Her best friend introduced her to her husband
Her best friend was a very beautiful woman
The type whose iconic beauty was grudgingly
acknowledged by other ladies
She didnt let the looks get into her head
She was easily the most beautiful girl on campus
when they were in school
Naturally, men flocked to her best friend
Beauty desires to be possessed by many for
different reasons
For some of the men just boasting that
they were wooing her was a feather in their cap
Her friend was cordial to all the men who
showed interest in her
She had a good eye for a good character too.
They were on holidays when her best friend
called her up and told her about a guy
Her best friend said the guy was a great guy
Her best friend said the guy asked her to introduce
him to a good lady with whom he can build a life
Would she be interested?
She had nobody serious in her life
She really didn't fancy the idea of dating one of her
friend's admirers but she didn't want to seem snobbish
Finding herself in a tight corner, she agreed to a date!
He invited her to his school's departmental dinner
at a golf course in Osun State
He treated her very well
Everything turned when the organizers started
doling out awards
He won everything
Mr Brain!
Most sought after
Problem solver
Egg head
Paper tiger
Mr Selfless
He was also voted "Most likely to become a SAN first'
by his colleagues
She was swept off her feet
His attitude and reaction to all the awards and
accolades was equally a testament of the
type of man he is and will become
He was humble, willing to share the stage,
grateful and even cried at a point!
She forgot all about her reservation
Her friend had offered her a gold mine
She took it After that night, he took her out
on two more dates before asking her formally
to be his woman
She accepted!
He graduated that year and went off to law school
She still had a year of schooling to do
As predicted, he was destined for a golden future
The stars lined up
They were married four years later, her best friend
was in Florida with her own man at the time
The wedding was glorious
They had their first child within a year of
getting married He started his chambers
She also became a chartered accountant
and landed a good job at a top firm
Five years and two children later
Her husband went to Florida for a conference
It was a three weeks event
They had video calls daily
He was always mindful of his family
Focused and dedicated
He returned with gifts
He told her he met her best friend
Life has not been kind to her
Her best friend had stayed abroad out of shame
She had somehow gotten into drugs recreationally
and gotten hooked on heroine
She was a shadow of herself
She was broken and battered
She slept with all sorts of men just to have a
decent meal and a roof over her head
It was horrible
She told her husband they had to help
They did
They sent some money and helped her get into rehabilitation
They called her daily
Helped her through the tough time
She mended
Her husband also made some calls and got
her best friend a job
Something to keep body and soul together
Her husband went to Florida a year later
The firm in California invited him again
He took time out to see her friend
He returned a changed man
Suddenly he stopped paying attention to
the things that used to matter
He started traveling more frequently
She didn't pay attention at first
One day he traveled to California and
forgot to call She waited in vain for his usual
"I have arrived safely message"
She called his number It was switched off
She assumed something had happened
She called her best friend's number
It was also switched off She called and called
She called the firm that invited her husband
She didnt mention that she was his wife
She said she just wanted to know if he would
be speaking at their event
The receptionist put her through to another lawyer
She was told he was not scheduled to speak at
their event for that year
She knew something was afoot!
She called the family that her husband discussed
with to get her best friend a job!
They informed her that her best friend had resigned
and gone off to Vegas to get married!
It was as she suspected!
She just knew something was off!
She reached out to the brother in Jeans and T-shirt!
My husband is getting married to my best friend
in Las Vegas
He had been acting strange but I paid it no attention
The marriage was supposed to hold in three days
I have made calls and gotten all the details
Please! God should not let this happen
They prayed! Perhaps it was the lack of sleep
due to worry and detective duty over the last
few days She dozed off!
She saw her husband, wearing a feminine waist chain
on his neck like a noose
Walking, no, wandering and stumbling through a fog!
She woke up drenched in cold sweat!
She called the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt "
This is what I saw I believe he had been enchanted!
I want him free today! Once the wedding is done,
it becomes another matter!"
They prayed again
After the prayer, she picked her phone and
called her best friend's mother and father!
Her best friend was from a very respectable family,
with a good name in the country and abroad!
She told them she had pictures, embarrassing
pictures of their daughter as a prostitute in
Florida, pictures of their daughter on drugs,
evidence of payment for rehabilitation
If their daughter does not leave her husband alone,
she would share it far and wide and drag their
family name and legacy through the mud!
By the time she was done, they wouldn't be
able to walk about freely during the day!
(She said it was the only play she believed she had!)
Her husband called her later that evening
He was as mad as a hatter!
He just rambled and cursed and vented
She kept her cool!
The wedding didnt hold!
Her friend somehow got a call from home and
relapsed into drug use
She overdosed and was returned to rehab!
Her husband returned
For a week he didnt talk to her He just kept to himself
She gave him his space too
She was hurt and felt heavily betrayed!
Eventually, he came to ask her for forgiveness
She invited the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
to their home the next day
She just wanted him to pray for them
Her husband kept saying "I didnt do this intentionally,
please believe me! I know most men will say this
but I am not lying! I don't know what happened!"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt led him to Christ
He got filled with the Holy Spirit
His eyes became as clear as day!
The spell that worked on him was the cheap type
The ones peddled on the internet by demonic agents
selling enchanted waist chains, powders, rings and
so on to hopeless ladies aiming to enslave men
rather than find love
As intelligent as he was he had no resistance
You need Jesus!
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