Christianity 101
(John Chapters 3 & 4)
The entire Christian experience,
the totality of the Gospel and
the essence of the coming
of Jesus can be summed up
in John Chapters 3 & 4.
In these chapters, Jesus had
one-on-one meetings with 2 different people:
A Pharisee and a Samaritan
It is important to note that
Jesus taught deeper stuff in
these one-on-one meetings.
He teaches general stuff
when with the crowd, where
He just talks and people
listen, like the average pastor
in the average church today.
There is no opportunity for dialogue, there is no
opportunity to ask questions.
But when He is talking to just
ONE person, such
opportunities arise.
The Pharisee said, “We know
you are from God- nobody
can do the miracles you
except God is with him.”
Jesus responded; “Truly I
tell you, unless a man is
Born Again, he cannot see
the Kingdom of God.”
The Pharisee asked what
He meant and Jesus
explained to him: He that is
born of the flesh is flesh,
he that is born of the Spirit
is spirit.
We are all born of the flesh,
in that we were given birth
to by our mothers.
But to be Born Again, we have
to be born the 2nd time- this
time, by the SPIRIT.
Your spirit has to be born of
the Spirit of God BEFORE you
can see the Kingdom of God.
It’s not about works
of righteousness, it’s not
about observing religious
rules and regulations.
It’s like a man who wants
to have a relationship with
a bank: the 1st thing to do
with the bank.
If he doesn’t do that, he has
no record in the bank as
a customer, no matter how
many times he visits the
bank or how many of the
staff are his friends.
What brings recognition as
a customer is the account
Even if he brings a billion
dollars to the bank, he still
has no relationship with it if
he has no account.
When the names of the
bank’s customers are drawn
up, his won’t be there.
Being Born Again is the
opening of an account with
the bank (God).
The woman at the well
perceived Jesus was a
She entered the quarrel
“Our fathers worshipped
God on this mountain, but
you people say it is only
in Jerusalem that God should
be worshipped!”
She was a Samaritan, they
had issues with the Jews
because of their style of
The Jews insist that any
worship not done in the
temple in Jerusalem is null
and void.
The Samaritans do not go
to Jerusalem for that, so
the Jews condemn them:
their style of worship is
Sounds familiar?
But Jesus brought a new
angle to it:
He told the woman,
“A time is coming when
you won’t need to go to
Jerusalem or any mountain
to worship the Father”.
A time is coming when
worship will not be defined
by time or space.
A time is coming when
worship will not be limited
by religion, by location,
by clothes, by physical appearance. Why?
In other words, whoever
wants to worship God does
so with his/her spirit, not
with the body.
Worship is no more a
physical act, but a spiritual
Worship is no more by
killing animals and spilling
their blood.
Worship is no more
burning incense and sprinkling
holy water.
These things were the norm
under Judaism, but with
the death and resurrection
of Jesus, a new method and
style of worship was
Jesus did away with the
old order- that was what
he explained to the Samaritan woman.
And when she learnt this,
she went back to the town
and told people what she
just heard.
The people came to meet
Jesus and asked him to
stay with them for a while.
They wanted to learn more
from Him directly, not base
their faith on what the
woman told them.
Jesus obliged them and
stayed 2 days.
They later told the woman,
“Now we believe- not
because of what you said,
but because we have
HEARD him ourselves and
KNOW that this is indeed
the Christ.”
These folks had no idea
about Jesus until
someone mentioned Him
to them.
But they did not take her
word for it: they decided
to develop a PERSONAL
Imagine if they never met
They would have been
referring to Him as
“The Jesus whom the
Samaritan woman talked
Like the 7 sons of Sceva in
the Book of Acts who tried
to exorcise a demon from
a man in Ephesus.
They said, “In the Name of
Jesus who Paul preaches…”
The demon replied,
“Jesus I know, Paul I know:
who are you?”
Your knowledge of Him
must be FIRSTHAND.
You cannot live on a
borrowed knowledge
or relationship.
Today unfortunately, we
have too many people on
borrowed knowledge
and borrowed relationship
with God; and that
borrowed knowledge is
from their pastors.
So we hear lots of
“My pastor said…” these days.
We also hear lots of
“In the name of the God of…”
and they insert their pastors’ names.
They justify such prayers
with “God is called the God
of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob in the Bible!”
They do not understand
that there is a difference
between the relationship
those Patriarchs had with
God and us.
They do not understand
that there is a difference
between Judaism and
If your faith and knowledge
of God is hinged on what
your pastor says and
teaches or you pray in the
name of the God of your
pastor, you are walking a
slippery slope.
You need to do like the
men who the Samaritan
woman told about Jesus
but rather than take her
word for it (as you take
your pastors’), they came
to know Jesus for
This is the whole essence
of Christianity:
You get born again: your
spirit comes alive, your spirit
is born new, The Holy Spirit
works on the inside of you
to transform you into the
person God created you
to be: there are no
You worship God as He
wants to be worshipped:
in Spirit and in Truth.
You get to understand that
worship is a spiritual act,
not a physical one and is not limited by time or space.
You get to understand that
God is omnipresent and
His presence is not
consecrated anywhere.
He is as present in your
toilet as He is in a Church
You don’t need to travel
on a pilgrimage or go to a
camp to meet with Him.
He is ubiquitous- there is
no need for any religious
drama to meet with Him.
You need to KNOW Him
yourself: do not put your
on any man, no matter
the religious title he carries.
God has no grandchildren-
you cannot be a child of a
child of God.
You have equal access to
Him as any other person
on this planet.
Don’t belittle yourself.
Don’t arrogate any special
privilege to any man and
think he is closer to God
than you, or you need any
man’s assistance or
validation to know God.
God is YOUR Father just
as much as He is mine
and everybody else’s!
Haruna Daniels.
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