pastor was a widower. 
The widows in the church started nursing 
the ambition of getting married to him. 
I remember one widow, a rich widow 
coming to my office in confidence and 
telling me about a vision she had. 
She was certain the pastor was transferred 
to that church as an answer to her prayers. 
She begged and pleaded that I should 
agree with her in prayer that what God 
showed to her will come to pass. 
But she was not the only one looking to 
marry the widow. 
The four other widowers in the church have 
refused to remarry. 
This does not in any way imply that they 
were not in relationships and enjoying 
companionship with other women but 
they do not want to officially get 
entangled for their own reason. 
Everybody knew this pastor must 
It is required by the work of ministry 
and for the work of ministry. 
There was a lot of jostling and praying! 
The rich widow kept coming to the office 
bearing gifts for staff members and 
befriending those close to the pastor 
who could put in a word for her or get 
her a foot in the door. 
She really tried. 
In fact she paid my Bible College tuition 
She gave bags of rice and vegetable oil 
to those very close to the pastor especially 
his protocol team. 
She had prayed and "wetted" the ground. 
Eight months went by.
 Pastor came to church one day to 
announce he would be getting married again! 
The church rejoiced. 
The ceremony would be holding abroad! 
Who would he be getting married to? 
A sister from another church entirely! 
A widower from another denomination. 
Within a week after his announcement, 
34 widows stopped coming to church. 
They would have been happy if he picked 
one of them but the fact that he went 
outside of the mission felt like a slap 
in their faces. 
The rich widow left the area two weeks 
later, she moved to her house in Ajah. 
She said the fear of God was not in 
the church! 
She said the Holy Spirit had either been 
shunned or ignored by the pastor. 
She called me several times to lament.
 I understood her plight. 
This is a gross oversight by the church 
and it needed to be addressed. 
In Israel the provision for the widow 
was total. 
She gets to marry the sibling of the 
This provided for her within the context 
of society and kept her respectable! 
Ruth married Boaz as a result of this 
The church had no provision for the 
widows apart from food and some cash 
(Once in a while) 
We also have a glut of single mothers, 
divorcees and mature adults praying 
and struggling to get a home or 
anything close to it. 
Please pray earnestly for all those in
 these categories that God will settle 
these ones by his Mercy.

Gbenga Samuel-Wemimo