

The same spirit of lust that led David 
to Bathsheba came upon Amnon, 
David's crown prince 
It is a fact that once a family member, 
especially a parent give an evil spirit 
the room to operate in his or her life 
The children (If such are not in Christ) 
will also be subject to the same spirit 
The same way David couldn't resist the 
spirit, Amnon fell for it too 
David slept with the wife of Uriah, His 
brother(Not by blood but by oath)  
Amnon raped with his stepsister 
It was a very similar pattern 
God was replaying to Israel, what 
David did in secret that led
to the death of Uriah 
The same way David disguised the 
murder of Uriah under warfare 
Absalom invited the King and the princes 
to the celebration of the shearing of 
his sheep and killed Amnon for raping 
his sister 
It was a wicked blow to the heart for 
No parent should witness loss of a child 
but to lose your first son, to have your 
daughter raped and then lose another 
son (Absalom fled Israel for Geshur, 
his mother's city, after killing Amnon) 
Was too much, way too much 
To crown it all, the baby David made 
with Bathsheba (Uriah's wife) lived for
only three days 
The spirit of lust cost David quite a lot 
That spirit has cost many men and 
women of destiny quite a lot from 
generation to generation 
The only way to overcome it is not to 
give it a foothold in the heart or 
the mind 
Don't even consider it 
Once you do the maths, you will see 
that the sex, no matter how pleasurable 
is not worth it but God was not 
through with David 
God had also promised him that he 
would lose his throne and another 
man will sleep with his wives in 
the open just as he slept with Bathsheba 
after watching her taking her bath
from his rooftop
Since David slept with Batsheba
without regard for the sincere oath of
brotherhood between him and Uriah 
as comrades long before he became 
the King 
Some years later, Absalom decided his 
days in exile were done and he needed 
to become the king of Israel 
He didn't have much of a strategy but 
the word of God must make way for 
anyone riding it like a horse! 
Absalom was the only one with the 
needed level of bitterness, daring
 and also placed at the best proximity 
to the King to unleash the fulfillment 
of the prophecy made to David after 
Prophet Nathan confronted him about 
his devilish deed regarding the death 
of Uriah 
Absalom came back to Israel and 
executed the perfect coup
David had to flee the palace 
Absalom took over the Kingdom, 
proclaimed himself King 
He also went on to sleep with David's 
concubines (Wives) in public as a 
statement of his disgust for his father 
and yes, a burning of the bridge! 
After he did what he did, the alternative 
was death for either him or his father 
Amnon had a Shemeah as his adviser 
Absalom had Ahitophel as his adviser 
David had Hushai as his adviser 
But then, David also had a joker in 
his pocket 
He was a prophet 
It is one thing to be flogged for doing 
wrong, it is another to be anointed 
(David still had his spiritual authority
despite going through a pruning process
from God)
David prayed (Not for mercy or restoration) 
but that the counsel of Ahitophel to fail
 Ahitophel went on to give Absalom the 
right counsel 
He told the new king to ride hard after
 David and His supporters and kill them 
while they were still weak and enjoying 
very low public sympathy
Absalom wanted a second opinion and 
Hushai offered it (In favour of David) 
He said David had mighty warriors 
who should not be cornered but left 
to disperse on their own lest the 
war turn against Absalom
He said desperate men would fight 
fearlessly and David's men had such
a reputation of fearlessness that
sold Hushai's counsel 
This was a senseless counsel by all 
Once the enemy retreats in a war, you
must pursue them and press home your 
Absalom took Hushai's counsel 
Ahitophel realized Absalom had taken 
the wrong counsel and would lose 
the throne 
He went home and hung himself 
He knew David will retake the throne 
and all those who supported Absalom 
will be treated as traitors 
Joab (David's Minister of Defence) 
had played both sides of the fence 
for a while, but he chose to be with 
David at that critical time and led 
the war against Absalom and the 
David's Army won 
He cried and mourned the loss of 
his son 
Lust had taken so much from him
but God had made it known to all that 
He would not take such behavior from 
a king whom He appointed to lead 
His people 
David had learned his lesson 
It was time to return home and retake 
his throne
It was time to rebuild and consolidate
the lessons learned from the 
Then came a vulture 
One of those guys who loves to 
make some profit out of a carnage 
His name was Sheba Son of Bicri 
He didn't know the spiritual implication 
of what had just happened to David 
All he saw was a king nursing his 
So he pounced like a jackal 
He blew his horn and decided 
Israel must separate from Judah 
and proclaim independence! 
He did it at the time when soldiers 
had fought valiantly and also mourned 
the loss of their brothers that were 
killed in the civil war 
At the moment when many wanted 
to heal and be at peace 
He blew the trumpet of war and discord 
David told Joab to please bring him 
Sheba's head!
Sheba ran 
He ran to a fenced city and decided 
to throw stones from behind a 
secured fence 
When Joab got to the city, he was 
prepared to pull down the wall 
A woman in the city approached Joab 
and asked him what he wanted 
Joab said "Sheba's head please" 
The woman said "It will be served 
in a few minutes" 
The next thing Joab saw was something 
flying over the fence towards him 
It was the head of Sheba, son of Bicri 
Joab blew his horn and the army 
returned home 
The kingdom was restored to David and 
yes, Solomon, the son of Bathsheba 
reigned after David!

PS: There are some people who thought 
what happened in Nigeria recently was 
It wasn't 
There was a forewarning 
Some are trying to recreate it by the 
flesh like Sheba, son of Bicri... 
Please ask them to insure their heads! 
God does not need anyone to achieve 
his aim over a nation 
Nigeria is strategic to God in this season 
A nation that was rebirthed in the spirit 
with seven golden lights and rainbows 
The season of anarchy is not now 
Our young men and women will not die 
There will be no blood on our streets 
and yet God's agenda will prevail!