Are these married men okay at all?
Why won’t they just leave me alone?
In one breath, they expect me to be polite
In another breath, they would-be making passes at me
The first time a married man made a pass at me
I was just fifteen years old
I couldn’t even believe I could ever be the subject of such madness
My mother sent me to deliver food to their next-door neighbor
It was during the Christmas festivities
The man’s wife and children had travelled to the village
I couldn’t even ever think he would have such a design on me
His first daughter was my age mate and friend
I took the food to his house and knocked on his door
He took some time to open the door
Usually, when you take food to the neighbours in our culture
The neighbor would give the bearer some money
Usually a small change for his or her trouble
He told me to come inside and drop the food on his dining
Then he brought out a wad of cash
Almost 5000
He didn’t say a word
He extended the money to me
My eyes popped out as soon as I saw so much money
I made to collect the money
He grabbed my wrist with his right hand
Twirled me around and bent me over his dining table
I was a bit confused for a minute
Until I felt his thing rubbing against my backside
I panicked!
I tried to scream
He used his left hand to cover my mouth
His right hand was still holding my wrist from behind
His thing was hard pressed against me
He started whispering in my ears
“Shhhh, don’t shout, I will give you all the money, don’t you want this five thousand?”
I shook my head
He used his thing and his waist to press me still against the table
He tried to remove his left hand
I knew he wanted to remove my panties
I screamed
He quickly covered my mouth again
We were at an impasse
His two hands were occupied with keeping me still
Though his thing was pressed against me
I had my clothes on intact!
He started whispering in my ears again
I didn’t want to hear anything
I was in full terror mode
I was just shaking my head
He rubbed himself against him until I felt his wetness all over me
He came right there and then
He released me, threw the money in my plate of food and angrily told me to ‘Get out”
I ran!
I couldn’t tell anybody what happened
But I avoided him and his entire family members like a plague after the incident
We left the rented apartment about a year later.
Since that time, I have been very weary of married men
I avoid them like a plague
One could be lulled into assuming they are harmless because they wear a ring
This is absolutely not true
For some of them the ring was actually a basis to cheat
The second time a married man came on to me
I was working as a mall attendant at the time
A man came in shopping for kitchen equipment for his wife
I assisted him to get what he wanted
I was patient with him because he was quite elderly
He was in his 60s
I was just 25
He tipped me moderately once he concluded his transactions
He insisted on taking me phone number
Told me it is possible he could help me get a better job
That very night he called her
He said he was travelling to another city
He missed his flight
He was lodged in a hotel somewhere
He called
Could I come and spend the night with him?
Aren’t you married? I asked him
He said “that is not a barrier, my dear”
How disgusting could someone be?
What does it mean to be married?
How could the marital vow matter so little to some people
To be honest it wasn’t as if I had never liked a married guy
I had fallen flatly in love with one once
I made her intention known
He told me he was married
I thought about it
Of course, it was wrong, but I couldn’t help herself
I told him I didn’t mind
He was too good for only one woman to “own”
He was kind, generous, intelligent, inspiring, sensitive and caring
He told me NO!
I couldn’t believe it!
So, there were men who could say No?
It made me respect him the more
It truthfully made her desire him the more
But I knew a second attempt could destroy their friendship
I watched her boundaries carefully
By this time, I was 27
I could count over thirty passes made to her by married men
There were single men too
I actually dated some of the single men
Two of the relationships ended because of the genotype issue
2018 Christmas I went to the village for the holidays
One evening, while I was seeing off visitors
I came across the MD of one of the companies I had worked with before during my industrial training days as an undergraduate
The man was elderly and always comported himself with dignity
He gave me a lift
His house in the village was about 10 minutes’ drive from my own house
He told me he would like to introduce me to his wife
He said they (He and his wife) often talk about me
I was ad-hoc secretary during my stay with his firm
I had spoken with the wife several times before on the phone but I never met her face to face
We went to his house
The look his wife gave me was highly disrespectful
I was dressed in a short gown and a pair of canvas
I hadn’t planned on meeting the man
I understood the look
I also accepted the look due to the way I was dressed
It was obvious the man was a womanizer
His wife’s reaction showed she had no trust in him
Within an hour the wife loosened up
His wife realized her husband and I had not been in contact for many years
She offered me some refreshments
We played scrabbles
The woman really treated me like a younger sister
When it was time for me to leave
The man told his wife to please drop me off and retired to his room
The wife gladly took me home
Three days later, the man called and jokingly asked me for my account no
I sent it
The man credited her account with 50,000
I knew immediately I saw the bank alert that the money wasn’t without strings
I waited for the man to call and state his terms
The man didn’t
I waited a whole week!
I didn’t hear from him so I felt I was just being paranoid
Perhaps the man just wanted to bless me as he said!
I started spending the money
Exactly a week later, the man sent me a text
“Meet me at So and So “Guest house”
I couldn’t believe it
How could the man be so unashamed?
I was the age mate of his second daughter
I was now a sort of “sister” to the man’s wife
What happened to faithfulness, honesty, decorum, trust and love
Why were some men always acting like people whose placentas were eaten by dogs?
I told the man I didn’t know the “Guest House”
The man told me he would send his driver
I ignored him
The man called me over and over again
I didn’t pick
After 30 minutes
Her phone rang
It was the man’s wife
I picked
The man’s wife said: Hello sweetheart, the driver is waiting for you at your gate. He will bring you to us at the guest house. Come and let us all have fun together!
I couldn’t believe my ears!
What did I just hear?
I stayed in my room throughout the night
A lot of things went through my mind
Was it that they had fetish designs for me?
Was the man and the wife only interested in sex?
A threesome?
Was it a test?
Early the next morning, I packed my bag and traveled back to the city
I couldn’t even wait a minute more in the village
PS: Depravity has taken over our world
We all see it and ignore it
Every generation came into our world innocent
We pollute them without remorse
We teach evil and encourage evil to thrive
Even some of us so-called “Christians”
We are lost in the miry clay of the world
In our quest to become “Woke”
We had awakened the forbidden
Jesus is still available for us all
No matter how far we might have gone in the wrong direction
One Look is all it will take
One call is all it will take
Look and Live
Call unto Jesus and be saved
Call Now!!!
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