The Blend
Practicing the healing ministry has
a way of keeping you humble if you
are honest and sincere.
When you know you have to minister to
sick folks with real hurts and pains,
and you know that nothing else will
do it except the power of God,
it gives this holy fear and sends you
to the place of prayer because you
become more aware of your total
dependence on God.
This is the reason I counsel younger
ministers to keep the ministry of
healing as an integral part of their
ministry just as Jesus commanded and
just like the apostles did.
If you are sincere it will help keep
you never forgetting or outgrowing
your dependence on Him.
If you avoid ministering to the sick
and confronting demons in your ministry,
all you will have will be talks and
shows void of power!
And that will mean, you aren't doing
ministry the Bible way.
1 Corinthians 2:4-5
And my speech and my preaching was not
with enticing words of man's wisdom,
but in demonstration of the Spirit
and of power: [5] That your faith should
not stand in the wisdom of men, but
in the power of God.
We don't go to the extreme of falsifying
healing testimonies or stage-managing
That's vile.
But we don't go to another extreme of
shying away from ministering to the
sick either, hoping to replace it with
oratory, community works and bread and
tea services.
It will neither do you nor the church
any good.
Many people are sick and in pain and
for many, medical science has given up
on them.
They desire to be healed.
God desires to heal them.
We must desire to fulfil both desires.
Both God and the sick need us in this
If you have been ministering to the sick
and still haven't seen healings or
miracles as you desire, don't give up on it.
Rather let it drive you more to prayer
and the word.
Push for it.
Go for the real deal.
Stay on it until you have it.
Contend for the miraculous!
I'm doing same.
- Sam Chiaka
Of Spousal Vibrations and energy compatibility
One area couples hardly check out before
marriage is mental compatibility and
I am talking about the thinking
faculty of your spouse
As a man thinks in his heart so he is.
I have interviewed in the last
9 months 32 couples whose marriages
didn't work out and asked a number of
questions that we hardly ask in my
sessions with them.
The shocking revelation was that there
was one of them who consistently thought
of divorce and feared a break up.
What the other party did not know was
that the vibrations of the one with a
negative mindset about the marriage
was stronger than the one who wanted
it to work.
With that mentality, he attracted
friends whose relationships broke down
and saw movies about divorce.
In fact many of them mentally rehearsed
life without their spouses.
With that mindset the inevitable happened.
While they even hurt about the divorce
many of them just discovered for the
first time ever the role their thought
world played in their break up.
Guard your heart with all diligence
readily comes to mind.
Search out the thought world of the
person you want to get married to and
consistently check out the fears of
your spouse because what they
consistently create in their inner world
often comes to pass.
Imagine someone who consistently fears
the death of his/her spouse and constantly
imagine life as a widow or widower?
That spouse is at risk
Who is in your life?
What energy are they vibrating into
your life?
What reality are they creating
This has been my latest discovery in
my work with couples and its amazing
how powerful this is.
It's not enough to be spiritually or
financially compatible you must examine
the inner world of the person you are
seeing because it determines how far your
relationship goes.
- Praise Fowowe
There's a disease that attacks ministers
especially young ministers called MOGism.
This disease is very difficult to detect
and can be very fatal if not discovered
and treated early enough.
I will outline some of the symptoms
here to help early detection.
1. Cravings for titles.
Those who suffer from this disease
forbid being called by their names
or being called brother/sister.
They always want to be addressed
with titles.
If you make the mistake, they don't mind
immediately correcting you with their
title even if you are family.
He is less than 5 years in ministry but
is already calling members 'my son',
'my daughter'; people whom he has only
known for 1 or 2 years!
In the chronic stage he'll begin to like
big titles like Senior Apostle,
Holy Prophet, etc and enjoys being
called 'father in the Lord' yet he's
the one being fathered by his members
who stretch themselves just to satisfy
his wants.
2. Impatience
Those suffering from this malady are
always in a hurry to big pastors,
to be recognized and to be in the limelight.
3. Forgetfulness and ungratefulness
Such forgets who taught them. He forgets
how he was before he came.
He forgets those who helped him when
he needed help. Now he says
"It's not a big deal. Besides, God
could have used anyone."
4. Lack of Honour
A person who has this disease begins
to feel "after all we're all ministers"
just because he has memorized some
scriptures and some Hebrew and Greek
So he gives his contrary opinions
against those who taught him and doesn't
mind publicly pointing out their error
He stops attending meetings that helped
him grow because he now believes he
has it.
Speaks lightly of the grace of God on
other Minister's lives and quickly
ordains half-baked ministers so he
can brag of how many pastors he can
call 'my sons'.
He wants the honour he finds hard
to give to others.
5. Loss of Simplicity
He can no longer carry his Bible himself
as he used to. He cannot walk alone,
he must have protocol, protocol for things
he can simply do himself. He now has a
ministry manager who will book his meetings
and has requirements before he can honour
any invitation to minister, yet he is
not really as busy as he wants everyone
to believe he is. He just loves that air
of dignified importance and superiority
over the brethren. He believes he has
to 'fake it to make it'.
In the chronic stages he might begin to
do strange things to attract crowds and
give false testimonies to excite the
fancies of his audience.
He wants fat honorarium and brags with
his achievements.
6. Exerggeration
He begins to exaggerate stories and
to wow the brethren and other stunts
to make people believe what he wants
them to.
But when he begins to stage-manage
miracles and tell lying prophecies,
then you know the disease has reached
its advanced stages.
7. Deafness to Corrections
Perhaps this is the worst of all the
signs because this blocks all hope
of a cure.
When I first started pastoring ten
years ago, I remember what my pastor
said in a teaching and it stuck to me.
This is it:
'Don't become a big pastor overnight.'
Let me say same to someone today:
Don't become a big pastor overnight;
It's destructive.
Humble yourself, roll your sleeves
and get to work.
Ministry is work.
If feel you might have contracted this
disease, I pray for you now, receive
your healing in Jesus name!
"For he shall be great IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD....."
(Luke 1:15).
It doesn't matter what men say about you,
God's opinion of you is what really counts
Grace and Sin
"...And Jesus said unto her,Neither do
I condemn thee: go,and sin no more."
(John 8:11)
Grace does not condemn sinners,and grace
does not encourage sinning.
11 For the grace of God that brings
salvation has appeared to all men,
12 TEACHING US THAT, denying ungodliness
and worldly lusts, WE SHOULD LIVE SOBERLY,
RIGHTEOUSLY, AND GODLY, in this present world.
(Titus 2:11-12)
Jesus didnt say to the woman caught
in adultery, "go and sin much more".
- Taiwo Akinyemi
You will never reach your destination if
you stop and throw stones at every dog
that barks.
For every stone thrown two dogs respond
to the cries of the first dog you stoned.
Throwing stones VS laying the corner stone.
- Pete Cabrera Junior
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