Without a Saviour 2
Pregnancy might be miscarried
or aborted
A baby could be born deformed,
diseased or even dead But
A child, once born cannot be unborn
A believer, once born again cannot
be unborn again Just as a baby cannot
go back into the mother's womb
A believer cannot unbelieve or
unconfess Christ
He or she could remain an infant, not
growing in the things of the spirit
and feeding his flesh and carnal
nature like Tarzan or jungle Boy
Or like Esau face the wrong direction
and build cities and civilizations based
on human strength absent of God
The fact remains that all he needed to
do was come to himself like the prodigal
son and start living as led by the Spirit
I got born again at 13 and Got filled
with the Holy Spirit at the same age
but i was taught the "Make a mistake
and go to hell" gospel
That human gospel crippled me I
became conscious of my mistakes
and couldn't grow as i ought to
The people close to me will say
"...And he calls himself a born again
who has been baptized in the Holy
Holy life was difficult to live i tried...
I tried very hard I must also confess
that after i had received the baptism
of the Holy Ghost, i went on to give
my life to Christ another 34 times
before the age of 24!
Every sermon moved me to see my sin
Every preacher pointed me to my
misdeeds And my list of sins continued
to increase I was not committing
fornication when i was 13, neither was
i drinking nor smoking I am guilty of
stealing the odd meat in the pot and
some money here and there but by
the time i was fifteen, i had become
a terror so notorious that my parents
decided to "throw me into the
boarding school"
I was 18 when i had sex for the first
time with a 23 years old girl, by that
time i had thrown in the towel and
accepted the fact that we are all
going to hell
Jesus said none is good except God
All those claiming their own
righteousness validates salvation and
their unrighteousness invalidates
salvation have a very high opinion
of themselves.
They are very proud
I have seen people take offense with
other people over very petty issues
Sometimes you dont even know you
have offended people and they will
take offense just like that
How can you account for all your
What about the popular sin of omission
and commission?
Anybody who is not totally dependent
upon the righteousness of Jesus ONLY
as his or her righteousness will have a
struggling christian reality
The scriptures said "Sin" came through
Adam and "Righteousness" came
through Jesus
God said your own righteousness is
like filthy rags Yet you insist you must
mix your filthy rag with the divine
righteousness purchased for you by
Jesus Christ.
If i challenge most "Temporary Saved
advocates to a Holiness Challenge, i
can bet that i will win them hands down"
and yet, I am made Holy by Christ who
imputed His righteousness unto me.
If you ask the "Saved until you sin
advocates to show us the signs Jesus
said shall follow those who believe,
they will quickly say "it is not by
miracles but by fruits that you shall
know those who are serving and
pleasing the Lord" yet they don't have
fruits to show
They are like the desert because they
isolated themselves from the
river of life which was supposed to
feed the trees of life as written in
Ezekiel 47 and Revelations 22
Empty churches, demonic affliction,
stagnations, afflictions and other tales
of woe is what you get from them.
They claim to be what they are not
and when the wind blows, it
scatters their reality
You hear them saying things like
"God permitted this", "God is
punishing me for my sins", "God is not
hearing or answering my prayer"
The foundation of their faith was
faulty and all they built would be
pulled down and squashed!
I met Andrew Wommack in 2008
his website was awmi.net I heard
the gospel of Jesus and I adjusted
my course accordingly
(It took me two years to get it)
I became a miracle who produces
miracles daily because i got the
gospel right I live the transcendent life
I live from Above as one from Above
only God knows how many destinies
the river of life has touched through
me because I dared to trust only in
Jesus as the author and finisher of
my faith
The works I do speak of me
The Father that liveth in me does the
work of eternal life through me
I am a blessing
Do you know the reason witches are
still chasing you in your dreams?
It is because your gospel is upside down
Witches cannot afflict the one who is hid
in Christ but they can afflict the one who
is Hid in his own righteousness
They know your reality is a lie, so they
flog you and you end up running from
prophet to prophet and being manipulated
at will You see them buying candles and
soap and praying fall down and die prayers
Yet they are born again in their opinion
The signs that Jesus said shall follow
you are missing
Why? You still trust to self to make it
You are one of those who say "when
we get to heaven or we are marching
to Zion"
You don't know that the day you gave
your life to Jesus, you became a citizen
of Zion, and your home country is now
heaven God told Adam that he came
from the dust and would return to
the dust but Jesus said "I am from above"
John 8:23 Jesus said "iN MY FATHER'S
IF He is from above and He is your
Lord and Saviour, you are also from
That means you are not returning to
the dust like Adam
This means your location and reality
has changed You now belong to a
place where sin does not count
Sin is irrelevant in the kingdom of God
Righteousness, Peace and Joy in
the Holy Ghost is the Kingdom of God
That is the Kingdom I am from and
that is the fruit and testimony of my life
I am righteous because i am from the
Kingdom of Jesus the righteous one
I am a dispenser of peace to the
troubled and I am a joy giver to those
in sorrow
What the reality of the Gospel has done
in me for His church and my own life
is unquantifiable, it is illogical to sit down
and argue with resultless reality
Imagine somebody taking a verse of
the scripture out of context and basing
his or faith on that One verse!
Andrew Wommack says till today that
If you read the Bible from Genesis to
Revelation by yourself, you will not be in
Do you know how many times i have
read the Bible from Genesis to revelation?
42 times
Do you know how many times I have
read the new testament? over 100 times
Do you know How many times I have
read the book of John?
Well over 500 times
The Gospel is a life-giving tree planted
on the inside of me i produce my fruits
in due season and i am blessing to the
world of men
The demons that held many families
bound for generations see me and flee
because Christ is my righteousness
I revel in the joy that the gospel gives
Abraham reminds me all the time
of the simplicity of the gospel
The bible said "Abraham believed"
Not Abraham worked out his salvation
with fear and trembling or any other
verse quoted in error
Abraham believed God and it was
accounted to him for righteousness.
I believe that Jesus is my righteousness
Have you ever heard anywhere that
someone cast the Holy Spirit out of a
By what power would you do that?
We cast out demons by the power of
the Holy Spirit but nothing in any
realm can cast out the Holy Spirit
once a believer invites him in!
He is our seal and identity!
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