Discretion is Wisdom

Discretion is Wisdom

Christian leaders at all levels should 
take time to look at the Word 
themselves instead of making conclusions 
as to their course of action based 
on what the 'fathers' have handed 
over as doctrines. 
As @GbengaWemimo often says, 
context matters! 
in the interpretation of scriptures. 

I remember several years ago when 
I was pastor of my fellowship in the 
university, a young lady walked up to
 me to confess her indiscretion during 
the holidays (she wasn't dragged o! 
She came herself). She told me 
she slept with an uncle. 
Zealous me said we were taught as 
doctrine that "them that sin, rebuke 
before all so that others may fear", 
a scripture taking from 1 Timothy 5:20. 
In my immaturity, I wanted to discipline 
an erring worker even though 
I had restraint in my spirit, but
I was consumed by the wrong context 
In which the scriptures had been handed 
down to mean public rebuke of sins 
will deter such actions. Instead of 
calling her out before all the workers, 
I decided, because of the restraint I had, 
to rebuke her before her unit members 
and suspend her from being a worker. 
Even though I charged them to 
keep this within the unit (as if 
the human mouth is capable 
Of closing when there's gist), it 
boomeranged badly. She became 
the talk of the whole fellowship. 
This affected her badly. 

She was stigmatized. She came to 
me for help and I threw her to the 
lions because of a wrong interpretation 
of the word. She started to withdraw 
and drawback (who wouldn't after 
being ripped apart when she needed help). 
When I got to realize the turn 
of events for her, the damage had 
been done. I heard God tell me 
that if she drew back and lose her 
relationship with Him, He would personally 
hold me responsible. I spur to my feet 
and engaged in repeated follow-ups. 
Thank God she made it.

It was a vital lesson for me 
because God made me realize that 
the lady needed help, she knew she 
was wrong, she battled with guilt and 
saw me as the only person that 
She could confide in and get guidance 
towards restoration and recovery and 
I goofed. 

After that episode, I learned to listen 
to God and handle each case individually 
as directed by His Spirit and because of 
this, the religious ones saw me as 
'backslidden'. One even told me 
to my face one day, "I used to 
see the glory of God on you but
now, I don't see it again." 
I couldn't even get angry. I only 
asked the person to please remember me 
in prayer before God the next time 
she prayed so that God could restore 
the glory. I hurt a soul for 
misinterpreting scripture and wrongly 
handed down by religious zealots.

Later, I realized that Apostle Paul was 
referring to elders that sinned. 
The admonition to Timothy, was not to 
entertain an accusation against an 
elder but if the elder continued to sin 
in spite of confirmation from two or 
three witnesses, such elders should 
be publicly rebuked. 
After I learned my lesson the hard way, 
God taught me to be empathetic and 
restore erring but repentant believers 
in love. 
This had been my way and 
God has brought joy and restoration 
to many while relieving them of their 
burden of guilt. 

God is only a prayer away 
and He loves you despite 
what you've done. If you're 
carrying a weight of guilt and you 
need someone to talk to, I am 
right here to listen and pray with you. 
If you've not experienced the 
love of God, I need not say more;
you're missing so much. 
As in, where have you been? 
You need to know that He loves you 
beyond your imagination. 
Reach out to my DM and
I will let you see how much 
you're loved and needed. 

There's no brokenness that God 
can't fix. He's the only one I 
know that
doesn't discriminate. 
Lift up your head. God is right 
beside you.

Live loved, He cares and so do I.