Unusual Tongues in Kwara

Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara
Unusual Tongues in Kwara

Souls were saved in Kwara
Peculiar Gospel Outreach Ministry
has a strong slant towards
crusades and soul-winning
Arrangements had been made by
the leadership of Peculiar
Gospel Outreach Ministry to get 
them baptized 
Our team did the needful 
What we didn't expect was the 
people rising out of the river filled 
with the Holy Ghost and speaking 
in tongues! 
An elderly man popped out of the 
water speaking in tongues
He was followed by others
The elderly man didn't know what 
had happened to him 
When he roared 
He ignited a firestorm 
I roared too and so did my baptism 
partner Bro. Damilare Tijani 
Everybody saw that the atmosphere 
had turned 
The others lined up solemnly to be 
baptized: Ladies, gentlemen, youths 
all came
Every one of them was dipped into 
the river in understanding and they 
came out speaking tongues of fire! 
I had conducted baptism before 
It was my first time ever seeing that 
Then I remembered that God had 
promised us He would do the unusual
 The Unusual took place right there
Later in the night, the General Overseer '
of Peculiar Gospel Outreach Ministry
Pastor Joseph Babatunde held a crusade! 
I saw a power breakout! 
He spoke on Salvation and Hope only in 
Jesus Christ! 
The Holy Spirit took over completely 
Souls came running when the altar call
 was made 
The Holy Spirit reigned!
The next day we had a healing line 
and the Holy Spirit took the pains 
and afflictions of His people away in 
the name of Jesus! 
I must add that I had taught on 
Water Baptism and The Baptism of 
the Holy Spirit earlier that day! 
I taught in Yoruba! 
When it was time to get people filled
with the Holy Ghost, the ministers of
the church joined us as well as others
who had received the Baptism of the 
Holy Spirit before then!
It was quite an experience!