The Rooster

The Rooster

He fell in love with another woman
He was married at the same time
He didn't really have an excuse for 
whatever he felt
There are many things he could 
point to as his excuse
Many things he could itemize as the 
The bottom line was his feelings, his 
thoughts and his desire 
they just seemed to have found solace 
with someone else
Someone with a calming and assuring 
Someone less volatile
Someone less unwise
There was a time he loved his wife too
Perhaps he still loves her a little
but the affection had waned terribly
His wife was in his opinion 
not worthy of all the attention and 
the love he expended on her from 
day one
All she wanted was a ring
He didn't see that from the beginning 
but it became obvious after they got 
She was very warm and accommodating 
while they were courting but became 
cold and distant right 
from their wedding night
The first thing she said when they got 
to their honeymoon venue was "I finally
 got this monkey off my back"
He didn't take that to mean so much 
until the next day when she said 
"I had to settle for you since no other 
man came calling and my parents
wont let me rest, I just felt you should 
know that"
He didn't quite know how to respond 
to her words
He had married her under the 
impression that they were both in love
He didn't know how he was supposed 
to respond to her jibe about settling 
for him
Her words hurt him to the bone
Later that day, she had her bath 
and walked into the room naked
"Are you angry with me?" She asked
He just looked at her, he was not 
even in the mood to reply to her or 
respond to her but there is a way 
a woman's naked body causes a 
man's body to act despite its true 
That was the story of their 
All duty
She flipped back into her old 
life without a second thought
He was left alone in the boat of love
Left alone in the cold
He spoke to his mother
His mother told him you never 
stop toasting and wooing a woman
He began to try
How hard can it be to get a woman 
you are sleeping with to fall in love 
with you
She simply didn't respond to his 
He brought her breakfast in bed 
one day, she said "Really? Who told 
you I have time for this sort of thing"
He dropped the food on the bed 
beside her
She didn't touch it
He had to throw it in the trash 
when he returned home from the 
office later that day
His wife had a life, a reality that was 
exclusive to her
She had her business and friends
He was just something she needed to
 mark her achievements calendar
The same goes with their children
The boy and the girl
She delivered them for him to nurture
She traveled to the USA to deliver '
both children
She returned home with their birth 
certificates and handed them over 
to him
He practically nursed them with the 
help of two nannies
He didn't complain to anybody
He took it as life throwing him 
His wife never cheated
At least not with a guy
He suspected that she was into 
some of her female friends
At a point, it became somehow 
obvious through her attitude to him 
but he never caught them in the act
Whenever those friends were 
around, she became especially 
mean to him
Treating him like a nuisance
It wasn't what he bargained for
His wife was not incapable of love
She was just not capable of loving 
him and the children the way a 
maternally inclined woman would
Many people called him blessed and 
he was proud of the woman he married
in many ways
She was independently wealthy, a 
successful business tycoon
She was not a burden on him financially
She even bought him a car for his 
35th birthday
but she was not a wife
She acted more like one of those 
absentee husbands whose wives were 
always begging for attention and love
That was her nature
And she wasn't deliberately mean to 
She treated members of her family the 
same way
She was independent and assertive
Domineering and controlling
It has to be her way or no way at all
Even on their marital bed, things must 
only go her way
If he tried anything new, she would get 
turned off and the fountain of 
honey would get closed and may not 
open for many months
Everything was done to satisfy her 
He was a faithful believer
He never even considered cheating
Until this lady came to the house to 
see his wife
The lady was the manager of his 
wife's cosmetics outfit located at Ikeja 
His wife asked him to drop the lady off
 on his way out
The lady got into the car and started 
She had been duped by a customer 
who bought a lot of goods and paid 
with a fake bank alert
She came to the house to report what 
had happened
His wife (Her boss) told her she should 
go and report herself to the police 
station in computer village immediately
He tried to console the lady but she 
was too distraught
So he asked her how much the money was
She told him
It was not so little but for his wife's 
standard the money was a chicken change
He gave her the 
She insisted he must follow her to the 
shop to see for himself that she was duped
She didn't want him to think she was using 
her tears to part him with his money unjustly
She insisted she wouldn't take the money 
unless he followed her to the shop
He went with her & somehow 
he saw it again
The vulnerable, soft, warm, and motherly 
He had totally forgotten how attracted 
he was to that sort of spirit and how it 
soothes him
He enjoyed her company so much that 
he didn't go for the Sunday school 
preparatory class he was heading to 
She was a breath of fresh air
They exchanged numbers and became 
He offered her nothing and demanded 
Somehow they would exchange youtube 
videos and chats
They had so much in common
She was a believer too
Two months after they met she got a 
better job and left his wife's 
He went to see her two weeks after 
she resumed at her new job
She took him to lunch and they discussed 
as friends
He bought two movie tickets two weeks 
later and they went to the cinemas 
(He had not been to the cinemas in 
years by that time)
He was happy
He felt 
He started waking up with excitement 
He knew it was wrong but he didn't care
It was light seeing the light again after a 
long time in the darkness
She sent him a message after three 
months of their "relationship" asking 
him to define what was going on
They had not had 
any form of physical intimacy but he 
was in love with her already
He asked her if she would leave him if 
he told her the truth
She said if the truth involves the word 
"love" she would never respond to his 
messages again
He said Okay
They met two days later, he was barely 
holding back his tears
She noticed that he was quiet and 
She asked him what was wrong
He held her hand, looked into her eyes, 
and kissed her
He expected a push, a slap, a spit on 
his face
He got none of that
She kissed him back
They were both lost and they knew it
After the 
kiss, she said goodbye and walked 
away without looking back
He knew what she did was the most 
sensible thing to be done
He had taught Sunday School for years 
and he was the one who takes the 
topic on Temptation every year
He was the shining example of 
self-control and discipline 
When he got home that day, he tossed 
and turned on the bed
He must get a divorce
It was the only thing ringing on his mind
The only opportunity he has to be 
happy in his life couldn't be allowed to 
slip away like that
Who was he trying to impress with 
sorrow and misery
He deserved 
to be happy too
By 5 AM the next morning, he got a 
phone call
It was from the Brother in Jeans 
and T-shirt
They had met earlier that year when
 the brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
was invited to minister in their church
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
said "My brother, the Holy Spirit 
just showed me a vision. 
In that vision, I was with many 
people. We were about to have a 
service but the hall we were to use 
was covered with waste and feces.
I saw people cleaning it up but we 
had to wait for a long while in the 
sun while the cleaning up exercise 
was going on. 
When I woke up, i still had th spittle 
and nauseous feeling from that vision 
in my mouth.
I asked the Holy Spirit what it was 
that I saw
He said it has to do with you
He said a scandal is about to break 
out around you, it will cause a delay 
in your spiritual ascent and destiny 
If you will shake off this scandal and 
prevent if from happening, you will 
get to your destination quickly and 
without any encumbrance."
The massage was too apt
He thanked the brother in Jeans and 
T-shirt and turned his face to the wall
He cried from 5:30 am till 9 am 
He deleted the lady's number and 
resumed his miserable life and walk 
with the Holy Spirit
Two weeks later, he was chosen by 
the church as the pastor in charge of 
a new branch located on Lagos Island
He accepted the position with joy
One year later,his wife's mother died
They went to the village for the burial
He flew back to Lagos to make it in 
time for Sunday Service
His wife traveled by road and had a 
motor accident somewhere before Benin
She died.
Two years later he got married again.
Guess who he got married to...

PS: This event happened in Lagos and 
Port Harcourt
He is still a pastor
His wife is currently pregnant with their
 fourth child
(Two from his late wife)
I don't want this story to be misinterpreted 
in any way pls
I saw a vision overnight today that was
similar to this one
There is someone in particular who
will read this story and get the message