The Tightrope
The Tightrope
She came unto him very strongly
You know when a woman is saying "Help me"
But her body language is saying "Sleep with me"
The undertone of seduction was very glaring
But not in the way a third party would see
She was decently dressed
She wore a free flowing gown that covered her from head to toe
Her make-up was equally decent
Nothing about the serpent spelt danger until you see its fangs
She had a dangerous way with words
She claimed she came for counselling
Her problem was very dire
She had been to many Pastors and Prophets
but practically all of them wanted to sleep with her
They forgot all about her issue and focus on getting into her pants
It was as if she was cursed or something
She had been told about him by many witnesses
She was told he was decent, upright and humane
That was why she came
She came to the one who was anointed with discipline by the Holy Spirit
She came to see the Holy robot!
He listened quietly to her case
She was the third of five girls
The first two had made something of their lives
The last two had also made something of their lives
She was the one without a job, a husband, a business or a future
She was living with one of her married sisters
She needed a break!
He said: I told you I could pray with you on the phone, you shouldn't have bothered to come
She said "I needed to see you, I was a bit bored and I needed to see
if i really wouldn't have the same effect on you
He: What effect?
She: I told you that Pastors and Prophets always want to sleep with me
He: Oh, that?
She: Yes! That was why i wore this gown.
I dont want to encourage you in anyway!
I dont want you staring at my boobs
He: (laughs) Thank God you were dressed so decently, there was nothing to stare at
She: Yes, that was the idea! I wanted you to use your imagination
He: Oh!
She: See, I will like you to help me spiritually to see
if this thing with pastors was a curse or something.
I dont feel like going to church anymore because of it.
When i was a Catholic, I had this strange relationship with Priests.
They always want to sleep with me even as a teenager and now it has become even worse
I must confess that I slept with some of them
More out of pity more than anything
How could virile, mature and healthy men reject their own nature
i do it to help them see that God is not that difficult to please
He hears the prayer of both the single and the married
Do you think that was bad? Helping priests to ameliorate their sufferings?
Why are you looking at me like that?
That's quite judgemental, I dont feel comfortable with that look at all!
He: It might have to do with how you conduct yourself
She: It is typical of guys to blame the lady for everything!
So it is my fault that priests who swore an oath want to sleep with me?
Even married Pastors, didn't they also swear an oath not to cheat?
Men are such randy creatures, but i wonder why they always pick on me!
I do what I can but how many men will my bleeding heart care for...
He didn't know what to think at first
Was she pulling his legs?
Was she sent by some people to test his integrity?
Was she an agent of Satan trying to pull him down?
Was she a daughter of Zion in need of help?
Was she demon possessed and in need of deliverance?
Was she a babe who just wanted him to sleep with her?
Was she a ........
She: A penny for your thoughts?
He: I was trying to read you and your intentions?
She: Please o, I dont want you to get in my head!
Before you know it I will be hypnotised and taking off my gown!
Can you do that? Make me take off my clothes with the anointing?
I have heard so much about that thing?
Can you make me come by just staring at me?
A friend of mine went to see a Pastor in Kaduna,
she said the man stared at her somehow and she started beeping down there!
I mean, she orgasmed! WOW!
I have read many of your works, i swear my nipples get hard reading some
How could somebody so anointed also be so skilled at writing
God is sometimes unfair
I used to imagine sleeping with you
Being naked in your arms while you do some of those things you write about to me
I especially like that "Rod of Moses" Imagery you used in one of your stories
or the "He took her butter and she took his bread"
You are a wicked guy!
Please, dont get me wrong, I know you are married
But I am attracted to you in a strange way
I know your wife will mind but I wouldn't mind spending a day with you
It would be the greatest day of my life
And all the expenses will be on me
I will just like to squeeze all that anointing out of you
One drop at a time
I will start with olive oil and a proper hand job
I will make you scream before I put you in my mouth
You will be helpless by the time I sit on you and ride you into glory...
A man of God is like a medical doctor
He meets with all sorts of people
Some will come to him asking him to predict their future
Others will come to him asking him to pick a husband or a wife for them out of many options
Yet others will come to him suffering from afflictions of the enemy
Some would come looking for attention
Some would come with self-inflicted problems
He had learnt to be patient with all
He was always careful not to wound or injure the sheep of His pasture
He was not the type looking to enrich his pocket by taking advantage of people
And cheating with his wife with a daughter of God is not his way
He just loves the Lord and desires to obey him
It was not the first time he would find himself in this sort of situation
Sitting face to face with someone whose motive was off
A lady once told him she wanted to use his rest room
He showed her into the one right inside his office and she emerged few minutes later
Stark naked!
He had to call security immediately to forcefully remove her
Many others sent him nude pictures and suggestive messages on the social media
He blocked such immediately
Another lady once told him she had a lump on her breast
Her faith told her he must massage the breast and she will be healed
The ministry of a Man of God is incomplete without such
Especially at such a season when he or she was still so exposed to all sorts
But he had to be careful
Some people want to make a name for themselves on the social media
All they desired to do was court scandal and get their five minutes of fame
They dont care who their victim is
They want to play the victim
They want to make a Bill Cosby out of every man
With such people you cannot win
If they get you to say something nasty to them on record
You will be branded as the Pastor without the love of God
If they get you to fall for their antics
You are the carnal pretender who slumped on the laps of Delilah
And the social media loves a scandal
The mob woke up everyday with a stone to throw at anyone and everyone
People had been hounded into committing suicide before by the mob
Everybody jumps in and pokes the pastor in the eye
Before long, Samson will be hairless and blind
And even if the hair grows back, humpty dumpty is done for!
He knew what was happening
He was feeling it
The lady was stirring his hormones with seductive words painted on the canvass of lust
He was drooling with feigned innocence
One thing he was sure of was that he was not going to touch her!
He: Can I pray for you now? I have people waiting to see me
She: No! this is my own time. I came all the way from so and so place just to see you
I am not in a hurry at all
He laughed
She laughed
She: I feel like all my problems are solved already! Being with you didn't seem weird at all
perhaps because i am conversant with your writings, it felt as if i have known you all my life
Will it be a sin if I kiss you?
Just something light
It will be a dream come true!
She leaned forward
O God!
The table was all that was between them
There was a glass door behind her
But nothing could protect him from the sight she unleashed on him
Two full breasts, looking like two golden brown loaves of Jerusalem breads
He swallowed hard
The serpent was suddenly inside his trousers
Where were speaking in tongues and Angelic presence when you need them?
He stood up
She saw what she had done and winked at him
He excused himself politely, told her he was going to the restroom
He walked out of his office, walked down the stairs, walked out of the office grounds
walked out of the estate, walked and walked and walked
He left his phones, wallet, laptop, everything
He walked for one hour
He got home, he saw his wife and children! He laughed
"Where is the car and your stuff" asked his wife
"Be glad you have me, be glad I am home" He told his wife
He hugged his wife and gave her the gist
They laughed like little children
What God has joined together, let no "anointing" put asunder!
Ps: There are star stalkers out there
There are anointing stalkers too
People whose sense of worth and value lie in making nonsense of your claim
"You claim to be a Born Again sister
Yet you are sleeping with me"
"You claim to be a man of God
Yet you are dipping your beak in my honey"
The assault on Children of God is too much
What the world does not know is this
Without believers, the world will return to darkness
Flee brother, flee sister
But if you are somewhere targeting a man of God, note this:
"Things that cause people to sin are bound to come,
but woe to that person through whom they come.
It would be better for him or her to be thrown into the sea
with a millstone tied around his or her neck than for him or her
to cause one of these little ones to sin (luke 17:1-4)
This event happened in Magodo, Lagos. (June, 2018)
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