The whole issue boomerang when his wife
questioned him about his whereabouts after a Sunday Service
They went to church together
She knew he was a minister
She knew he was anointed and had to minister
to people or at least counsel people
She knew who he was and what he was
before they got married
It was not a case of changing the goalpost
She knew she was getting married to a pastor
Pastors are usually the last to leave the church
It was the responsible thing to do
That his wife left him in the church immediately after service
testified to the fact that she didn't have the
temperament to be pastor's wife
There was nothing he had not done to convince
his wife that ministry work is for both the husband and the wife
The wife simply wouldn't hear it
The wife wanted her own space and couldn't
tolerate any form of encroachment
It made life frustrating for him as a pastor
He wondered how pastors whose wife's support so
readily did it
He had tried everything he knew
He begged her, bought her gifts, tried to appeal to
her better judgement
She insisted she wanted him to be a pastor
But he must be a corporate pastor
"The same way you deal with your clients at your chambers,
deal with the church members that way!
Was it not supposed to be a case of You pray and they say amen?
Teach your people to have faith and to trust in God
If they truly trust in God why would they still want to see you
after service?
What is all this one -on-one counselling sessions?
What time will i have to spend with my own husband?
See, i have read many books, family comes before ministry
You will do my will or I will destroy your ministry
Do you think you will be able to minister as a divorced man?
This is not America! No church will place you on the altar
if I leave you today
You will become a "bad market", an embarrassment even to God"
He got the message loud and clear after that day
He spoke with the senior pastor
Please keep me off officiating for the time being
I have serious domestic issues to settle
The senior pastor asked if he and his wife could wade into the matter
He told the senior pastor not to bother
He was sure it would only make matters worse
His wife didn't know how to adjust her beliefs
Anybody who dares tell her anything contrary to her belief
becomes her enemy
He told the senior pastor he would like to seek God's face
The senior pastor understood!
He stopped ministering
His wife became very happy
The days of grumbling on Sunday mornings were over
His wife woke up early and was ready for church on time
She was equally happy to sit beside him during service
Once the service was over, she carried his Bible
and they head home
If he dallied for a minute, she would be crossed
and spitting fire
He complied for about a year
That was the happiest season of their three years
old marriage to
his wife
His wife boasted about it to her friends
"I cannot allow all these social contacts
Ladies of nowadays are very desperate and pastors are the
most vulnerable!
They open themselves up to everybody in the
name of trying to help
And ironically, it was always the ladies that need special prayer
Most of the young men would be blessed during service
And the men in the church would hardly go to the
female pastor to seek counsel
But the ladies must disguise to do evil under the canopy of
God's love!
Many of the ladies have ulterior motives and I will not allow
to scatter my home
I shut it down! That church rubbish! I shut it down!
Let his face his job and serve the Lord like every other person
God knows I couldn't tolerate it!"
He heard her himself babbling away on the phone
His wife didn't notice how unhappy he was
She thought he was sulking at first
And then she got used to it
Taking the palm from its kernel was never easy
She knew he loved being a pastor but so what?\
It was one of his clients that noticed his demeanour at work
He was representing the lady's firm on a land dispute matter
The lady said to him out of the blue
"Something happened to you, you used to be happier!
You used to radiate warmth and cheer but you are
now somehow dull and weary!
That was eleven months after he stopped pastoring
He didn't know why
Perhaps because the lady was not a part of their
social circle and he knew the word couldn't filter
back to his wife
Perhaps it was because he really needed a listening ear
He told the lady the hell he was enduring in the name
of a marriage
The lady empathised with him
Somehow the discussion he had with the lady helped him
He slept joyfully for the first time in many months
The next day he called the lady to thank her
She had been divorced for three years and
had been through therapy
She seemed to have the right word
The lady started coming around once in a while
Then more frequently until they started having sex
It was not voodoo or any such thing
He had backslid for some time and he knew it
At first, he drew back from the church and the things of God
deliberately, hoping his wife will pay attention and he would be
able to use that to force a discussion with her about getting
back to the altar in the church
His wife didn't even notice!
The less of the godly things he did, the happier his wife
Sleeping with the lady felt like getting even
He knew it was wrong but he was happy
He was very careful at first, not because he feared his wife
But because he wanted the affair to last for a while
Nobody needed to know that he was getting the springs
in his feet from another source
He really liked the source
But as time went on he became careless
He stopped covering his tracks and the name of the
lady he was sleeping with came up too often in his conversations
with his wife!
His wife smelled a rat and pursued it
She waited for him to return home from the office one day
when the drama began
She cried and shouted and raved
But he was past caring at that point
She said she would report him to their pastor
He laughed! A church he had not been to in several weeks
She said she would report him to his mother
The worst his mother would say was "Stop it"
He would still have to decide what was best for him
She told him she wanted a divorce
He moved out of the house the very next day
The widow lady was offering him more than his wife ever did
His wife realised too late that while he might have left
physically on that day, he had left her long before that time!
She was angry for a season
She hated him for another season
She regretted marrying him for another season
Then she wanted him back
She realised that she had been robbed
He was hers! He was legally her husband!
She reached out to the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
She told her story!
She spoke of how a strange woman came from nowhere and
shattered her happy home
She dropped her husband's phone number
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt went to see him
The husband, his brother in Christ, also told his side of the story
He didn't love the divorced lady, he had also stopped loving his wife
What he loved at that moment was his freedom\
He could go to church and leave anytime he wanted
He had started a charity foundation for the poor, widows and destitute
His wife had said NO! to it while they were together
He had wanted to do it since he was a child and he had done it
He was not being policed everywhere by any woman
His wife had accused him several times of flinching when she
walked into the room when they were together,
insinuating that he was chatting with a lady
on the phone when he was doing nothing of such
Her insecurity was second to none
He couldn't deal with it and he wouldn't cope with it!
He said he was himself and he wouldn't go back into slavery!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt took the response back to her
She cried bitterly
She explained that she was only trying to protect him from
dangerous woman with venomous motives
She wanted to keep him from straying
She promised to do better
Three years without him had taught her a lesson
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt also spoke with the divorced lady
She was in the country for a short time to settle her late father's estate
SHe was based in the United Kingdom
She felt his wife was choking him and she needed to intervene
She didn't want anything serious
She was all for them resolving the issue and moving
on with their lives
PS: The back and forth went on for six months
The dying ember of their love was fanned to life again
Though with obvious scars of battle
They both learnt vital lessons about each other and life
In the seventh year of their marriage
After spending, three years together and three years apart
She delivered her first child, a boy in 2016
His charity foundation is waxing stronger by the day
The church put him through some hoops but
he is back ministering
They go to church in separate cars (In case he needed to
attend to people and she wanted to go home early to
cook or sleep or make her hair)
She delivered her second child on the tenth year anniversary
of their wedding which was on May 23
There are storms of life, storms of the devil and
storms of our own making!
There is nothing as putrid as a choking love
Love needs space to breathe!
Let love breathe!
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