Walking Wonders

Walking Wonders

He woke up that morning and discovered he couldn’t move his right leg

It was like a bad joke

The legs he walked with throughout the previous day

Legs he had walked with all the days of his life

What kind of ailment could this be?

He rested calmly on the bed, waited until his brain could send the message again

After one whole hour he was able to move!

Thank God!

He got to work and sat down

He worked as he always did

Nothing unusual

Two hours later, he felt very hungry

He decided to get his breakfast

His wife always prepared a balanced diet for his breakfast and lunch whenever he was in a hurry to leave the house 

He had spent most of his morning on the bed and couldnt afford to have breakfast at home

His legs laughed at him

He was looking at his food basket

But his legs refused to respond to stimuli

He waited for a long time

He gave up, called one of the junior staff members to bring the basket to him

‘Maybe after I have eaten this nonsense will stop,’ he thought

It didn’t!

He finished the food and still couldn’t stand up

He started asking questions

‘God, what is this?’

He didn’t get any reply

At 5 PM his right leg responded

He stood up an gingerly walked to his car

He drove all the way home but couldn’t get out of the car

It seemed his legs had gone the way of Peter on him

Denying him several times in one day

This went on for a whole month

Prayer and fasting didn’t help

He went to see his doctor

His doctor examined him and told him frankly

‘You have to do lumber decompressive surgery!’

Your lumber is not functioning properly!

He couldn’t believe it

What did that mean?

What jargon was the doctor saying?

Lumber what?

The doctor tried to explain

It is spinal issue which had to be treated quickly to avoid paralysis

He was referred to an expert

It took him a month to secure an appointment

The expert confirmed it

A surgery had to be done immediately

What were his options?

India, UK, Germany, USA or his country

He chose India

The cost seemed much more bearable

Within a week he raised the money

He traveled accompanied by his wife

The doctors in India did their due diligence

He went under the knife

It was a success


He returned home

Within a month he was back home

He did thanksgiving in church

Everybody praised God

One week after his thanksgiving (seven weeks after his operation)

The legs started seizing again

He ran to the doctor

He underwent a barrage of tests

The doctor told him the truth

You have to return to India

There was a problem with the L1-L2 section of his back

He cried

Where would he get the money?

He had to liquidate some of his assets for the initial surgery

His wife became a nervous wreck

Oh my God! Why has this evil cup come to us?

She told the Pastor

My husband has relapsed

We need help

We need $so and so to do another surgery

The church didn’t have that kind of money

The pastor remembered a friend who told him about a man in Jeans and T-shirt

The pastor reached out

The young man in Jeans and T-shirt was called

But he was in Dubai!

The wife called him

"Please sir, help my husband

He said the wife should send him the husband’s whatsapp number

The wife did

He called the husband

The husband explained that things were even worse that they were before the surgery

He couldn’t move either of his legs at the moment

Man in Jeans and t-shirt laughed

‘Sir. He said, I will give you a scripture. Just read it aloud and pray with it every one hour for the next 24 hours. You will be fine!’

He believed

Man with jeans and T-shirt wrote to him: Sir, just lay your hands on your legs and quote this scripture every hour for the next 24 hours, when you can’t pray because of fatigue, let your wife take over. Your entire body will respond to the word of God! I have prayed for you, you are healed and Christ has finished the work on the cross! Just obey and you will be fine by this time tomorrow!

Proverbs 4:20-22: “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life into those that find them and health to all their flesh!

Say Father, In the name of Jesus, my legs and entire body receive the power of your word, your words are healing to my body and health to my flesh. InJesus name I pray. Amen!

He obeyed!

By the sixth hour his legs were moving fine, by the 12th hour his legs were tingling, his wife prayed for him all night using the scripture! When he woke up the next morning his legs were in perfect condition!

He went to the hospital

The doctor saw him walking!

Doctor: Have you gone to India and returned so soon?

He: No sir, I was healed by the power in the Word. Jesus healed me

Doctor ordered a scan

All the faults he saw earlier were still there and very evident! The man shouldn’t be walking at all! The scan showed his L1 and L2 were still damaged

But he was walking, running, leaping and praising God


PS: This miracle happened in Lagos state in 2014

The doctor’s report remained the same

Yet the man is walking, running and praising God

If you have any sickness in your body, follow the instructions in this story.

Send me a DM of your Testimony on twitter! The Word can never fail!


His ways are unsearchable