The Arsonist
The Arsonist
They were like Ahab and Jezebel
The whole community was scared of them
Her father was a strong voodoo initiate
He met her while consulting her father for some charms
Her Father made him a strong man
Since she was the only child her Father had
And there were mysteries in voodoo that couldn't be shown to a woman
Her Father took him like the son he never had
They went on many mysterious journeys together
They took oaths, did incisions and made deals with strange powers together
Her Father hung the family's demonic tortoise on her husband's neck
A tortoise that had been in the family for many generations
Only the first male child was allowed to wear it
It was the tortoise that guaranteed their family members such a long life
The charm was so potent that unless the wearer passes it on to another
The wearer of the tortoise cannot die!
The only challenge was that the tortoise cannot be given to a female child
Sometimes her husband and her father would lock each other in Her Father's power room for days
21 days, 42 days, 63 days and sometimes for 99 days
All they would have for food was alligator pepper
Sometimes they would be locked up in the room and on the day they were supposed
to come out of the room, they would walk into the compound as if they were coming
from a long journey
Her husband would later tell her tall tales of how they disappeared or
translated from the room into one tree or the river
All her husband wanted was money and power
It was what led him to her Father in the first instance
He was a local politician and he needed some fortification
Her Father treated him just like any client
Until the day she told her father she liked the way the young man
looked at her whenever he comes around
She was her Father's eternal weakness
Her mother died while giving birth to her
Rumour had it that her mother made her father swear never to marry another wife before she died
She didn't ask her Father if the rumour was true
She just knew that she grew up with her father as the only parent she knew
By the time her Father died, he had done everything in
his power to secure her future through her husband
Her Father also ensured that they both made a vow never to leave each other
That way her husband wouldn't be power drunk and betray her on a whim
Her husband prospered as a politician
He was not only a power broker, he was a godfather to many other politicians
Everybody treated him with great deference
He became so strong politically that nobody in their community could aspire
to any position in their community and succeed without his input
Her husband's influence and riches earned him a seat on the local chief's council
They had everything they ever desired
But they didn't have a child!
Her husband did everything he knew
He travelled far and wide and even through realms in search of a child
He was eventually told the truth
His wife's mother couldn't conceive
His wife's father made a deal with a demon
The demon promised them a child in exchange for his wife's mother's life
The demon also told them that they would henceforth have only one female child per generation
Once that child was born, the mother would die!
This is because the female life would be a form of exchange
He would take the mother to add to his permanent harem in the spirit realm
And give them the daughter to raise for him in exchange!
The husband didn't tell his wife this truth
He felt betrayed by his wife's late father who took him like a son
and yet entrapped him into making a vow not to divorce his wife or marry another wife
His wife's father demonstrated to him that blood was indeed thicker than water
He waited and stopped worrying himself about having a child
Twenty years after they got married
His wife got pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl as predicted
Three days after delivering the baby
His wife died!
He waited a while after this and married other wives
None of them delivered a child for him
Until his death, all he had was his one and only daughter!
And from generation to generation
The covenant persisted
Until it got to her!
She became born again at the age of sixteen
Since she was a child, she always saw herself in a dream
A man would come to her
Somehow she knew he was her husband
They would talk and play and make love
The man calls her by a strange name "Awero"
She didn't bear the name in real life but it felt like her name
She thought she was seeing the future
She had her first baby in the dream at the age of fourteen
The pain was intense and wild
When she woke up from that dream, she felt she had gone to hell and back
It was the first time she ever considered her dream as nothing ordinary
She was still and virgin, she had never ever had a boyfriend
And she was delivering a baby!
She told a friend of hers everything
Her friend told her about Jesus!
She considered it but soon threw away the idea
They were a non-christian family
In the religion she practised, converting to Christianity was tantamount to committing suicide
She was living with her Father's elder sister because her mother died giving birth to her
She felt it wouldn't be proper to give her aunt any problem
The dreams continued after the childbirth episode
She tried very much to stop them
She watched movies till late in the night
She read loads and loads of novels to keep her mind occupied
She crossed her legs physically when she slept so that she would not have sex in the dream
Nothing worked
The dreams were real
As soon as she got into the University at 16
She gave her life to Christ!
Yet the dreams persisted
She got filled with the Holy Spirit
Yet the dreams persisted
She didnt know what to do again
By the age of 29, she had gone through five gruesome pregnancies and childbirths in her dream
Sometimes she would see her spirit family in the dream
She would see herself cooking, tending to the children and making love to her husband
She told her Father everything one day, she needed help desperately
Her Father took her to a white garment consultant
The consultant told her to get 500 of #10 notes of their currency
They would use it to buy a white cloth and some other materials
She would go to the river, have a bath and get divorced from the spirit husband!
She couldn't believe it!
She slept with her tights on and crossed her legs
for many years and couldn't stop having sex in the dream
Would she now expose herself naked in the river and expect things to change?
Her father begged her to try it
What if it works?
Eventually she agreed!
They paid the consultant and gave him the money for the ritual
He told them to come back in a week
The next day was a Friday!
She went to church for a vigil!
The guest minister was the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
As he started preaching, something happened to her
How come the reality the brother was talking about was not her reality?
She was convinced he was telling the truth about the Holy Spirit
and His inner workings in a believer's life
What he said and what she believed aligned
But that was not what she saw in her daily life!
He made an altar call, inviting those with spiritual issues
She went forward!
She thought he would ask her what the problem was!
He didn't!
He held her hands and prayed in tongues for a while
Then he laid his hands on her and
It was as if she was punched in the gut
One moment his hands were on her head
The moment after she was being hurled through the air!
She lost consciousness for a moment
By the time she recovered, service was over!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt counselled her
"Read the Book of John at least four times back to back
Pray in tongues at least one hour every day
When you have such a dream you will not be powerless to resist and fight!"
That night after praying, she saw herself carry a keg of petrol
She went to her house while her husband, other women and children were sleeping,
She doused the entire house with petrol and she set fire on it in her dream,
she didn't imagine it!
She actually summoned the courage to set the spirit house
and all its occupants ablaze in her dream!
She never had such a dream again!
One week later, she went to visit a friend in the hospital
A guy was also in the hospital on admission
She was somehow drawn to the guy
They became friends and she married him a year later
She gave birth to her first child at the age of 31
She didn't die and the baby was a boy
Now she is a mother of three
The demonic pact of many generations was broken in the name of Jesus
PS: If you have spirit husband, wife or family issues
Don't go to any consultant
I agree you may need help to rev up your spirit
Find a believer who prays in tongues
Pray for hours with such a believer
Read the Book of John
You are more powerful than you think
Don't be timid in the place of authority
If you say No to demonic affliction
Your verdict is final
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