

It is so easy for “People” especially those 
who have learnt how to walk in a level of 
dominion but are still carnally minded to
forget their place and assume the “anointing” 
or “calling” made them Lord and Master 
over other believers! 
This is a delusion! 
This is a pitfall!
That members of your church are calling 
you “Daddy” is not something to celebrate! 
The devil have children calling Him 
“Daddy” too! 
There is no “Daddy” office in the Bible, 
even if we can justify it for some who have 
produced tangible spiritual children, 
you cannot be daddy when all you are is 
a gatherer of the Labour of others in Chris
t It takes time to produce spiritual children 
in ministry but in religiously minded 
societies every “Pastor” is a Daddy to be 
Even the one who is a baby in the things 
of the spirit 
The Daddy thing then puts that pastor or 
preacher at a disadvantage! 
He does not know and cannot learn because 
Daddies are not supposed to be learning 
from those calling them Daddy! 
Suddenly Daddy also feels entitled! 
He can commandeer your car and your 
resources in the name of the Lord! 
After all. he is Daddy!
My mother worked with such a Daddy
in the 80s! 
He was a Sunday School teacher in a 
denomination before he got the call. 
He was also spirit-filled! 
His main attraction was the English only 
When he started his church my mother 
uprooted us from the church we were 
We were one of his pioneer members 
It was an animal farm reality 
We were all co-laborers and equals at 
the beginning 
He was nice and friendly 
He was warm and welcoming 
He listened and taught sound doctrine 
His title at that time was Pastor 
The church grew quickly! 
The Holy Spirit was real in that church! 
When the church crossed the 200 mark, 
he changed his title to Prophet 
At that time anybody who wanted to 
speak with him must kneel down! 
He had become Daddy! 
Suddenly all the married couples had to 
do a remarriage in His church because 
they took the
“For better for worse” oath instead of the 
“For better, For best” oath he believed 
was best 
My mother was the church typist 
(Free of charge) and choir mistress 
The corruption of absolute power happened
 right before our eyes! 
The next thing he did was insist members 
must only marry within the church! 
He was the only one with a sound doctrine 
in the whole world 
This was followed by the declaration that 
there were seven rapture centers in the 
whole world and his church was the only 
one in Africa! 
By that time he had taken on the title of 
Apostle (Dr).
Members tolerated him because of the 
“anointing” and the signs and wonder 
But “Power” must be felt through fear! 
He started boasting of the evil that 
befell anyone who dare to cross him 
or question his decisions in the church! 
His assistant pastors were more like 
“Guru followers”
Some members decided to leave at this 
This ushered in the season of “curses” 
He would make the whole church kneel 
down and say Amen while he rained curses 
on those who dared to leave his church! 
“Some animals had become more equal 
in the Kingdom of Jesus than the others!”
In 1995, my Father was returning from 
Germany and my mother took permission 
to get him at the airport and be absent 
from church for a while! 
His "Holiness and Papacy" declared that 
my mother must choose one between 
heaven and her marriage! 
My mother chose her marriage! 
He cursed!
Those who were in church told my mother
 that he made them kneel down while 
he rained curses on the new departures 
and those who put their hands on the 
plow and looked back! 
Suddenly many prophecies started coming 
forth about my father’s return and 
the dangers ahead! 
My mum fasted until she was all bones! 
She went to the airport to pick my Father! 
On their way back they had a terrible 
Both my parents survived without a scratch! 
It was a very testing time! 
The curses took life but the Holy Spirit 
averted the evil spoken forth by that Napoleon!
We stopped going to that church after this 
My mother especially lost interest in 
“religion” for a long time! 
We eventually returned to the Baptist
 Church (A church without an anointed 
Tyrant leader) in 2000. 
As I grew in the things of God, 
I have met many people who
were cursed by a Prophet, Apostle, 
Pastor, G.O, visioneer or Primate! 
I have set all of them free to fulfil their 
destinies by the power of the Holy Spirit! 
The Spirit of Jesus did not make any 
believer subservient to another believer! 
The disciples of Jesus once bickered 
about greatness! 
Jesus told them that he who will be 
greatest must be servant of all! Mark 9:33-35 
A disciple is never above his teacher, 
if Jesus made us Joint Heirs and “Brethren” 
why would we make spiritual leaders 
demigods over our lives 
A believer has no authority to curse another
The manner of the spirit of Jesus forbids 
that carnal and morbid reality! 
I met a family of four ladies once! 
All the ladies couldn’t get married because 
a “Prophet” cursed them! 
I shook my head at their ignorance! 
I am growing in the things of the Spirit 
but I know the truth and reality in Christ! 
I prayed with them and within a year 
they were all happily settled! 
Jesus is the Son of the Blessed one! 
Our DNA was coded to bless and be
If you have ever been cursed or fallen 
victim of a “carnal prophet” please reach 
out to me through our email or phone 
This week, the Holy Spirit said He will 
illuminate hearts and correct twisted realities 
It doesn’t matter if you are guilty or innocent 
It doesn’t matter if it is deserved or undeserved 
It doesn’t matter if the curser has a title as
 long as an ananconda! 
Jesus will set you free if you find yourself 
lost in evil thoughts, depression, demonic 
oppression and carnal life patterns 
unbeffiting of the life from above, please 
reach out! 
It is time for that preordained destiny in Christ 
to become real in your life! 
It is time for those dark clouds to disperse!
If your parents, a friend, a lover or a community 
had also cursed you before now, please 
reach out too! 
For this cause was the Son of God made 
manifest, that he might destroy the works of
 the devil! 
Let’s end the siege by the power of the Holy 
It is your time to fly!