Solving Puzzles
Certain things go well together
Black and white
Bread and fried eggs
Key and keyhole
Heaven and angels
Hell and devils
You get the gist
It is also possible for two things
that ought not to be together to
somehow be together
Like the Ark of Covenant and Dagon
Like oil and water
He saw a puzzle a few days ago
He started mulling over it somewhere
in his mind
Then He saw another puzzle similar
to the first one
A man called him from another
The man said his life was in turmoil
In his own words "He feel like the
engine of a Ferrari that has
been placed in a wheelbarrow
Like a certified surgeon condemned
to washing toilets
He was not living up to his full
potential in any way
He needed help and the help was
not only physical
He need help to figure out his life
His life is a mess...
He understood the man's plight
Some years ago he found
himself in that same position
A young man overwhelmed by the
inability to experience a breakthrough in life
He had been writing since he was twelve
He represented his school in writing and
debate competitions all over the country
He wrote his first novel at sixteen
and his first set of plays at seventeen
He wanted to be Wole Soyinka
He worked hard at it
Read many books and learned many
things but it didn't translate into success
He got a lot of ohs and ahs from people
He got a lot of "We are not taking
manuscripts now" from publishers
He kept at it spending money and getting poorer without any help
Eventually, he gave up
He abandoned the "Wole Soyinka"
and faced reality
He took up a mundane job
He accepted the fact that he was ordinary
The acceptance cost him his invincibility
It took a dent on his self-confidence
He tried to hold on and keep up
It took him two years to fall into
He just wanted to die
There was no way you will have the
engine of a Ferrari within and endure
being a wheelbarrow for long
Something must give
He found himself having interactions
about things that are far beneath
him intellectually
He found himself answering to a boss
that apart from having money does
not understand life beyond drinking
alcohol, carry women, and boast of
how much he has in the bank
A mundane reality was not his portion
He was born for glory
He had prepared himself for it, yet...
His enthusiasm had ebbed away and
he was contemplating suicide when
the Holy Spirit came to his rescue
He had nothing to live for
He was married with children it wasn't a
good enough reason for him to live
His wife was doing well financially and
would take care of the
children if he was gone
He was more of a liability in the marriage
and It was killing him that he couldn't
put anything worthwhile on the table
for his family
He had become a joke of sorts
Major decisions were being made
without his input in his own house
because he had nothing
to contribute
It wasn't pride or ego
It was the unfulfilled potential that
was pulling him down into Sheol
What he ought to be and what he
was seeing, in reality, did not match
It was indeed the engine of a Ferrari
in a wheelbarrow
Was he a born again Christian?
Was he Spirit
His walk with the Holy Spirit took a
nosedive because of the frustrations
he was battling in his life
Nothing was working as advertised
Speaking in tongues was a dud
Confessing the word was a dud
He lost the zest to pray
He left nothing to hope
He had nothing to live
Then the Holy Spirit showed up and
showed him His path
He said "This is your preordained path,
walk in it and you will be satisfied
all the days of your life!
You will also please me and find my
presence with you at all times"
That was it
After eight years of trial by error
He was shown the way
The rain of milk and honey started
Many who were thirsty, hungry, and
malnourished were drawn into that rain,
and they thrived
It was the same rain that brought
the young man to him
The young man said he needed help
He asked the young man what the
problem was
The young man talked extensively
about his frustrations with stagnancy
and unfulfilled potential
He told the young man about the
Holy Spirit
The young man said "I believe in God
but I don't believe in the Holy Spirit
I used to walk in miracles, signs,
and wonders in my university days
But somehow I read a book or heard
a sermon and i was convinced
speaking in tongues was not real
So I stopped speaking in tongues and
I stopped praying for the sick or walking
in miracles
I see the Holy Spirit only as the revealer
of truth and nothing else!"
He didn't know what to tell the young man
The Holy Spirit was the one that dug him
out of a dunghill full of garbage when
he had no hope
The Holy Spirit was all had as a minister
of God
It is the same Holy Spirit that the young
man said he no longer believed in
What was he to do?
He told the young man he had no
other source of help apart from the
Holy Spirit
The young man said he knows he
does not have to pray in tongues for
God to move in his life
That was technically true
But coming to someone who prays in
tongues for hours every day for a
solution that
wouldn't require praying in tongues
was quite ironic
He expected the young man to find
another person to talk to but the
young man refused to go away
That was the first puzzle
You don't want what i have to offer
and yet you insist i must provide you
a solution to your challenge
The second puzzle came from a
young woman
She was led to the Lord by her
husband (She was a different
religious background)
Her husband was a believer and
he was full of the Holy Ghost
She received the baptism of the
Holy Spirit through her husband
and they were both fervent
Then her husband's mother came
to their house and convinced her
husband to drop Christianity for
Demon Worship
And her husband did so
It didn't make any sense
You left something to worship
I had so many questions about the
move in my heart
So many questions
Was it that He was not really filled with
the Holy Ghost and power?
I ask this because If i walk into any
place dedicated to idols (i have done
this several times in the course of
being a believer)
There was always commotion
I had assumed it is the same for
every believer and yes
I believe that ought to be the reality
of every believer
it is one thing to leave Christianity
for a human ideology that does not
involve idols and demons
It is another thing for a believer
worship demons or
to have sex, and sleep in the same
house with someone worshipping
He once went to his village and
prayed with his cousins all night in
tongues (2011)
People living three buildings away
from their compound who had familiar
spirits started manifesting
A woman who had never prayed in
tongues before from four houses
away started prophesying
So how
can a believer who is full of the
Holy Spirit turn back to worshipping
a demon or live in the same house
with someone worshipping a demon?
The Ark of Covenant and Dagon in
the same room?
The two are mutually exclusive
So what can be the challenge here?
PS: You should give your walk with
God some thought today
If you can be convinced to deny the
power of the Holy Spirit or to leave
Christ for an idol
Sincerely, you can at best be considered
as a part of the mixed multitude
You really do not belong to Him
in the first place
Christianity for you is a mere activity
without any spiritual substance
If this is the case for you, please
reach out and get help today.
GSW will be at Oakland Hotel Enugu on Friday 6th November 2020 from 12noon till 5 pm. If you stay around in Enugu and environs kindly make it a date. God bless you
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