Securing Love
Her mother came up with the idea
"See my daughter, said her mother, men are
slippery beings
The best version of them will always be the one
before marriage
The boy in them is forever present and active
Desiring a toy feverishly, getting the toy and
losing attention
in the toy after a few minutes only to feverishly
desire another toy
The women around you who have a happy home
all have a secret
They don't tell anybody the "how"
They just pretend they are good and their man is a
good man
You see them wearing same attires and
smiling sheepishly
You assume they are in paradise and wish
to be like them
What you don't know is that the secret of
the glitz and glamour
lies in the hand of the wise woman who
takes to heart the counsel of the elders
For example, look at your aunt so and so,
since she was in
secondary school, she couldn't stop
sleeping around
Her mother became very concerned and came to me
I took her to the elders!
A minor traditional adjustment was done!
Something very simple!
She simply lost the sex drive and desire
When your aunt was getting married, her
mother gave her the antidote
She was oiled and ready for the marital bed and
satisfied her husband as if she never
stopped playing
Some years later, when her husband complained that
she was sleeping around and her home was
almost scattered
I took her mother to the elders again and
they calmed
the two of them down with elderly wisdom
When you look at them today, you will
never even suspect
that there was a time they contemplated
getting divorced!
The security of a woman in her husband's house is
never guaranteed!
Many married men would "somehow" find
their bodies not responding sexually to their own
wife but put another
lady on the bed with them and they
will become tigers,
crunching bones and making the lady
scream to high heavens in satisfaction!
This is why many wives would complain of
a lack of sexual affection at home
while the same man's side
chick would be grinning from ear to ear!
That is the nature of a man!
He gets bored easily!
No matter how good a woman you are and no matter
how wonderful his heart is, he is what he is!
If he didn't cheat, it didn't mean he didn't want
to cheat!
If another woman gives him the necessary incentive
He will cheat and do so over and over again like a
helpless addict!
This is why you must pay attention to my counsel
You will need to secure your marital destiny
with your
own hands and not trust your future to chance!
I want to take you somewhere!
What we will do is not fetish and God is
not against it!
God made the herbs and the leaves from which
these things were made!
The wedding will be conducted 21 days before your
marriage here!
Your spirit will marry His spirit and he
will never be able
to look at another woman or cheat on you!
There is no side effect to this procedure
I did it and that was what resulted in my
own marriage
of which you and your siblings are products
It will give you spiritual and physical
peace of mind!
There is no ritual, nothing demonic,
it is just a tiny
spiritual exercise of great benefit to
you and your future!"
She couldn't say No to her mother!
Her mother had a very domineering nature!
Her wedding was a few weeks away and it
was a poor time to pick a fight!
She told her mother she would make herself
available the next Saturday so that they
can get it done!
When she got home, she thought about it
Her mother's relationship with her father
was not the ideal relationship she wanted
for herself
Her father was a quiet, thoughtful, hardworking
and a perfect gentleman!
He does whatever her mother says, even
when her mother was wrong and he ought to stand
up to her!
He was like a man without a spine!
It made her lose respect for him for
several years
She didn't know her mother had tampered with
the natural order of things to make her father
She really didn't want that for her marriage!
But her NO would mean provoking her mother
to wrath a few weeks to her marriage!
Nobody fights with her mother without
getting smeared
Her mother fights dirty!
She would have confided in her husband to be
But it would alter his opinion of her
mother forever
and it will affect their relationship adversely
She was a born again Christian!
Her man is a man of God to the core!
It doesn't guarantee a smooth sailing marriage
But a demonic foundation would certainly be the
wrong route to go!
She decided to pray and present the case to the
Holy Spirit!
She called the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt and
narrated her ordeal!
"Pray with me brother, please join your
faith with mine"
That night, she prayed in the spirit with
all her heart
All she wanted was for the Holy Spirit
to change her mother's heart and avert
a crisis before her marriage
The next morning, her Father called her
very early in the morning
He told her to please come and see him immediately
She rushed home and found to her amazement
her mother on her knees, crying profusely!
In the middle of the sitting room was a black pot.
inside the pot was her father's old picture, some
diabolic items like cowries, totems, and strings
The picture was smeared with blood and wrapped
with a sheet of paper with incantations written
in red biro!
Her father said he woke up in the middle of the
night and found her mother wrapped in
red and black
wrapper chanting incantations on his picture!
All her siblings were there!
Her mother had no excuse!
The charm had been destroyed!
Her father found his voice, his dignity,
and his senses!
She quickly called the Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt,
she told him everything and her fear!
That her father would leave her mother and become
bitter by the discovery!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
her to relax
"The Holy Spirit does not reveal to destroy,
he reveals, to redeem!"
Her mother begged!
Her father fumed!
The children begged!
She summoned the courage and asked her
mother if she would like to give her life
to Christ!
Her mother had always been a nominal
So was her father!
She told her father he would have been
spared if he was full of the Holy Ghost!
She also told her mother, she wouldn't
have been so insecure if she knew the
Holy Spirit
Her mother gave her life to Christ
Her Father did too!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt arrived
He prayed with them and both her
parents and siblings
were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit!
It took some days but her parents got better
Her father became cheerful, happy
and more expressive
Her mother became happier, freer
and less controlling
Her wedding was a glorious occasion
The atmosphere was one of genuine
love and grace!
PS: Many woman and men engage demons in
order to control their spouses
This is not "love"!
This is spiritual manipulation
It is not only selfish, but it takes away
the joy of being loved
independently and willingly by a fellow
human being!
The consequences of such a mindset are dire
for both the victim and perpetrator
But he that is in Christ need not fear
Such charms are a waste of time on those
of us who are full of the Holy Spirit
This is why you must not let down your guard
Pray in the Holy Ghost always
If you want to secure your marriage
make sure you and your husband are in sync
with the Holy Spirit!
A man or woman guided by the Holy Spirit
will walk in love and His will always!
As Jesus is, so are we in this world!
This event took place at Mile 12, Lagos
in July 2016
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