He met her during their orientation programme
He was just twenty-one years old
She was nineteen
There was something about her
Perhaps the smile 
Or the fact that she was very reserved
There was this thing about her
He couldn't put a finger on it
But it made him warm within
They were not in the same department
He was admitted to study sociology
She was admitted to study Economics
A roommate of hers introduced them
It was not a formal introduction
Her roommate was his classmate
He met them in the cafeteria one sunny day
He sat with them while they ate
They hit it off straight away
It was the perfect eclipse
His sun and her moon holding hands
He wasn't one of those guys with flowery words
He was real and simple
At first, she saw his simplicity as a blessing
but she grew to loathe it!
She was brought up to be sensitive to the 
emotion of others
Words matter and the truth less so!
Nobody wants to hear the blunt truth all the time!
The truth hurts people's feelings
Ladies especially like being complimented
But he would insist he wouldn't lie to make anybody
If you're beautiful he would say so
And if you're not beautiful, he wouldn't be kind!
He would never lie, no matter how inconvenient 
or uncomfortable the truth makes everybody
It was odd!
He was like a child in that regard!
Come to think of it, who doesn't lie?
No society can survive if everybody told the 
truth all the time
But he insisted he didn't mind people lying
to him but he will never tell a lie!
A roommate of his said some negative things about her,
this is normal because everybody can't have a 
good opinion about a person!
One Saturday morning, he and his roommates were
playing volleyball at the sports complex!
She went there to see him
The roommates came around to greet her!
He looked at the roommate shaking hands with her
and said "He said you have very small boobs in
the room yesterday"
The roommate almost fainted!
It was the most tactless and graceless thing
she ever saw!
She didn't want to know that!
She didn't want to be put in such awkward situations!
She didn't want to know the negative things people
say about her!
The roommate also saw it as a betrayal of a
certain "guy code"
Both the roommate and she felt very embarrassed!
He didn't see anything to be embarrassed about
That was the moment she decided he wouldn't 
make a good husband!
A good man is a secret keeper, someone who will
say you are "Great" when you are really "awful"
Discretion is an integral part of maturity, his "I 
speak the truth policy stinks of arrogance"
He was supposed to be in her corner, covering
for her, making a fool of himself over her!
She wasn't against the truth, she was a Born Again
Christian just as He is but foolishness can 
sometimes be disguised as "Truth"
That was his only flaw!
He was very brilliant, almost precocious!
At the end of their 200 Level, she broke up with
He was prepared for it!
Her attitude since the "embarrassment" on the
Volleyball court was a dead giveaway!
She shut him out and started giving one excuse or
the other
He didn't try to change her mind
Confirming to her that he was the wrong choice!
The school was organizing a marathon race
at the time
She went to watch the race on the day it was staged!
It was about two weeks after she broke up with
That was where she saw them 
Him and her former roommate (The one she was with
the very day they met)
They were in a shameless titanic pose
Right on the sports pavilion!
She knew they were close friends and classmates
Ordinarily, she wouldn't have read any meaning to it
But it was that same roommate she confided in
about his flaws
Though by then they were in separate hostels
SHe made it a point of duty to locate her and
inform her of the decision to break up with him
Of course, she had no right to be angry
She was the one who showed him the door
But it had only been two weeks
And it felt to her as if the "roommate had been
using the information she was sharing with
her about him to gain an emotional inroad into 
his life at her expense"
She felt as if both she and he had been manipulated
somehow by the roommate! 
The roommate told her to give him some room long
before she broke up with him and she had acted as
a sort of interface for the two of them before she
decided to end it all!
It bothered her
It troubled her
She couldn't let it be!
She walked up to them
He was polite, even gave her a hug and a smile
Her former roommate was the same way
She wanted to walk away
But then she had to ask because she knew he 
wouldn't lie 
So she did!
She said, "Are you guys in a relationship?"
He said "Yes, we became an item this afternoon"
He said it so casually as if he was talking to 
just anybody!
She didn't know what happened afterwards
All she saw was red!
She charged at her former roommate in anger
Somehow she headbutted her in the jaw and knocked 
her unconscious
Then she turned to him and attacked with venom
He was bigger and stronger than she is
He was able to restrain her
But she bit him and tore his clothes
She just lost it!
It was uncharacteristic and totally shocking
even to her!
Campus security had to handcuff her forcefully
Two of them got injured during the violence
She calmed down almost an hour later
Behind bars at the campus security post
She wrote her statement
The campus security folks also wrote theirs
He wrote his statement too
The roommate was in the hospital
That was a big deal!
She was facing a definite expulsion verdict
She was on scholarship, that was how she was able
to afford such an expensive school!
The scandal would cost her the scholarship
She would lose everything!
She did the deed on campus and students had
been made to sign affidavits regarding their 
conduct on campus!
She was released later that night!
The entire hostel and her roommates were
curious to know what happened
Her madness had overshadowed the Marathon race
Everybody was talking about her!
The next morning, she went to see her former
roommate in the clinic
Her former roommate's jaw had been stitched
The head was bandaged
She did quite a number on the poor girl
She had made an inventory of her reality
overnight and come to the conclusion that
her moment of madness would cost her her education,
her parent's expectations, time and her future
The odds were stacked against her
All she needed was mercy!
Her former roommate refused to look at her!
She knelt down by her bed and cried!
Please, forgive me, I am sorry!
Please, dont press charges
Please withdraw the case!
Her former roommate did not say a word!
She couldn't tell if it was because of the bandaged
head or the anger her former roommate must be feeling!
While he was there, the Student Affairs Investigators
arrived and started taking pictures
Everybody treated her like a witch!
She was the definition of persona non granta
She went to her ex-boyfriend's hostel afterwards
He saw her and just starred at her
He didn't say a word
She begged him to please beg her former roommate
to forgive her and withdraw the case
He just starred at her
He said nothing!
When she got to her room, she cried bitterly
She knew she was done for
There was no getting out of it
She did it in front of hundreds of witnesses
She injured security personnels
She injured a fellow student
She did everything without any form of provocation!
What a way for her stars to shine down!
Later that evening, she got the letter from
the Student's Disciplinary Council!
She was a student in a Missionary owned and run
Private University
The Student Disciplinary Council in the school 
meets as soon as possible! They see no reason in
prolonging the torture!
She had been an avid reader of gbengawemimo.com
She saw his contact details on the website
She called him!
SHe told him what had happened
She told him she would be facing the student's
disciplinary council the next morning
She wanted Divine Intervention!
They read the scriptures together
They prayed in the spirit
Then he blessed her!
The next morning, she got to the venue of the SDC
seating at 9 AM
She was somewhat relieved and prepared for any
She was called in at 10 AM
The case against her was read out loud
She was asked to state her side of the story
She did
Her boyfriend told the truth as usual
The Head of Security spoke
The Student Affairs Investigators provided pictural 
evidence of the damage she did to her former roommate
and also spoke to her inability to control her
emotion and how she lacked character and so on
They talked and talked until she started feeling
they shouldn't only expel her but that they
should also sentence her to jail!
She didn't know one moment of madness could turn her
to the devil overnight!
They invited witnesses from the scene of the
incidence, her roommates and some classmates!
Nobody had anything good to say about her!
The ones that were neutral didn't help her case
Her character was put under scrutiny and she'
fell very short!
Then they asked her about her academics
She told them her CGPA and academic goals
By this time she was in tears
It felt like mercy killing!
She was being shown the future she would
lose out on before they chop off her head!
The panel told her to excuse them for five
The decision would most likely be unanimous!
Five minutes later, the Vice-chancellor walked in
She almost died where she was standing
The Vice-chancellor was a tough man
He laid down a zero tolerance rule for all faults
Even if God wanted to intervene, the Vice-chancellor
wouldn't allow him!
She waited a whole hour before she was called in
The Vice-chancellor addressed her himself!
He said: I came here because of you, young lady
I came here because I checked your file yesterday
when I was informed of the matter and I also made
some enquiries!
But more importantly, the Holy Spirit told me
to come here and intervene on your behalf.
I practically had to drive down here from Ibadan
because the Holy Spirit told me to hurry down
before a verdict was reached!
I spoke with the council and we have agreed that
you should be suspended for two weeks and 
bear the cost of treatment for the young lady
in the clinic and the security men you injured!
This is a destiny rescue for you by the hand
of God! 
It is Grace at work!
 I hope you won't abuse it!
She sank to her knees and cried her eyes out
What just happened?

PS: She called me with the news around  1:30 pm
today (June 15, 2019) 
Just as she was leaving the SDC seating venue
After the meeting, the Vice-Chancellor told her
he would personally foot the bill for the 
The suspension was also technical, as she had been
told it would only reflect in her record but
she does not have to vacate the school premises!
I am literarily shivering as I write this!
I was caught by surprise at the outcome of this
So what is that situation you think is a lost cause
There is a windfall of wonders going round
You are next in line for divine intervention!
Jesus is my KING!
Jesus is in my affairs!
Jesus is working out the impossible in my favour
My head is swelling, electricity surges everywhere! 
The Holy Spirit is a sure comforter!
Allos Paraklettos!
I celebrate my King, the horn of my salvation
If all I say is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
It's more than enough!
This event happened in a Christian Private University 
Located in South-west Nigeria