GRATITUDE (Luke 17:11-19)

GRATITUDE (Luke 17:11-19)


TWO: “We just left him a few minutes ago: what about Him?”

ONE “Look at my hands! The disease is GONE! I am HEALED!!!”

THREE: “Seriously? But He said we should go to show ourselves to… wait! I’m healed too!”

FOUR: “Woah! Me too! My skin is so fresh!”

TWO: “I am healed too! I can’t believe this!”

FIVE: “Me too!”

SIX: “Me too!”

SEVEN: “I can’t believe this!!!”

EIGHT: “This is a miracle!!!”

NINE: “I am healed too! See my hands! My legs!”

TEN: “This is unbelievable!!!”



ONE: “I’mma go back to thank Jesus! I need to express my gratitude NOW!”

TWO: “But He asked us to go show ourselves to the Priests, bro! That was His INSTRUCTION: to do otherwise is disobedience!”

THREE: “Yeah! We can all go show gratitude to Him when we’re done with the Priests: we are a team, we do things together!”

FOUR: “I agree with your submission, bro! He gave us an instruction: go show yourselves to the Priests. It was in the way of obedience we all got healed. If you go back, that may reverse the healing on us all!”

FIVE: “I know your healing excites you, bro: it excites us all. But let’s be guided here…”

ONE: “Guys, we all know Jesus doesn’t stay in one place: He’s always on the move. There is no guarantee we will see Him at that same spot by the time we come back. We can’t be back in less than 2 hours. I honestly believe going back to thank Him NOW is the right thing to do…”

SIX: “Are you aware we shouldn’t even have anything to do with you? You’re a Samaritan, remember? We are ALL Jews, you’re the only foreigner: probably that’s why you think differently. Jesus is a Jew like us, we KNOW what He would rather us do and that is to OBEY His instruction!

SEVEN: “That aside, why do you think you have to thank Him NOW? I don’t get it: can you explain why? We are just wasting time having this discussion, if you ask me. If we had not stopped to engage in this Paralysis of Analysis, we would have been closer to the Priests. Let’s move on, guys!”

ONE: “The miracle is very HOT, guys! It’s always best to give thanks when the miracle is still hot and fresh! I’m just concerned that by the time we return from the Priests, we won’t find Him around again. How then would we thank Him?

EIGHT: “Well, I think he has a point…”

NINE: “What nonsense point? To OBEY is better than sacrifice! Is that not what SCRIPTURE says? It’s better to OBEY! Let’s go to see the Priests, please: I need to collect my Certificate of Cleanness from them!”

ONE: “I bed to differ, guys! Yes, I am a Samaritan, I think differently. I would rather go back and Thank Jesus NOW than go thank Him when done with the Priests. We really don’t have to continue being together…”

TEN: “Ah! You are showing your Samaritan spirit, breaking the Bro Code! Suit yourself! Guys, let’s go- leave this Kaffir alone!”


And the nine departed to go see the Priests while the Samaritan turned back to go thank Jesus…



ONE: “Thank you, MASTER!

JESUS: “Thank you… for what, sir?”

ONE: “I was here with my colleagues about 30 minutes ago, Master! We were lepers,10 of us: you asked us to go show ourselves to the Priests! On our way over to see the Priests, we suddenly discovered we were healed! Thank you, Master!”

JESUS: “Hmmmm! I remember. You were 10, yeah? But only you came back to express your gratitude. Where are the other NINE?”

ONE: “They continued the journey to the Priests, Master: They said they will come back to thank you on their way back.I just didn’t want to take that risk: You may not be here by then…”

JESUS: “Hmmmm! So, 10 were healed, only you, a Samaritan came back to express his gratitude!”

ONE: “How did you know I am a Samaritan?”

JESUS: “I know ALL things. Go your way: your faith has made you whole!”

ONE: “Thank you again, Master! I will go see the Priests now…”

JESUS: “Don’t worry about that: It’s not necessary anymore: you are WHOLE…”



Haruna Daniels.



(Luke 17:11-19)



TWO: “We just left him a few minutes ago: what about Him?”

ONE “Look at my hands! The disease is GONE! I am HEALED!!!”

THREE: “Seriously? But He said we should go to show ourselves to… wait! I’m healed too!”

FOUR: “Woah! Me too! My skin is so fresh!”

TWO: “I am healed too! I can’t believe this!”

FIVE: “Me too!”

SIX: “Me too!”

SEVEN: “I can’t believe this!!!”

EIGHT: “This is a miracle!!!”

NINE: “I am healed too! See my hands! My legs!”

TEN: “This is unbelievable!!!”



ONE: “I’mma go back to thank Jesus! I need to express my gratitude NOW!”

TWO: “But He asked us to go show ourselves to the Priests, bro! That was His INSTRUCTION: to do otherwise is disobedience!”

THREE: “Yeah! We can all go show gratitude to Him when we’re done with the Priests: we are a team, we do things together!”

FOUR: “I agree with your submission, bro! He gave us an instruction: go show yourselves to the Priests. It was in the way of obedience we all got healed. If you go back, that may reverse the healing on us all!”

FIVE: “I know your healing excites you, bro: it excites us all. But let’s be guided here…”

ONE: “Guys, we all know Jesus doesn’t stay in one place: He’s always on the move. There is no guarantee we will see Him at that same spot by the time we come back. We can’t be back in less than 2 hours. I honestly believe going back to thank Him NOW is the right thing to do…”

SIX: “Are you aware we shouldn’t even have anything to do with you? You’re a Samaritan, remember? We are ALL Jews, you’re the only foreigner: probably that’s why you think differently. Jesus is a Jew like us, we KNOW what He would rather us do and that is to OBEY His instruction!

SEVEN: “That aside, why do you think you have to thank Him NOW? I don’t get it: can you explain why? We are just wasting time having this discussion, if you ask me. If we had not stopped to engage in this Paralysis of Analysis, we would have been closer to the Priests. Let’s move on, guys!”

ONE: “The miracle is very HOT, guys! It’s always best to give thanks when the miracle is still hot and fresh! I’m just concerned that by the time we return from the Priests, we won’t find Him around again. How then would we thank Him?

EIGHT: “Well, I think he has a point…”

NINE: “What nonsense point? To OBEY is better than sacrifice! Is that not what SCRIPTURE says? It’s better to OBEY! Let’s go to see the Priests, please: I need to collect my Certificate of Cleanness from them!”

ONE: “I bed to differ, guys! Yes, I am a Samaritan, I think differently. I would rather go back and Thank Jesus NOW than go thank Him when done with the Priests. We really don’t have to continue being together…”

TEN: “Ah! You are showing your Samaritan spirit, breaking the Bro Code! Suit yourself! Guys, let’s go- leave this Kaffir alone!”


And the nine departed to go see the Priests while the Samaritan turned back to go thank Jesus…



ONE: “Thank you, MASTER!

JESUS: “Thank you… for what, sir?”

ONE: “I was here with my colleagues about 30 minutes ago, Master! We were lepers,10 of us: you asked us to go show ourselves to the Priests! On our way over to see the Priests, we suddenly discovered we were healed! Thank you, Master!”

JESUS: “Hmmmm! I remember. You were 10, yeah? But only you came back to express your gratitude. Where are the other NINE?”

ONE: “They continued the journey to the Priests, Master: They said they will come back to thank you on their way back.I just didn’t want to take that risk: You may not be here by then…”

JESUS: “Hmmmm! So, 10 were healed, only you, a Samaritan came back to express his gratitude!”

ONE: “How did you know I am a Samaritan?”

JESUS: “I know ALL things. Go your way: your faith has made you whole!”

ONE: “Thank you again, Master! I will go see the Priests now…”

JESUS: “Don’t worry about that: It’s not necessary anymore: you are WHOLE…”



Haruna Daniels.