

Joseph stretched as he got out of bed.
He waited for his cell door to open. 
His body and mind had gotten used 
to the routine: wake up, roll call, 
morning exercises, bath, breakfast, 
work, lunch, work, leisure/visiting time, 
dinner, roll call, back to the cell. 
These take place from 6am to 9pm daily.
He usually wakes up an hour before 
the cell doors open so he would have 
time for his morning devotion. 
He is alone in his cell, other cells
 have 4 inmates. 
He has been in prison for 2 years, he 
has been the Head of Prisoners for 
20 months. 
He used to share a cell with 3 other 
inmates until his promotion to Head 
Prisoner, an unofficial office in the prison. 
The position allows him to stay alone: 
He was the First among Equals.
The cell doors opened, every prisoner 
stepped out to be counted. 
After the roll call, they moved in a 
straight line to the gym for some light 
The 30 minutes they spend there 
always amused him. “What are we 
exercising for?”, he always thought; 
“Are we going for the Olympics? 
The way some of these guys take this 
gym thing so serious. 
Well, if you will be stuck in here forever, 
why not make the best use of it? 
If getting 6 packs will make you happy, 
go ahead! 
My job is to make sure there are no 
brawls and all prisoners are well behaved. 
I have been doing that effectively for
 20 months, there has not been any 
jail break, riot or gang fights. 
Thank God for that!”
After the gym session, we all moved 
to take our baths and headed to the 
dining hall for breakfast.
From breakfast, we all moved to our 
various work stations: laundry, 
woodwork, blockwork, cleaning, 
farming, etc.
Everything was going as it has been 
for the past 2 years, no incidents.
A few of the prisoners have visitors 
who come to visit them: wives, 
husbands, children, friends, parents…
It’s ironic nobody has ever come to visit 
Joseph for all the time he had been in 
the prison. He used to feel bad for a 
few months, but he had gotten used 
to it. 
He was in Egypt as a slave, his family 
was in Israel. His brothers sold him 
here, anyway: he wouldn’t expect 
them to come visit him!
The day panned out normally and at 
visiting time, Joseph usually spends 
the time in the library, reading books 
to keep his mind occupied.
Suddenly he heard his name from the 
PA system: he was asked to come to 
the office of the Head of Prisons. 
He got up immediately and walked 
briskly there, wondering, “who could 
be in trouble? I hope nobody has 
escaped? Or there has been a fight 
and someone is seriously injured or 
worse, dead?
As he entered the office, he saw the 
Comptroller of Prisons himself!
Ok, this seems to be bigger than I 
thought for the Comptroller himself 
to be here, he reasoned.
“Good evening, sir”, Joseph said.  
“Good evening, young man!” 
The Comptroller stretched out his 
hand to shake him. 
He shook it reluctantly, wondering 
what was going on…
“Joseph, your attention is needed in 
the Palace immediately. 
You need to quickly go shave, take a 
bath and put on these clothes. 
You have an audience with His 
Majesty in an hour!” 
An aide of the Comptroller handed 
him a new suit, shirt, tie, socks, 
shoes and all.
Now, this is getting interesting! 
He glanced at the Head of Prisons. 
He gave him a “I have no idea” look.
Joseph was ready in 30 minutes and 
they drove off to the Palace. 
That was his first time out of the 
Prison walls in 2 years. 
To think his first visitor would be the 
Comptroller of Prisons and his first 
trip out of the Prison is to go see 
King Pharaoh!
This script could not have been 
better written.
In another 30 minutes, he was in 
front of King Pharaoh.
The King sized him up for a few seconds.
“I understand you can interpret dreams?”
“Yes, Your Majesty”
Pharaoh was skeptical.
If this young man is that smart, why is 
he in prison? Well, let’s find out…
Pharaoh told him his dreams.
Joseph closed his eyes for a minute.
Inspiration came.
He opened his mouth and started talking.
When he was done, he opened his eyes: 
Pharaoh’s mouth was agape!
Pharaoh turned to his Chief of Staff, 
Potiphar standing next to him and said, 
“I have someone like this in my kingdom 
and he’s in prison! 
I want this guy in my team! 
I want this guy running my country! 
I want this guy in the palace! 
How in the world was he imprisoned?”
Potiphar’s face went red. 
He was tongue-tied.
“Pharaoh continued: “I want his 
sworn in as the Prime Minister 
Potiphar- make the arrangements, let 
him take the Oath of Office in today!”
“Y-y-y-yes sir”, Potiphar stammered.
Pharaoh turned to Joseph. 
“You will be sworn in as the Prime 
Minster of Egypt. 
Your wisdom and insight are assets 
I need to run my Country. 
I grant you amnesty: You are now the 
number 2 man in Egypt!”
Thank you, your Majesty, Joseph replied.
Potiphar ushered Joseph out of 
Pharaoh’s presence.
As they walked out, he said, “Joseph…”
Joseph patted him on the back. 
“Don’t worry about it, sir. 
God used you to elevate me. 
If you did not buy me, I would not 
be here today.
 All things work together for good, 
to those who love God and are called 
according to His purpose, sir!”
Potiphar thought over what Joseph 
just said. “Well I honestly don’t 
understand your philosophy, Joseph. 
But I guess they do work out for good…”
Haruna Daniels.