Body and Blood

Body and Blood

They called it elephantiasis
A disease said to be caused by a 
strange mosquito
I was at the Bible College at the 
I had been sent for my Teaching 
Practice at a church located at 
Ogudu Ori-Oke
The pastor of this church was a 
He and his wife were chartered 
and they were blessed
I was a personal assistant to another 
pastor and the coordinator of the 
Bible College had to practically beg 
my boss to allow me to observe the 
Teaching Practice at another church 
(He had insisted I do it with him and 
I would have spent the time carrying 
his Bible and practicing nothing)
When I reported for duty, I was 
assigned the duty of follow up and 
My primary assignment was to liaise 
with the follow-up lady and visit all 
the members who have not been to 
that church in weeks
I was also given the altar to minister 
Sunday a month (sermon) and other 
Sundays in various capacities like 
leading the church in prayer, taking 
testimonies, and closing prayer
We met this brother on the way to a 
member's house early one Sunday 
He was sitting outside a building, 
wearing yellow slippers and 
looking hopeless
We had walked past him but my 
spirit reached out to me, so I asked 
the sister to turn around with me so 
that we can minister to this brother
He was happy we came around
He said he had spent everything he 
had on the leg and he was desperate 
enough to accept any form of help
He was a non-christian and usually 
wouldn't listen to a male and a female 
dressed up in church attires on a 
Sunday morning
He told us he knew we were strangers 
the moment we stepped into their 
compound (Not fenced but demarcated) 
He said no Christian who knew his 
family would dare because of his 
father's disposition towards every 
In asked him where his father was at 
that moment
He said His father was ill and was 
inside the house
I asked if we could talk to his father
He said No
I said he should let us talk to his 
father all the same
When we got into the sitting room we 
found his father lying on the mat
He was all bones
His eyes were sunk and he was very 
Everybody seemed to be waiting for 
him to die
He had tuberculosis and had lost 
his sight a bit
He couldn't really see us
So I asked him in yoruba 
language that if i offer to heal him 
right there and then would he accept 
the healing
He said yes
I said If he had to do anything to 
gain his healing would he do it?
He said as long as he does not have 
to kill anybody, he would accept 
any help
I said all you have to do sir, is 
repeat the following words after 
me "Lord Jesus, I accept you as my 
Lord and saviour today
I confess that your body had been 
broken for me and your blood was 
shed for me to live in divine health
As I take on your body as part of 
my inheritance as an heir of salvation, 
I drop this sickness and disease 
ravaged body. 
I leave it behind and accept by 
faith a body full of life and the 
pulsating spirit of God. Amen.
The man said it without stammering
Then I laid hands on him and said 
"Lord Jesus, I establish by the 
authority of the Holy Spirit at work 
in me that I am a witness to the 
sincere conversion of this man and 
I affirm that he has relinquished his 
old life and accepted the new life 
he inherited in Jesus. 
I hereby rebuke this sickness and 
disease and declare his body 
changed into a Healthy body in 
Jesus name. Amen.
I left my hand 
his body for about two minutes
I was silent and so was every other 
person in the room
Then I said "Can you see me sir?"
The man smiled and said "Pastor, I 
see you clearly"
But he was still weak and coughing 
and didn;t look any better
If not for the clear eyesight, it would 
have seem as if there was no change
I wanted to tell him to keep praying 
because the angels of the Lord are 
at work and would perfect his healing 
but the Holy Spirit restrained me from 
I felt in my spirit as if I had left something 
out or forgotten something
I waited in silence 
Then it lit up in my spirit
I turned to the young man with 
elephantiasis and said "You are about to 
witness a miracle but before I go-ahead 
to do what the Holy Spirit has said to 
me, would you be willing to give your 
life to Jesus too?"
The young man nodded and the 
sister with me led him to Christ just as 
I did
Bear in mind that GSWMI had not even 
been conceived as an idea at this time.
I was an altar minister in church and 
she was a sister I met in the church 
two weeks before that moment
She was confident and unshaken
I felt more confident 
heard her pray
(Her name is sister Rita, she was 
learning how to bake at the time. 
She was also a student of a 
polytechnic in the East. 
She came to Lagos for her IT)
After she had led him to Christ, 
she laid hands on him and prayed 
for him just like I did
While they were praying, 
the leg affected with elephantiasis 
became so heavy that he had to
 sit down while screaming in pain.
I told the sister not to remove her 
hand from his body
We might not be able to explain 
what was going on with him but 
one thing was sure, he didn't 
have that reaction before we 
started praying.
I asked someone to get us cracker 
biscuit and a beverage
The person came back with a 
bottle of malt
I blessed it and said "Thank You, 
Father, for the gift of Your Son. 
By the stripes that fell on His back, 
my body is healed from the crown 
of my head to the very soles of my 
feet. Every cell, every organ, every 
function of my body is healed, 
restored, and renewed.
 In Jesus’ name, I believe and I receive. 
(The man repeated after me and I
 broke the bread and gave it to him. 
He ate it
Next, I poured the malt in a cup
 and said:
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your
 precious blood. Your sin-free, 
disease-free, poverty-free life is 
in Your blood. And Your shed 
blood has removed every sin from 
my life. 
Through Your blood, I am forgiven 
of all my sins—past, present and 
future—and made completely 
Today, I celebrate and partake of 
the inheritance of the righteous, 
which is preservation, healing, 
wholeness and provision. 
Thank You Lord Jesus, for loving 
me. Amen. (The man repeated the 
words after me and drank the cup. 
His son did the same)
I began to pray in the Holy Ghost,
 the sister joined me.
By the time we said Amen, the man 
had slept off
His son's leg was vibrating but he 
had stopped screaming.
We had spent about 45 minutes
with them
We were already late for the worker's 
We hurried to the house we were 
headed to before our detour
The lady told us she had started 
attending a church where they sing 
a lot, dance, and feast every Sunday 
especially when there are birthday 
It was a branch of the same 
denomination but obviously richer 
and more invested in music and 
entertainment (These are good 
things please, I am just stating 
facts, not opinions)
That afternoon, i was with the pastor 
trying very unconvincingly to explain 
what happened in the morning when 
the father and son arrived at our church
The man had stopped coughing and 
regained enough strength to walk by 
They came because the son's leg 
was still vibrating and they didn't 
know what to do
After they had settled down in the 
I took my bible and read three 
scriptures out loud from the book 
of psalms
The vibration stopped
I told them they would both be 
back the following Sunday, totally 
recovered to give thanks to God
And so it was.
They joined the church
The man's entire family joined and 
were baptized by immersion and 
with the Holy Ghost
After my Teaching practice, I 
returned to the parish where I was 
an altar minister
The family continued to wax strong
in the Lord

PS: Today 

is another GSWMI Global communion 
The body and blood of Christ continues 
to work wonders in His church by the 
power of the Holy Spirit
The service will hold on zoom mobile app 
this evening from 6 pm
If the Holy Spirit is asking you to be a 
part of it, please don't hesitate