The Father walked into the supermarket
He desperately wanted to teach his children about money and wealth
One of his sons aged 7 was given a cash prize in school for his ability to spell
The young man got the money and promptly spent it on some snacks
When the young man got home he told the mother
"I was given so and so amount of money for spelling such and such a word correctly
I have used the money to buy such and such in school"
The young man's mother couldn't believe what she heard
The young man was not supposed to spend the money
How could he make such an impulsive decision
They sat the young man down
"Next time, you bring the money home"
The young man nodded
The next time he got a cash prize he brought it home
But after then he demanded to buy everything he can see with the money
"Mummy, use my mummy to buy me Ice-cream"
"Mummy, use my money to buy me bicycle"
"Mummy, use my money to buy a car for me"
To the young man, money was money and it can be used to buy everything
Though the young man was only seven years old
They decided he needed to be taught the value of money and wealth creation
He needed to learn how to save, invest and how money works generally
This was what brought the Father into the supermarket
He wanted to buy a game of Monopoly
He knew that is the young man could understand how monopoly works
He would translate the knowledge into real life
He bought the monopoly, went home and unpacked the game
It wasn't the traditional monopoly he knew and played for many years
It was the monopoly of the future
With Credit cards, Pos Machine, glass icons and so on
How could he teach his son how to play monopoly with a gadget even he was struggling to understand?
He didn't despair
He went to another store the next day and bought the monopoly he was familiar with
He sat his son down and he explained the game to him
At first it was the dice, the number of properties,
the houses and hotels that fascinated the young man
Before long he forgot about cartoons
He wanted to play everyday
It was also an opportunity to do something as equals with Daddy and Mummy
They played for two hours everyday!
It took the young man some time to understand currency
At first all he wanted to do was play and count
At a point he felt he was being cheated when he kept
paying other players so much while earning so little
Over time he learnt to recognize the worth of the currencies he was holding,
what they could buy, how to trade, how to make a deal etc
It took almost two years for the boy to master the game and understand
when a deal is good for him and when a deal is bad for him
He also moved from accepting any deal to forcing a favourable deal in his favour
His father was proud of him
Even though it took a lot of hard work, dedication and persistence
The young man stopped asking for ice-creams and toys
He wanted a bank account, he wanted to be able to save
He understood the difference and the value of currencies and what each could buy
He got the idea
One evening, as his father laid on the bed thanking God
The Holy Spirit said: "Do you know you were once like your son spiritually?
You thought once you have become Born Again, you can do anything
You got the gift of salvation, you started speaking in tongues
You said to yourself "I am made!"
But then you realised you still have a lot to learn
You see things that question the reality you have been led to believe
You ask yourself why demons don't flee when you lay hands
You ask yourself why the sicknesses persisted even after you have laid hands
You fast and pray and cry, seeking the anointing!
Then I took the time to teach you
I took the time to lead you
I taught you how to identify demonic issues
I taught you how to stand in faith and challenge sicknesses
I taught you how to assume a posture of authority
I taught you how to manifest my presence
I taught you how to hear my voice
I taught you how to see things through the eyes of the spirit
I taught you how to stay in tune with my spirit, so that you
dont go in and out of my presence like a yo-yo
I taught you how to push and release the anointing
I taught you how to silence carnal desires
I taught you how to catalyze my fire in others
I taught you how to resist religious dross
I worked on you,
I worked in you
I worked through you
And yet you are still a child in the things of the spirit
There is still so much to learn and grow in
Just like your little boy still has a lot to learn adapting monopoly to financial sense"
He got it!
He fell on his knees and blessed the name of the Lord
Indeed he remembered those early days
He was as arrogant as a safety pin!
Thinking speaking in tongues was the be all and end all!
But faithful is He who has promised!
He took him by hand and taught him so much through many other people and by Himself
He grew out of the childish nature of a Nepios
He started gaining spiritual maturity!
The Holy Spirit had again used his desire to see his son grow to teach him also
That the things of the spirit are not automatic
Many think or were told once they accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour
Once they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
They have a talisman, a charm or a weapon they can use to satisfy their selfish desires
This is not true
The Holy Spirit is a teacher
This makes you a student who has a lifetime to learn from him
The Holy Spirit is a very patient builder!
He will build you at your own pace
This is where your hunger and thirst for the things of the spirit comes in
You cannot wake up in the morning, clog your mind with carnal stuff
Make carnal decisions and then get on your knees and pray
That the Holy Spirit make it work!
That is not how it works!
And yes you can be a Born Again Christian, tongue talking and see yourself
eating in the dream, having sex in the dream, being demonized in several ways
You are not to panic and say "It isn't working"
You are to open your eyes to see that your spiritual space is cluttered
Shadows and patches of darkness are still in there
Harbouring the works of darkness
When you expose darkness to the light
Darkness must flee!
If you need help, don't ever be too proud to ask
Philip went to preach in Samaria, the people believed
Philip couldn't fill them with the Holy Spirit, the church sent Peter and John
to Samaria to lay hands on people and Impart them with the Holy Spirit
Not every believer can impart other believers with the Holy Spirit
In the same vein, a spirit filled believer can impart another believer with power
Hands were laid upon Timothy according to Paul's letter!
If a believer is ill, lands can be laid on such to heal him or her
And if the illness is spiritual, power can be imparted to heal such
Nothing about the new life in Christ is automatic except the salvation of your spirit
You walk out the reality of your daily life in Him with fear and trembling
As you grow in knowledge, grace is multiplied and your body is full of light!
PS: Believers can sometimes be absurd
We will do something wrong and somehow convince
ourselves we can keep it a secret from God
Sometimes we even so the "Catch me if you can thing"
We know something is wrong, the Holy Spirit tells us something is wrong
We do it! We reason that we have been forgiven and it is not a big deal
I agree!
I also agree that you can be full of the Holy Spirit
and a demon will fasten itself on your body
The same way you allowed a carnal desire to fasten
itself on you even though you know it is wrong
There are deep spiritual consequences to our actions
You are a believer, you steal! You bruise your conscience or harden it
You are losing out a great deal and hurting yourself
You sleep around as a believer, you tell yourself you must enjoy your life
All you are doing is opening yourself up to affliction
When somebody asked "Can a believer be spirit filled and also demon possessed?
This was the best illustration I could give them
"You own a house, it is yours, all yours
and you take the title deed or Certificate of occupancy of the house
You take it to a money lender and borrowed some money
Are you still the sole owner of the house?
You now co-own the house with the money lender!
You cannot join the body of Christ to ungodliness and expect all to be well
Christ wouldn't be hurt, the demons wouldn't be hurt
The only entity that would suffer in such a transaction is "YOU"
If you are a believer and you engage yourself in the works of darkness
Speak in tongues and fast all you want
A dead fly causes the apothecary to stink
Once your oil begins to stink, you need help or you will sink!
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