

So after the last vigil, a young lady walked 
up to me and said ”Sir, as I was coming for 
the vigil in the company of my 
sister, a man on a motorcycle rode past us
 and when he got to my side, he hit
 me with something diabolical! 
I felt goose pimples all over me immediately!
I couldn't believe my ears! 
Someone driven by selfish wickedness wants 
to make a victim of one of my sisters in the Lord!
Evil doers will never learn that ”there 
are untouchables” 
walking on this earth who you must 
not even think about when
 you are looking for a victim to do evil to
I told her to relax! I said ”I will pray for 
you and the effect of whatever it is will 
evaporate! You will never ever feel the 
symptoms of it again but I will not let the 
culprit go! I will bring him to
 justice in the court of heaven and make 
sure he learns his lessons!
We prayed!
I asked the Lord to please send angels after 
the culprit and bring him to justice!
I forgot all about it
Last week Thursday I got a message 
from an elderly woman
Her son was suddenly struck by a 
strange illness!
His hands were swelling up
They have been to the hospital
He had done all sorts of tests and scans, 
they couldn't diagnose what was 
wrong with him!
His mother wanted me to pray
I wanted to pray!
I told his mother to give him the phone
She said he cannot hold anything, 
the hands are stiff
I told her to put the phone on speaker
I started praying in the spirit with the 
intention of setting him free
As I began to minister to him 
I found myself saying ”Sir, what did you do? 
Sir, you did something that brought this
 affliction upon you!
He was in serious pain!
He cried and said ”Let God be 
merciful unto me”
I stopped praying
He stopped talking!
His mother too was quiet
It was awkward!
I cut the call!
They didn't call back
It was fine!
1 AM this morning, my phone started 
ringing over and over
I picked the call
It was his mother
”This is not a phone matter anymore,
 we want to see you”
I didn't say anything 
She continued ”He said he and a friend 
went to see someone to assist them in making
 it in life! My son has OND and 
he has been doing menial jobs for three years
He said he didn't know they were going to be 
They were given something fetish and told to 
use it to hit a busty lady! 
Any random busty lady on her breast! 
At this point, I told her I want to talk to her son!
She put the phone on speaker
I said ”Sir, I will like you to complete the story 
so that I will know it is true”
”Did you do it?”
”Yes, he answered”
He told me where and when
He was in serious pain
And so was I!
But I didn’t pray for him
I told him and his mother to see me this morning in church
They’ve been at my office since 7 AM
My phone was ringing incessantly
If not for Grace..:.
So I got to the office at 10:30 AM
I sat in the car for a while
I was a little upset for two reasons
People out of desperation and selfishness unleash
demonic affliction on others 
The sister he was targetting would have been the one
being carried about at the moment if not for
the power of the Holy Spirit
I had written down conditions I wanted him
to fulfil before praying for him
I really wanted him to appreciate the  depth
of his wicked intentions
I planned to give him a chunk of grass 
to cut within a week
While I lecture him every day on the
 things of the spirit
As I was stepping out of the car
The Holy Spirit said "No conditions, only Me"
So I threw away the paper I wrote the 
condition on and walked into the building
I met them at the reception
Three of them
His mother, his mother's younger sister
and the young man
They were NOT Christians
From the way, they were dressed to the 
way they talked, they were adherents of another
I quickly forgot about my feelings
Jesus would have said " Be healed! Go and sin no more"
I prayed with him
Then I prayed with his mother and the other lady
I told them Jesus loves them and 
the love is unconditional
Above all, Jesus loved sinners and 
gave his life for them
He was still in pain when he said he wanted
 to give his life to Christ
(I didn't make this a condition for his healing)
He gave his life to Christ and so did his mother
and his aunty!
I offered them some refreshment
We chatted away
She told me how she had struggled since she
lost her husband and how difficult things
had been
She had incisions all over her body too
For them, what the young man did was seek
spiritual intervention to keep up with life
The sister told me she reads the testimonies on my
website and can relate with some even though
She was not a Christian!
She also had some challenges regarding having a child
We prayed about those challenges too!
He was relieved at around 10:40 AM
He started moving the hand, raising it
above his shoulders! 
He said his hands suddenly felt light
I laid hands on him and prayed for him again
I considered getting him filled with the Holy Spirit
But felt a strong restraint
It would be better for him to be discipled properly
and baptised before getting filled with the Holy Spirit! 
I asked if I could introduce them to
a brother living around their area
They agreed!
The hand was totally healed by 11:05
He was flexing it, raising it and wriggling it etc
We prayed together one last time before they 
left at 11:30 AM
I learnt a whole lot from the Holy Spirit
The spirit of love is unique and different
I had totally forgotten what he did by the time 
they were leaving.
I had gained a brother and two sisters
They have tasted of the tree of life and 
drank of the river of life
Just as I did when I first came to know Christ!

PS: Believers must be prayerful 
Many of us have fallen victim of other people's 
We must also be careful not to be vengeful
The spirit that birthed us is the spirit of love
If you don't pray in tongues, please covet it
and start praying in the spirit
The Holy Spirit is your immunity against the
fiery darts of the enemy!
There are so many unseen dangers,
Let the Holy Spirit fulfil his ministry in your life!
This event happened in Lagos, 18th May, 2019


A pastor called me two days ago. 
He was in tears! He said ”Brother Gbenga, 
I am tired of this life, I want to settle 
my affairs and go! All my friends and family
 members have deserted me!
 I have pain in my chest, the pain is so 
excruciating, it makes me cry like a baby
I have glaucoma in my eyes, I have been 
battling this disease for three years, despite 
everything I have done for 
the church, they have relegated me to nothing! 
Church members don't have
 any respect for me! I have not even been
 given a duty to minister in any capacity
I just sit down on the altar wallowing in my misery! 
My daughter prepares my sermon, 
which I never get to preach,
 all because I am facing a health challenge! 
I have become a figurehead ”pastor” with 
nothing to show for my life! I am tired, 
I want to die and be done with misery
I am as cold as ice in the things of 
the spirit at the moment. 
I cannot pray for two minutes! 
I have become a mere shadow!
 Me! Kai! I have been a pastor for fifteen years, 
I have pastors great parishes, 
I have built many parishes for the church and now 
I am but a shadow, a joke..
I want to leave the pastoral position, 
I believe the burden is contributing to my 
health challenge, I do not have any 
zest for life anymore! My daughter gave 
me your number, I just want you
 to give me a word of counsel!
”Let us take away the pain in
your chest sir” I said
We prayed
The pain in the chest disappeared 
after a few minutes
I explained to him that I don't trust decisions 
made by a drunk or a person in serious pain. 
Such a decision would be said to 
be made ”under the influence”. 
He calmed down. 
How did you take away the pain? He asked
”By the power of the Holy Spirit”! 
Do you pray in tongues sir?
I asked him He said ”No”. 
My respect for him soared! 
I couldn't have survived for as long as he did in 
ministry without the Holy Spirit! 
Human Strength will always fall short!
 Depression will set in! 
A Thankless job
I got him filled with the Holy Spirit! 
We prayed in tongues for a while! 
He said he was always afraid! 
We prayed in tongues again! 
He said he was still a little sad, we prayed
 in tongues some more!
 Later that night he called! 
He said he didn’t know what happened,
 the burden had
Lifted and he was feeling light all over but he
 was scared the feeling will return! 
We prayed in tongues some more and 
I encouraged him to pray in tongues often! 
I gave him some scriptures! Glaucoma will die off! 
He will ride the wind of the pneuma and be 
fully restored in Christ
Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, Brothers and sisters, 
you need the Holy Spirit, you need to pray in tongues, 
you need to walk in power! 
Jesus said we must build our house on the
 rock lest the wind blow it away! 
Build up your most Holy Faith today by praying
 in the Holy Ghost! 
Pray Now!!


All these people peddling fear and hopelessness
 and pain at every turn wouldn't take a minute to 
consider the 
impact their words are having on fragile minds
They are usually the first to scream when 
someone commits suicide or falls into depression
Like hunters, they shoot to kill
Nigeria is ****
Nigeria is a living ****
Say it over and over and a pessimist will believe
Some will run to another country
Some will run to Sniper
Those saying it will go on living
Megaphones of misfortune
Scarring the weak and scaring the feeble
Killing people softly with woe!
Words are everything!
What you say 
What you write
All your exaggerations to prove a point
All your politically biased shenanigans 
You might get to heaven and find yourself on the list of ”Murderers”
When you invoke death with your words
You murder!
Speak life and hope today!!!