The Myth of Soul Ties
As a believer, when you hear a preacher say anything or write anything to you in the name of having knowledge or imparting knowledge, there is nothing wrong with writing it down and doing a bit of research or finding out about the term before swallowing it hook, line and sinker.
Many gospel ministers who claim they have been called to the deliverance ministry or the singles ministry preach and talk a lot about soul ties, and then they claim that they can break them through prayers.
As children, our souls are not tied to that of our mothers who carried us in her womb for nine months, neither are our souls tied to that of our earthly father whose seed produced us and brought us forth to this world, but it is claimed that we can meet a brother or a sister and like the person to the point where our souls are tied together and we find it difficult to let go of the person spiritually even after we had broken up with the person.
Have you not heard of the term heartbreak before?
Is the term falling in love alien to us?
What do people do when they fall in love?
There is a merger of the mind, fondness and a deep feeling of affection is mutually shared between two people.
Falling in love is a strong bond that is created between two people who share a deep affection for each other.
When two people who had previously been in love break up their relationship for one reason or another, their hearts ache, and it affects their whole being.
Heartbreaks make us do funny things...
We cry...
We talk to ourselves...
We blurb to others who care to listen to us...
We let go of our dignity and sometimes embarrass ourselves by begging the subject of our love to forgive and take us back...
We sometimes go to the extreme of calling the person every other minute
Writing long messages and emails...
Blocking the person everywhere on social media while beating ourselves up for falling for someone who didn't end up fighting for love the way we are fighting or who gave up on the relationship too soon...
Trying very hard to teach ourselves to forget and cope with life without the person
All these and more are perfectly normal feelings we all have towards each other in normal relationships or circumstances.
That is not something anyone needs deliverance from, and it surely is not a soul tie.
The term soul tie is not even Christian.
The origin is from demonic new age religions, and many Christians with itchy ears who cannot stay true to the word of God adopted it as something to fleece the undiscerning with in today's woke reality.
The Bible referred to the souls of David and Jonathan being knit together
1 Samuel 18. [1] And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.
This is the only scripture that mentions the possibility of two souls being knitted together. However, this is not a literal knitting, tying, or knotting together but a figure of speech explaining how much Jonathan came to love David as a friend.
Or have we all forgotten that there is something called a figure of speech?
Figure of speech is any intentional deviation from a literal statement or common usage that emphasises, clarifies, or embellishes both written and spoken language. Forming an integral part of language, figures of speech are found in oral literature, polished poetry and prose, and everyday speech.
Transferred Epithet
And so many others
If I say, "Jonathan fell in love with David", and "Jonathan's soul knitted to that of David, and he loved David more than his own soul", I am saying the same thing.
However, both of them are male, and we don't want some people to interpret this as Solomon and David, who are in a gay relationship, so we will have to say Jonathan became very fond of David.
Apart from this one scripture, which talks about two people sharing one soul, the Bible never again mentions such a thing.
This is because it is impossible for souls to be tied
We are made of Spirit, soul and body as born-again Christians but as only Soul and Body as unbelievers
Unbelievers have no living or active spirit whatsoever, and everything they do is with the soulish realm
Adam was created with Spirit, soul and body, just as his wife was, but after they both ate the forbidden fruit, their spirit died, and therefore, they were left with only their soul and their body
With their bodies, they do the material, biological and physical things and with their soul, they reason, make decisions, deal with their emotions and engage each other intellectually
The soul is the essence of the human mind
It is individualistic in nature, and its properties cannot be tied to that of another soul.
For the Christian, the moment we give our lives to Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit; this is the conscious activation of our spirit being in Christ.
With the Spirit, we are joined to the Lord as one Spirit
Where, then, does this idea of soul ties and all the empty words of no value being touted by spiritually ignorant ministers come from?
It came from their desire to explain why a lady or a guy would stay in an abusive relationship and defy all odds to stay in it sometimes until he or she is killed in the relationship.
You hear people say all the time that some women in abusive relationships go back to their abusive partners as if a spirit is controlling them, and they have no power to resist that impulse.
Instead of being sensible and coming to the realisation that shared experiences between both the good and the bad ones often forge such a serious bond that cannot easily be broken between them.
We all prefer the familiar to the unfamiliar, and human beings are seriously ruled by their habits.
They choose to label it soul ties, and by so doing, they give it a "spiritual essence" instead of a psychological one and then claim they can conduct deliverance to set people free from it.
Can you conduct a deliverance to set yourself free from someone you love?
Parents have tried hard to separate their male and female children who are in love with each other using several tactics from generation to generation.
"I will disown you if I see you ever again with that boy or that girl."
"I am withdrawing you from that school, and I forbid you from communicating with that boy or that girl."
"You are grounded until you come to your senses and leave that girl alone."
Some parents will even fly their child abroad and pray that the distance will help them do the job of separating him or her from the person he or she loves
Many of us reading this article, regardless of whether we are married or not, have a boy or a girl in our memory who we were so fond of one time in our life and still remember as he or she was then and how we feel about him or her
Does that mean we are soul-tied to that person?
Some people come into our lives and leave no impact; we forget them, and often time, it feels as if we never even met them
There are people who came into our lives, and their impact changed who we are at our core.
We remember people based on impact, and emotional impact is the most notable of all the impacts anyone can have on another person's life.
The impact someone we love or had a serious intimate relationship with has on our lives is strong, and the impact is often very strong
This is in no way a soul tie
It is just a normal human feeling of affection
We delight and bask in it when it is there, and we cry bitterly when it is gone.
It makes us behave in a certain way when we are under its influence, but we get over it with time
We don't need special prayer and deliverance for it, and it is surely not a soul-tie
Again, The concept of a soul tie first originated in New Age belief systems and has been erroneously and wrongfully adopted in some Christian communities
The term became popularised in the early 2000s as part of an effort to help people recognise and break away from unhealthy or toxic relationships.
Let us be like the Berean Jews described in Acts 17:11
Now, the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
Let us do a bit of research before telling one pastor our body count and paying him 100 dollars per body like a pimp so that he can deliver us from the soul ties we have had with all those other souls in those bodies and set us free to find Mr. Right who we are now desperate to find to settle down and marry.
Born Again Christians who are full of the Holy Spirit can never be tied to any other entity apart from Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
You cannot be possessed, and you cannot be soul-tied; it is simply Impossible
PS: Before you protest, take your phone and do a bit of research
If I am right, please ask your pastor or deliverance minister for a refund or at least send him a text message explaining to him in 100 letters why he is a thief and robber who does not know the gospel
Thank you
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