

2014 September

His grandmother had only two children
Out of the two, only his mother was fortunate
to have children
His mother's sister, their aunty died without
knowing the fulfilment of carrying a child in
her womb
His younger brother had gotten married and 
given birth to two children
He got scared!
He didn't know where the thought came from
that perhaps his younger had given birth to
the two children meant for their own
Of course, his mother had impressed upon
their heart while they were young that
that was the pattern in the family
He had dismissed it as at that point as a
superstitious belief
But after ten years of marriage and endless
season of tears and struggle for his
beautiful wife, he decided to take the issue 
His policy in life had always been to leave
whatever wouldn't come to him easily alone!
But his wife has gone from hope to desperation!
She started with Clomid and other fertility drugs
Then she went spiritual, bringing home all sorts
of stuff from white garment churches
Oil with all sorts in it (To be rubbed in the body),
Perfumed soaps to be used to bathe at midnight
and the water to be thrown at a T-Junction...
All sorts of rubbish
When he attempted to discourage her from patronizing
evil in the name of looking for good,
she said sometimes gold can be found in a dunghill!
He had heard stories of couples desperate to
have children who fell prey of charlatans, fraudsters,
and in worse cases even encountered demonic forces
that turned their lives upside down!
He felt he shouldn't stay neutral to the point
where danger would be brought home to him!
He decided he would go everywhere with her and
as long as his spirit or his mind did not feel 
comfortable in an environment, they must leave!
When he told his best friend his decision, his best 
friend was totally against it!
"You are approaching this problem the wrong way!
It is glaring that you are desperately looking for a child
but going from one herbalist or spiritualist to another
in the name of not sitting idle is worse than sitting
You will expose yourself to danger this way!
Give your life to Jesus, join a Bible-believing church
and grow! It is better to have a child that will give
you peace than to desperately get a child that will
be a source of sorrow to you!
His friend had always preached to him about becoming
a believer! But, giving his life to Jesus does not guarantee
that he will have a child!
He had heard of several well known and so-called anointed
men of God who are still looking up to God for children!
What he wanted was a guarantee that God will be 'merciful
unto them and take away their reproach!
The first spiritualist they met was a diviner!
A palm reader who also dabbled in certain Eastern practises
He "gazed" at their hands
He didn't say a word!
He gave then some incense to use while they make love at night
They paid him and left
As soon as they left  the place, his first instinct was to
throw away the incense
Nothing necessarily "Spiritual" took place in his opinion
but he couldn't explain why he was suddenly
feeling so off!
He told his wife to throw away the incense
His wife gave him the "don't you dare look"
He kept his mouth shut!
That evening, he had dinner at about 7 PM
His wife prepared for bed at about 9 PM
There was a time they make love every day hoping
to hit the target by a multitude of shots
They later got to the stage where the target 
was "ovulation" period!
They had done all they could!
His wife lit the incense and got into bed!
They started the dance 
When she was ready, she straddled him
Suddenly he felt a choking sensation 
it started slowly but suddenly became intense
He started flailing and gasping for breath!
By the time his wife got him to the hospital
He was almost dead!
The doctors did the best they could
He was diagnosed with partial stroke 
The entire left side of his face and body was dead!
Early the next morning, his wife ran to the 
diviner's office to explain what happened and
the possibility of a solution!
That was the last he saw of his wife!
He was abandoned in the hospital! 
It was the doctor, who had been a long term friend
who called his brother to explain what had happened!
His brother and some other relatives came around the
next day!
They explained to him that his wife was not at home
even though all her clothes and the cars were at
He tried his best to explain what happened to his brother
He believed it was a spiritual attack
There was something choking him 
It had a very strong grip
The doctors had run their test and claimed there was nothing out of the ordinary in the windpipe and the neck generally
They said it could be as a result of certain muscles that collapsed
But his condition was not beyond hope
With physiotherapy, he can easily regain the use of his hand and leg
He was just forty years old!
But he knew the help he needed was beyond medicine
He could still feel the fragrance of the incense 
moving all over his body
He needed help very fast!
Somebody posted the case on facebook
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt reached out 
He was invited to the hospital
He went to the hospital the next day at about noon
He laid hands on his neck and said "In Jesus name...
The man started jerking violently, trying to
move away from the touch of the brother in Jeans and
"You demon of darkness let this man go now!" 
The jerking ceased immediately!
The man was still for a few minutes and then he
shot out of the hospital bed and started running!
(It took everybody by surprise!)
It took some minutes but they were able to catch 
him and calm him down
The Bother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed for him again
And left!
Some weeks later he called the Brother in Jeans and 
He has found his wife!
She had joined the harem of the diviner as wife 
number seven!
How can the brother in Jeans and T-shirt help?
They prayed together on the phone!
He gave his life to Christ and got filled with the
Holy Spirit
Every night after their hour-long prayer, he would decree
the release of his wife from captivity
It took 21 days!
His wife suddenly returned home one morning!
She insisted she left home that morning and not for over
two months 
It was as if she was hypnotised and her memory 
totally erased
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed for her and 
led her to Christ!
She got filled with the Holy Spirit
They both started working out their salvation!
2017 September...
He was transferred out of Lagos to Abuja
His wife went to join him two months later
She got pregnant!
No treatment, no fertility drug, no special prayer or fasting
It just happened!
Nine months later, she delivered a set of twins!

PS: This event happened in Lagos and Abuja
There are too many cases like this to recount
Borne of the desperation to have a child
People go to any length
Marriages are broken at will
Infidelity is encouraged on both sides
All forms of fetish practice were dabbled into
People having sex in graveyards, sleeping with "spiritualists"
eating all sorts and negotiating with demons
All in the name of 'I was given birth to and
I will also give birth"
Please try adoption, please...
What shall it profit a man or woman, to get that
baby and lose his or her soul!